
He Transmigrated into apocalypse world with reverse harem system

*Welcome to the Reverse Harem System, Host 1530. I'm system#78 ready to give you missions and help you in this world.* Reverse harem system? REVERSE HAREM SYSTEM?!!!!! WHAT THE HELL, FUCK YOU!!! "System, you made a mistake, didn't you? You meant to say Harem system, right?" *Host, what did you say? Of course, this is a reverse harem system with the main target mission being several handsome men.* "System, have you forgotten? I'm a real man, how could I be tied to the reverse harem system?" *Host, haven't you noticed yet? Currently the body you are occupying is a girl.* “Aaakkkhhhhh,” Qin Yun Feng's scream was extremely loud. this is not BL story.

MaylisaAzhura · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs



Cold water soaked all of Qin Yun Feng's body. His body was shaking as cold water was flowing into him. It makes Qin Yun Feng wake up from his unconsciousness. His face was wet with glued-on hair. His eyes shake slowly until they're completely open. The glare of light that highlighted his face made him reflect, and he lifted his hands to cover his face. But he survived because of his two hands tied behind his body.

Qin Yun Feng's brain thought quickly enough to realize that his hands and legs were tied tightly, and he sat in a chair. Qin Yun Feng remembers that before he fainted, he came to this empty building to rescue his kidnapped sister, Qing Yun Yao. He came here at the kidnapper's request and brought some ransom money on his own.

But he's not stupid; even though he didn't call the police, he faithfully brought his friend Feng Zhi Bei along. But he would never have thought that Feng Zhi Bei would hit his back on his head until Qin Yun Feng fainted. He remembered clearly the face of Feng Zhi Bei, who was smirk before the darkness overwhelmed him.

Now Qin Yun Feng can finally clearly see the people in front of him. Feng Zhi Bei stands three meters from him. Stand with his hands down and look straight towards Qin Yun Feng. Behind him stood two hard-headed men with frightened and terrifying faces.

"Feng Zhi Bei!" cried Qin Yun Feng. With his condition, even a fool will know that there's something wrong with Feng Zhi Bei.

Qin Yun Feng still doesn't believe that Feng Zhi Bei was involved in the kidnapping of his sister.

"Brother," the gentle voice of a woman, made Qin Yun Feng look fast. Qin Yun Yao is sitting in a chair with her hands and legs tied tightly, not far from Qin Yun Feng.

"Yun Yao!" cried Qin Yun Feng, worried and anxious about his sister's condition. Her sister's face was pale with a mess of hair.

"Yun, yao, are you all right?" asked Qin Yun Feng anxiously.

"Yes, brother. I'm fine."

"Okay, enough of family reunion. Now listen to me," entropy Feng Zhi Bei with an annoying tone.

"Feng Zhi Bei, what is this? Are you really doing all this?" asked Qin Yun Feng, demanding an honest answer from Feng Zhi Bei. He hoped all this was just a joke, April's prank, or something. He still can't believe that a friend who's been friends with him for ten years can betray him, kidnap Yun Yao, and do all this.

"Besides being stupid, it turns out you're naive too." The gentle woman's voice made Qin Yun Feng's eyes grow. Muyou Xue, the woman who married him four days ago, walked closer with a map in her hand. She walked closer and stood next to Feng Zhi Bei.

Qin Yun Feng's heart was beating as Fang Zhi Bei's right hand embraced the skinny waist of a woman who was his wife, Mu You Xue.

"You..." Qin Yun Feng can't speak anymore. Qin Yun Feng is even afraid of his own speculation.

Feng Zhi Bei laughed insultingly while hugging YouXue tightly from the back. "How stupid you are. Do you still not understand all this?" Qin Yun Feng couldn't say a word. A lot of questions and thought-provoking words are being ignored to the point where he finds it difficult to say them.

Seeing the highlights of Qin Yun Feng's eyes, Fang Zhi Bei smirked and said, "Yes, I am plan to kindap of Qing Yun Yao. And Mu You Xue is my girlfriend."

"Feng zhi bei, I can't believe you can do this. Not only did you kidnap my sister, but you also take YouXue from me." highlighted the eyes of Qin Yun Feng, sad and wounded. He loved the woman so much that he was even willing to give anything for her. Qin Yun Feng was very happy to be married to Mu You Xue, even though they haven't officialized their affair with having sex because Mu Yue Xue said that she was menstruating. But Qin Yun Feng already considered the woman to be him.

"You, Xue, what did Feng Zhi Bei do to you? Did he force you?" Qin Yun Feng ignored your insulting tone. He did before. He still thinks the woman loves him too. It's impossible that she betrayed his love; they've been dating for eight years. It's all because Feng Zhi Bei forced her.

"Are you really stupid?" say YouXue in an insulting tone. Highlight her humiliating and disgusting eyes. She still can't believe there's a man as stupid and easily deceived as Qin Yun Feng.

"Feng Zhi Bei didn't force me. I'm even tired and disgusted at pretending to love you. Finally, I don't have to act like a white turtle anymore."

The words of Mu You Xue are like a knife that touches the heart of Qin Yun Feng. He never thought will hear she say that to him.

"You Xue." Qin Yun Feng's voice was loose. "Why?" If Mu You Xue loves Feng Zhi Bei, why does she accept the love of Qin Yun Feng even willing to marry him. Is all the joy and laughter they've been through all this time a fake?

"Why did you do this to me?" Qin Yun Feng's grief turned into anger..

"I never even treated you badly. But why did you do this to me?" Qin Yun Feng didn't understand why his best friend, who was considered his family and brother, betrayed him like this.

"Yes, you're kind to me, but that's not enough. I want your company and all your wealth," replied Feng Zhi Bei with an angkih tone.

"Now sign this transfer of ownership." Feng Zhi Bei took the map in Mu you Xue's hand and approached Qin Yun feng.

"I've been tired of being under your control for a long time. I'm just a vice president at the company. Now I'm gonna change it and become president. Feng Zhi bei threw the map over Qin Yun Feng's lap.

"Cuih," Qin yun feng whispered towards Feng zhi bei.

"Until any time I will not hand over the company to you."