
Have some Originality scrub

Have something new instead of the same ol powers and the same old worlds.. It's boring to copy the same world over and over. And I'm not here to write stories for you I'm here to get that thing you call a brain moving. I'm here to give original ideas not books.. work it out yourself.

Sanguis_Alexandra · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

you know what I just watched Youtube

I got a idea from a certain YouTuber who makes great animations..

The ability's of the internecion cube... A freaky machine organism with I don't even know how much power in it.. reconstructing matter organic or not into whatever it wants seems cool.

Anyways I have a bit more so I lied, Thaumcraft from Minecraft is a neatod isn't it.. all it's downsides.. it's intricate systems.. Add the Star magic mod (Forgot the name) And you got a interesting power set.. if you also give him Minecraft breaking, and building powers.

That's all so fuck off.