
Have some Originality scrub

Have something new instead of the same ol powers and the same old worlds.. It's boring to copy the same world over and over. And I'm not here to write stories for you I'm here to get that thing you call a brain moving. I'm here to give original ideas not books.. work it out yourself.

Sanguis_Alexandra · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

H.P Lovecraft vs Warhammer 40k

Let's have our main character a apostle to a old one.. In Warhammer 40k.. no connection to the warp.. But can use Eldritch magic with the risk of having too much energy in them causing a mutation.. to many and they become fully one of their patron.. allowing them to do whatever.. This is a big risk to the chaos gods so they don't threaten them in a bit of hesitation of having idk.. Narolethotep on their behind from suddenly having them fully mutate due to God level threat.