
Have some Originality scrub

Have something new instead of the same ol powers and the same old worlds.. It's boring to copy the same world over and over. And I'm not here to write stories for you I'm here to get that thing you call a brain moving. I'm here to give original ideas not books.. work it out yourself.

Sanguis_Alexandra · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

a feelin

You know I wonder if anyone else feels like they are doin shit for nothin. All these ideas might just sit here to rot away.

Anyways enough of the depressing shit.

My life as a elemental (Any singular element.. how would anyone deal with a thing born purely of energy?) Or how about Just a moonlight sculptor fanfic.. or even a fanfic based on The Gamer the og world.

But still my main desire is for more being the system like stories and some set in the world of Gwain saga.. Though having someone be the dragon borne and having to deal with the true might of shouts and the concequences of being a dragon soul vaccume might be fun.