
Have some Originality scrub

Have something new instead of the same ol powers and the same old worlds.. It's boring to copy the same world over and over. And I'm not here to write stories for you I'm here to get that thing you call a brain moving. I'm here to give original ideas not books.. work it out yourself.

Sanguis_Alexandra · Komik
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53 Chs

2 things as I am running out of motivation

You know code vein? What happens if you mix it with Bloodborne in any world you want but having a "accession" from draining great ones blood seems neat.

Snow on Mt. Silver.. A creepy pasta of gold just freezing death on a mountain and you slowly die.. I'd love to see ghost and ice type Pokemon trainer.. mostly a reincarnation perhaps a ice leg and a ghost arm? seems miss matched.. their main Pokemon? Frostlass. And make them more like a crass gangster willing to pick up a pipe to bash you if you are a threat and bash a Pokemon.