
Harry Potter You are my Cosmic Connection.

Just Suppose Harry hadn't heeded his godfather's advice, and actually lost his temper at his trial? Time travel fic and title is 'Back to the Future' joke. ———————————————————— . . . Subscribe to my Patreon for more advanced content... more than 50 chapters in advance , in addition to other stories ,and I publish more than 5 chapters a day .. Link to my profile on Patreon : https://patreon.com/Laracrofs Or look for me by my name on Patreon "Lara Croft. S". There is also the complete novel and others in PDF files ...

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Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 27

Hermione's hand was of course in Harry's as she gave it a squeeze. Noticing how worried the girl was, Albus started pointing things and people out to his two students. The teacher in Albus took over as he explained today's procedure in greater detail, making sure to identify the main players to the pair.

Of all the people here, Harry had only previously met Madam Bones but still had no trouble picking out Lucius Malfoy sitting in the crowd. Draco was as near a clone as was possible to his father, they even had the same sneering expression when looking down their nose at those not worthy. To the Malfoy family, that was apparently everyone who didn't share their last name.

The grateful smile the headmaster received from Hermione told Albus there was more going on here than he was aware of. If Hermione was worried, he would need to be on his guard.

An auror guard then escorted Snape into the courtroom, leading the accused to a chair on a raised plinth where everyone could clearly see him. Harry spotted the former Head of Slytherin sneering in his direction. The way Harry was currently feeling, he had no problem returning Snape's sneer - with interest.

Albus was first into the witness stand, with the defence council, Litigator Braithwaite, quickly establishing that the Headmaster hadn't actually witnessed the accused, Severus Snape, casting the curse he was charged with. Lucius' gold had hired the best and Braithwaite tried very hard to earn that gold by glossing over the fact that Dumbledore himself had cast the prior incantato spell that verified Snape had indeed used that curse.

Madam Bones though undid most of Braithwaite's work by making sure to clearly highlight that fact in her questioning of Dumbledore.

McGonagall too was forced to admit she hadn't seen her former colleague cast that curse. She put a big dent in Braithwaite's line of argument though by saying she had witnessed Snape casting a stunner, therefore the legilimens curse must have been cast after that - and before the headmaster arrived on the scene. Since she was certain the curse hadn't been cast at her, and the other three occupants in that wrecked toilet were all first year students, his guilt was assured in her mind. McGonagall stuck to that opinion, no matter how much any fancy litigator tried to rearrange the actual facts of the case.

Hermione was whispering to Harry that she would be fine before she left his side to face her turn as a witness. She too was forced to admit that she hadn't seen the legilimens curse cast. It was when Braithwaite then chose to focus on Harry's reaction to his client, indicating that it was actually Severus Snape who'd been the injured party, that Hermione cut lose.

"Harry's magic responded to an attack on his person, that this attack was by a death eater was probably responsible for the severity of that response."

This somewhat took the breath from everyone inside the courtroom, though Braithwaite soon came back at her. "Are you accusing my client of being a death eater?"

"Harry's magic concentrated its attack on his left forearm, where Voldemort branded his followers…" Hermione ignored the screams that her saying the Dark Lord's name caused, she didn't even blink as she twisted the knife into Snape.

"If your client would like to roll up his sleeve and prove me wrong, that would settle this argument right now. Since Snape's master, Voldemort, attacked Harry when he was a baby, I'm certain that's why Harry's magic had such a reaction to one of that cowardly bastard's marked followers firing a spell at him." Hermione's innocent and sweet voice saying those words just added to their effect.

"You say his name?"

She stared at Braithwaite as if he was a big slug, or should that be a caterpillar. The man didn't have two distinct eyebrows, rather one large bushy one that ran the width of his forehead. Every time he raised one end of it, Hermione couldn't help but think of a hairy caterpillar trying to escape into Braithwaite's receding hairline.

"Why should I be frightened of a name?"

"Well, there could be reprisals..."

"Oh, you mean death eaters, like your client, could be upset with me? I'm the first magic user in my family, and also Harry Potter's girlfriend. Do you think me saying Voldemort's name in public will make those death eaters still at large hate me any more?"

Braithwaite slowly and deliberately looked the plain muggle born young witch up and down before passing his own judgement with a sneer Malfoy would have been proud of. "Well, we were all young once, and also all made mistakes. Girlfriends come and go, but remarks like that will see you remembered..."

Harry was on his feet without realising he had stood, his anger at the litigator though had his voice turning ice cold. "That is my intended you are insulting and, last time I looked, she's not the one on trial here. I also noticed you didn't answer the question that your client is a death eater, could that be because the person paying your fee is a death eater too?"

Amelia then jumped all over Braithwaite, and it took all his skill as a litigator to direct his opponent away from pressing his client over the death eater matter. Part of that redirection saw him declaring he had no more questions for Hermione, allowing her to return to her seat. She didn't have time to speak with Harry, far less calm him down any before it was his turn to take the witness stand.

This was the one Braithwaite had been waiting for. He was never going to score any points against Dumbledore or McGonagall, and no one of any proper standing gave a shit about what a mudblood said. This though was Harry Potter. Tearing apart the eleven year old legend would bring him fame - and a fortune from Lucius Malfoy.

"Ah, the fabled boy-who-lived..."

Harry didn't even pay Braithwaite the courtesy of looking in his direction, those green eyes that Hermione loved so much were firmly fixed on Snape. Harry's voice was again level but contained a menace that belied his eleven year old body. "My name is Harry James Potter. I was born to parents who had thrice defied the Dark Lord, I was born as the seventh month died. Your client has exactly sixty seconds to reconsider his future, before he doesn't have one."

The laughter coming from the litigator was loud and theatrical, until he turned around and spotted his terrified client. Braithwaite moved his large body until it was between his client and the boy's view, this just resulted in Harry moving his gaze to his watch.





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