
Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

I did not own some of the world settings, but the remaining is all my own creation. In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities. The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains. The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people. ………….. A good man that was darkened by the seemingly good people became a villain. Finally after achieving his goals of revenge on the society he died happily while the people that killed him only has despair because of the after math. When he opened his eyes he was already 2 years old kid that got his head bumped. Most probably he died at that time and the soul of this villain replaced the kid. The most shocking thing is that there is a strange creature taking care of him. He has seen this creature in a movie in his previous life. Can’t villain see a movie with his mistress? This should be Kreacher. Immediately the memories of the kid returned to his mind. Immediately he understood he is the son of Sirius black and Mary Goldsman. He is called Jonathan black. He is currently in the black house under the care of his grandmother Walburga Black a pure blood enthusiast. “Ding, congratulations host you have obtained the villain choice system.” “Please make your first choice. Option 1: Push the blame of your injury to Draco Malfoy; you will be rewarded with 1000 gold Galleons. Option 2: push the blame to Crabbe and Goyle; you will receive +2 percent critical hit in everything you wanted.”

souryourer · Filem
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286 Chs

Chapter 42: Hermione returned to Jonathan

Chapter 42: Hermione returned to Jonathan

But Jonathan did not care about her glare and said.

"I know it is a big price for you to decide on immediately.

So go back and think about it.

May be you would find the information you are looking for.

If not you can always come to look for me."

Right before this Jonathan received a choice from the villain system.


Host, please make your choice.

Choice 1: host has to gain the first kiss of the protagonist's woman by any means necessary.

Rewards would be decided based on the person that gives their first kiss to the host.

Choice 2: host would not receive the first kiss of the protagonist's woman.

The women of the host would accidentally give kisses to other people."

This is the first time Jonathan saw that the system giving penalty or punishment like thing.

He doesn't like that.

He is possessive in nature and do not like anyone stealing kisses from his women.

For this reason he gave kisses to both pansy and Daphne as soon as he came to the school.

But that did not change from the fact that he did not complete the choice.


Hermione stomped her foot on the floor and cursed Jonathan with an angry face.

Then she wanted to leave but she don't know how to.

Jonathan simply pointed at a wall and a door appeared out of nowhere.

"I will give you this information for free.

This is called room of requirements and if you want to leave here all you have to do is to think of an exit that you wanted to leave from here.

The door of your imagination appears and you can leave from here."

Jonathan said and then moved his eyes back to the book, no longer looking at Hermione that has a red face.

No one knows why her face it red.

It might be because of the embarrassment or because of anger.

After that she left here and returned to the common room.

When she came to the common room she found that Harry and Ron are waiting for her.

She did not say the price for the information but only told them that Jonathan knows about Nicolas Flamel.

Harry immediately said.

"Did he tell you about Nicolas Flamel?"

Hermione shook her head.

"I knew that he is a bad guy.

He would not help the good people…"

Ron continued to jump in and started to run off his annoying mouth.

Hermione was silent while Harry looked at her and said.

"Hermione, he would not speak to us or reply to us.

You are the only one he speaks to.

So you have to try your best to get the information from him.

This is to know the secret of the Snape and save everyone in the school.


If Jonathan was standing in this place he would have laughed his ass off.

The reason for this is simple.

Harry and Ron are 12 year old brats and they are not even in their teen age.

They are trying to save Hogwarts and everyone.

It is quite funny when you think about it.

Do they think that they are the only intelligent people in the entire world?

If Harry did not act brave and go to hiding place of the philosopher's stone Voldemort would never be able to get it.

Fortunately he has his mother's protection and was saved because of that.

So he did not solve this problem but increased it exponentially to the point of threatening his life and the life of his friends.

He even calls himself a hero.

He is not a hero instead he is a moron.

Jonathan would not associate with people like these.

But there is one thing that Jonathan was happy about.

Because these people are morons Jonathan can have some good time with their women easily.


Hermione bit her lower lip with the words of Harry.

She wanted to talk with Jonathan again to see if she will be able to get the information using something different other than her first kiss.

So she left the common room again.

The curfew time has already started and the fat lady left as soon as Hermione got out of the room.

Jonathan was planning on staying at the room of requirements which is more peaceful than the dorms of Gryffindor.

He has to complete studying of the alchemy book that Nicolas gave him.

Hermione that found that the fat lady left when she came out was shocked.

She did not have the way to enter into the common room even if knows the password.

If she was caught outside she would be punished.

She started to curse Harry and Ron for telling her to go now and herself for her impulsive behavior to leave the common room in the night.

She moved slowly step by step like a cat and came to the location of the room or requirements.

She knows how to leave but she doesn't know how to enter the room or requirements.

She started to remember the information on how to enter the room of requirements through the books she read before.

The she moved around the corridor three times to finally let the room of requirements to reveal itself.

Jonathan did not set any restrictions for the entry requirement as he was the first one to enter.

So others can enter freely.

Hermione was able to enter the same room as before.

She looked around carefully.

Jonathan noticed her but did not respond to her presence.

Instead he was engrossed in reading the book in his hand.

This made Hermione curious.

"Jonathan, what is the book you are studying?"

She asked forgetting their conversation before.

Jonathan looked at her and said.

"Well I have newly become the disciple of the person you are looking for before.

He gave me this book to read to learn the basics.

As for other information I cannot tell before the payment is done...…"


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If you want to give me any suggestions please contact my mail Souryourerfate@gmail.com

Thanks to you all my readers.

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