
Harry Potter World with a Simulation Choice System

(Protagonist is not harry potter) (I do not own harry potter) An old assassin has transmigrated into the world of harry potter and reborn in a wizard family of pure bloodlines. His family was whipped out and is currently living with Mrs. Zabini family. There are no siblings and the protagonist being the only son. His mother is a close friend of Mrs. Zabini. So he and his family assets were in the hands of Mrs. Zabini as the guardian. Unlike with others she took care of Vicky Dekciw from Dekciw family (The family name is a puzzle if you can find the answer to it) On his 5th birthday something unexpected happened Tring “Wizard choice system is activated.” System: host don’t worry even though you are weak, I will help you become greatest wizard in this world. Protagonist: (I am not weak, I am only 5 year old here you know) System: host don’t worry the there are various choices and quests to get the rewards and these rewards can make you the greatest wizard in the world. Protagonist: (did you listen what I just said) System: there is also the plot of the harry potter story that host has to take care of which can give you better rewards. There are also achievements rewards and the story beyond the plot of the harry potter story……….. (Will not travel to other dimensions only harry potter world and many features that should be in an actual wizard adventurer’s world like dungeons…..)

souryourer · Filem
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Chapter 35: Hermione became a cat girl

Chapter 35: Hermoine became a cat girl

This was what they believed.

Snape cannot clear harry and Vicky did not say anything about this during the incident.

Things went downhill for harry from that point on and no one can help him with clearing things.

Vicky did not bother with that all and associated with harry normally.

No one questioned Vicky as they all thought that Vicky is a sunny man that would get along with a wild beast easily.

So they thought that Vicky did not fear harry or his capabilities.

Some advised Vicky to be careful but did not say much.

The next target is the ghost and students from Hufflepuff that harry confronted before were petrified by the basilisk.

Harry was diverted by the spiders and though that they are the reason for this.

Harry went to Dumbledore.....


Vicky doesn't want to go back to Yemaya this year as he has other things to do at Hogwarts.

So he told her his plans and decided to stay at Hogwarts.

On the day of the Christmas that is 25th December harry and Ron turned use the poly juice potion to turn into Crabbe and Goyle.

Vicky was there helping them in helping Hermoine.

Also Vicky warned Hermoine to not to become Millicent Bulstrode as it is of no use for information purpose.

But she did not listen.

Crabbe and Goyle are both morons that jumped into the traps as long as they saw the food.

So the thing became easy for harry and Ron.

Well there two are not intelligent either and just a little better than Crabbe and Goyle.

If Crabbe and Goyle are a little more intelligent then harry and Ron might not be able to win at anything.

Vicky seriously doubt the IQ and EQ of the people present in the wizarding world.

Well it is good that those people are morons.

This could let him develop well.

In the toilet Hermoine completed the polyjuice potion with the help of Vicky.

Harry and Ron got the things and under the instructions of Hermoine the trio drank the potion.

Harry and Ron are okay but Hermoine has the problem.

Since there is not much time left harry and Ron left this place.

Hermoine did not want to come out and asked Vicky to bring her something to cover.

Vicky immediately brought her a cloak to cover and then took her to the hospital wing.

The care that Vicky showed has moved Hermoine.

Vicky did not laugh at her but Ron and harry that came to the hospital wing later started to laugh at her.

There are some cracks formed in their friendship because of this difference, especially towards Ron.

Vicky paid attention to women's toilet where Hermoine brewed the potion.

This is the place that has the entrance to the chamber of secrets.

The day this place is flooded is the day Vicky can obtain the book of Tom riddle.

Vicky is waiting for that.

Vicky would not let it fall into the hands of harry.

This book is the one that is required to save Ginny.

During that time there is an international Quidditch match and Vicky want to make a little fortune out of it.

He sent a letter to Yemaya to make the bet on Sweetwater All-Stars of Texas of US.

She can manage that thing.

At that time a law was formed against the werewolves.

Well this will only work in England.

So there is a big work force of werewolves that became jobless.

Vicky told Yemaya to recruit them to work at a different country.

The people that can become have strong body and senses.

They can be used for tracking and finding some things.

Vicky sent them to Africa and South America to guard the gold and diamond mines that he recently bought.

They are the best in this job and they are well paid.

Vicky directly settled hundreds of jobless werewolves.

The secret passage in the fourth floor behind the big mirror has collapsed during the winter.

Vicky did not have much interest in it but this place is huge and he can use it if he can clear the part.

Since everyone thought that this place has collapsed they would not use it.

Vicky can set up an illusion magic circle that made it look like this place is still collapsed.

This can become his exclusive passage way for using.

So he called dobby to clear the path and he personally set up the illusion that the passage way is still blocked.

Minister of magic Cornelius Fudge's nephew caused a Muggle "tube train" to disappear.

Vicky took this opportunity to make Lucius Malfoy to send threatening letters to Cornelius Fudge.

Well it is not Vicky directly but the printed letter again.

Lucius would threaten to instigate other into over throwing Cornelius Fudge rule and support his enemy into becoming the new minister.

It was also the printed letter that Vicky sent to Lucius.

The ransom is 200 million gold galleons, a list of artifacts and the ancient collection of books.

If they did any tricks then the situation would be blown up like a whirlwind.

Vicky collected a little more information about Cornelius Fudge's dark history and the deeds of his family members.

Lucius would collect the ransom from Cornelius Fudge and then send them to Vicky in the same way he did before.

Well the person handling the thing is Lucius and is having a hard time like a tooth between the cogs.

He can only do things by gritting his teeth and in a covert way.

Vicky left those things and concentrated on the things at hand.

Soon Valentine's Day came and Hermoine became normal.

Well Vicky was very busy that day because he was stuffed with letters and chocolate from possible every girl of his year.

There are many juniors and even seniors giving him love letters along with chocolate.

That is only at school.

From outside there are loads of...….


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