
Equinox III

The revelation, that Lord Sirius Orion Black did not receive a trial was catastrophic for the Ministry, and by any chance, the accursed right hand of the Dark Lord came out to be innocent, which would seal the fate of the current Minister of Magic and much of its officials into one that cannot be imagined.

 "Preposterous! The Ministry-" 

"I am going to stop you there Madame Undersecretary. The Ministry will be bringing the trial records of Sirius Black, and when, not if, the trial records will be found, the Ministry will be seeing Lord Dumbledore with defamation and ill will against the British Magical kingdom." Rufus Scrimegeour spoke from the third highest position among the platform of the Ministry officials.

One of the scribes from the lower platform was called to go to the room of records of the Ministry while the Wizengamot was continued.

"Next the Lord and Ladies will be given time for them to present themselves." In the whole ordeal, Dumbledore as the Chief Warlock had been impassive. He was not surprised when Eren had claimed the Potter or even the Slytherin regency. The Black regency was a surprise but of no matter to him.

Sirius was the culprit for the death of the Potters, as far as Dumbledore could remember he was given the trial and found guilty by his own admission.

As for the Dumbledore Lordship, he had no fear for Eren. He had been a Dumbledore for more time then Eren had passed in breathing air. He knew he could reclaim the Lordship and would be doing so in a private meeting rather than looking like a usurper while doing that in public.

Dumbledore had been sad over Aberforth's death, but time waits for no one. And with a living Dark Lord on the rise, he needed all political power he could get to resolve the situation as peacefully as he could, or with minimum bloodshed.

On the light side, one Lady raised his wand with a Lumos charm.

"Lady Patil, Regent of the Noble House of Patil."

 The Lady stood up before applying the Sonorus on herself.

"I come forward with the naturalisation bill. Despite the British Magical world elevating houses to Noble and Ancient statuses, there is no provision for a citizenship act in the by-laws of the Ministry. Hence many of the laws are not applicable and rights are not applied to several Lords Ladies and normal Magical humans. This act should cite the requirements and the procedures related to the naturalisation process." The Lady sat down.

"Will anyone second the law to be officially brought in before the Ministry?" The Chief Warlock asks. The other Lords who were against this were not giving it much attention, as if there was no one to second it then it would be all for nought from Miss Patil's side.

The Wizengamot debated the bill for some time when finally only the British Born and British married were established as citizens of magical Britain.

In the nick of time, the scribe sent to fetch Sirius Black's trial records returned and passed the papers of Rufus Scrimegeor. The Minister smirked at the return of the scribe, looking hauntingly at the Lord Dumbledore.

But with time, Rufus's calm demeanour soured and his face paled.

"Head Auror, I give permission to share the details of the trial with everyone." Minister Fudge said.


"The trial records, if I am right are allowed to be shared without restriction." The Chief Warlock supported Fudge.

He passed the papers to the same scribe for it to be shared among everyone present. 

The paper was charmed with the multiplying charm and everyone got their copy.

<Criminal Trial for One murder and thirteen cases of manslaughter against muggles, breaking the International statue of Secrecy and Terrorist activities against the Wizarding Britain

Head Judge- Bartemius Crouch Senior.

Judge Bench- Bartemius Crouch Senior, Bartemius Crouch Senior, Bartemius Crouch Senior.

Accused- Sirius Orion Black

The Minister's brow furrowed. Presidizing a case in Wizengamot was not allowed to be done by the same person. He could see the Lords protesting against this. But no matter, the integrity of a strict man such as Barteimus was unquestioned in the eyes of himself.

<Procedures- Wand taken from the convict>

'Convict?' Fudge looked at Rufus, who as the head Auror knew what that meant.

The accused was already brought as a convict, this did not look good for the Ministry. And where were the Dark Mark inspection, and Wand inspection by prior incanteum? Veritaserum cleansing?


SOB (C)- I-I.. I killed them. [The convict broke into tears while laughing] I killed them! 

BCS (J1,2,3)- Sirius Orion Black is sentenced to fifty-nine years in Azkaban, found guilty of Murder of the war hero Peter Pettigrew, and thirteen muggles, and supporting the terrorist group Death Eaters of his own free will. Next!>

'Huh? Where is the next page?' The Minister picked up the single piece of parchment to examine if he missed the rest of it.

"Auror Scrimigeour, where is the rest of it?" Dumbledore asks.

"That is all of it, Chief Warlock."


*huff* *huff* 

The Minister panicked and forgot to take a breath.


"B-But that can't be! Surely the Records must have been misplaced in the mountain of papers in the records of the Ministry! You" He points at a different scribe.

"Bring me all the records from the records room for Sirius Orion Black. One Accio permission is granted from the Minister himself."

"Y-Yes sir." The scribe rushes out of the Wizengamot hall.



[A/N- I am copying the chapter format from one of the very famous and my favorite fic, One Piece Manga One]

[We got 400k views on this. 40k words, 40 actual chapters (without the request one) and date 05-01-24 (5×1×2×4=40)]


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