
Setting up the wards


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 53: Setting up the wards

Harry was more quiet than usual for the next few days, but Luna and her father just gave him space and didn't bother him, for that He was grateful.

A week after his visit to Diagon Alley, He finally received a letter from Madam Webb informing Him that the Santos brothers have accepted the job of warding the two properties, He just needed to send the date and address, so He did just that.

They would be arriving in two days at the Potter Manor.


"They are late." Luna huffed and crossed her arms.

Harry sighed.

Luna insisted that she wanted to visit his family manor and Harry saw no reason to refuse, and Luna can get really annoying when she wants something.

After arriving, Harry asked Lorry to give her a detailed tour of the place. And now they were waiting for the curse breakers, who should have arrived thirty minutes ago.

Harry did not mind it that much, He was comfortably reading a book while resting on one of the many couches placed at the front of the manor.

He then sensed a magical fluctuation in the area and knew that their guests have arrive.

Luna should have seen something with her ability if she was paying any attention instead of walking around and complaining.

"They are sooo late!." She said again.

A grave voice spoke from the road leading to the manor.

"Uno nunca llega muy tarde querida, son los demás los que llegan antes."

There were two men walking toward them. They were bald, with thick mustaches and they were wearing black suits. One of them was using a red tie and the other one a blue one. That was the only real difference between the two men, they were identical twins.

Once they approached a bit more, Luna came to greet them first.

'I need to teach this girl to be more cautious, She is too carefree…' Were Harry's thoughts.

"Hello, you have a lovely french accent!." Luna said enthusiastically.

The brothers looked at each other in confusion.

"That was Spanish, Luna... '' Harry stood up from the couch and approached the brothers.

"Nice to meet you, I am Harry Potter and this is Luna Lovegood." He and the brothers shook hands.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet you, my Lord. I am Julian Santos." One of them said.

"And I am Martín Santos." The other one went.

Harry nodded.

"Let's not waste any time. I'll take you to the Arkenstone of the house."

The Arkenstone was the foundation over which the wards were built. It was a very special type of magical stone capable of storing great amounts of magic, that was then used to power the wards.

There were many qualities of these stones, the higher the quality, the more magical capacity they had and it was then possible to place more powerful wards.

The Potter Manor had a stone of the highest quality. This was also what made warding a house so expensive if you wanted the strongest protections.

The stone was secured in a basement whose entrance was behind a secret door.

The two brothers examined the Arkenstone meticulously.

"Wow, it's been a while since I've seen one like this." Blue tie brother said.

"Yes, with this thing, we can make this place a fucking fortress." Red tie brother said.

They then turned towards Harry.

"What type of wards were you looking for my Lord?." Blue tie said.

"What my brother wants to know is, how lethal do we make the defenses?." Red tie corrected.

Harry pondered for a moment.

"According to the Ministry regulations. As long as is not a blood ward, anything goes when it comes to protecting the home of a pureblood family. So you can make them as lethal as you are capable." Harry answered.

The brothers gave a cruel smile.

"That is what we wanted to hear my Lord. Let's get to work." Red tie said.


While the brothers were working on the wards, Harry took Luna to the backyard and offered to give her some defense lessons.

She could not use the wand here because, without wards, her usage of magic would be immediately detected by the Ministry.

However, there are other things than can be practiced.

"I'm going to be using magic, I want you to use your magesight to identify my spells before I cast them."

"Aren't you going to get in trouble? We are not allowed to use magic outside Hogwarts." Luna pointed out.

"I am not going to be using a wand, so no. Let's get started."

He used transfiguration to create a training dummy made of wood, He then focused his magic on the point of his finger.

"Stupefy." Blue light shot out of his finger and hit the dummy.

He noticed that Luna was studying him with care.

"Did you see my magic moving and forming the spell?" He asked

Luna nodded, "Yes, I think so. I saw some nargles moving to your finger before flying out."

"mmm, well as long as You understand it, interpret it however you like. Let's continue. Once you master this, You will be able to tell what spell your opponent will use before they use it, even if they use silent casting. But that would probably take years of practice."

They practiced for almost three hours before the brothers came to announce they were done with the preparations.

Luna seems to be very exhausted from overworking her magesight, but she seems happy.

"We are ready to activate the wards, my Lord." Blue tie announced.

Once more they were all before the Arkenstone. There was now a new addition to the room, a small table that seems to be made of stone and filled with all sorts of runes.

"Please, place your hand on the center of the control panel." Red tie said while pointing to the stone table.

As soon as He did so, Harry could feel the wards of the house activating and linking to him.

"Is all done, my Lord. Remember to add your house elf and your little friend over there to the wards, pointing at Luna, otherwise, they are in for a nasty surprise on their next visit." Blue tie gave a cruel smile.