On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.
Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 93: Field trip
One night, Harry was laying in bed, reading a book when He felt the diary signaling the arrival of a message.
"The attack will take place in seven days. Be ready." The message said.
'Seven days? That will be the day of the second task. That can't be a coincidence. A lot of important people will be at Hogwarts that day, including the Minister of Magic. It seems that He wants to remove all of his obstacles in one go.'
Harry made sure that his roommates were asleep and went to his desk to write.
"Bella, I need you to do one last thing for me."
On the day of the second task, Hogwarts was extremely lively. Parents of the students, important figures from the Ministry, and some members of the press were all at the castle, waiting for the second task to start.
It was still early in the morning, so there were many hours left since the task will take place in the afternoon.
Harry, Susan, Hannah, and Luna were having something quick to eat at the Great Hall.
"I still can't believe they would ask me that!." Susan said, looking extremely angry.
"The organizers and teachers didn't know what happened between you and Krum," Luna said.
"Still!, wanting to put me at the bottom of the lake, so Krum could 'rescue me'...pass." Susan put her food down, not being in the mood to eat.
"I think is a bit sad that you were considered his 'most important thing'. He barely knows you." Hannah comented.
"Mister Potter" A familiar female voice was heard from behind them.
Harry turned around to see Professor McGonagall.
"Let me guess…the Headmaster would like to see me?."
The professor nodded.
"I'll see you guys later. If I'm not back in time, just go to watch the second task, don't wait for me" Harry stood up and followed McGonagall.
Once they were far enough, Susan asked.
"Luna has Harry told you what's going on with the Headmaster?."
Luna shook her head.
" 'The Headmaster asked me to not reveal the contents of our conversations. That's what He said."
"How mysterious" Hannah added.
When Harry entered the office, the Headmaster was standing up and looking outside the window.
"Greetings Headmaster. I didn't expect a meeting today. I figured you would be busy with the tournament." Harry pointed out.
Dumbledore turned around.
"Fortunately for me, I have several trustworthy individuals to carry those tasks. I'm afraid that some matters…are too important to wait." Dumbledore said in a grave way.
"What matters?" Harry asked. This didn't seem like it was going to be like the other meetings.
"I have found one of his Horcruxes. And I would like you to accompany me to retrieve it." Dumbledore was looking at Harry intently.
Harry was surprised but didn't let that show in his expression.
'What is He playing at? I have already destroyed all of them.'
"Of course, I would like to go. As you said before, it is also my role to take down the Dark Lord, isn't it?"
Dumbledore gave him a soft smile.
"Indeed. I'm glad that you see it that way…Well, let us go."
Dumbledore took out his wand with his left hand and extended the elbow of the right one, indicating for Harry to hold on.
'Apparently, the Headmaster can apparate from inside Hogwarts.' Harry thought.
As soon as He grabbed the old man's arm, they disappeared from his office.
The place where they appeared was very familiar to Harry. It was the old Riddle manor. This is where He had at one point hidden the Gaunt family ring, but it was no longer there.
Dumbledore walked ahead towards the entrance door without saying a word.
He used his magic to force the door to open, which was a great feat since Harry had locked that door using a very complex security seal, in parseltongue.
The old man went inside and Harry followed him.
Once they were both inside the house, Dumbledore turned around to look at Harry, wand in hand.
"This used to be where the Riddles live, but…you already knew that right?... Tom" Dumbledore pointed his wand at the entrance door and fired a white light.
The moment it impacted, the door was completely sealed. There was no way out.
"Since when?" Harry asked calmly.
"I suspected it since the first time I called you to my office this year. Severus left many notes on his suspicions. Before you killed him." Dumbledore's gaze was firm, and even though He was not showing it, Harry could tell that the old man was extremly angry.
"There are still many things I still don't understand, but I doubt that You would answer any of my questions with sincerity". Dumbledore said.
"Well, it seems like you have already made up your mind, so let's not waste more time." Harry opened his arms widely, provoking the Headmaster to attack him.
Dumbledore took the opportunity. He pointed his wand at Harry and used a silent incarcerous. Ropes appeared out of thin air and traveled fast towards Harry.
Harry waved his hand and vanished the ropes.
The duel between the two most powerful wizards in Britain has begun.