
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

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angry riddle

"Tom, if you truly believe that, I don't hold it against you," Dumbledore stated calmly. "But asserting that after you single-handedly instigated the Chamber of Secrets incident, resulting in the tragic death of an innocent student—while I maintain doubts, lacking concrete evidence or certainty—I cannot extend my trust to you without reservation. I apologize, but I cannot do so."

Riddle's lips curled into a sneer.

Ciaran chuckled softly and interjected, "Voldemort, you misunderstand Dumbledore. I don't perceive him as the individual you describe. He wouldn't fixate on a name and suppress young wizards."

"Thank you, Ciaran," Dumbledore acknowledged with a smile.

"What's your take, Sharon? Do you genuinely believe you grasp Dumbledore's essence?" Riddle scoffed loudly. "There's undoubtedly a complexity to Dumbledore that surpasses your comprehension. You've likely never fathomed the depth of his character!"

"I'm confident in my understanding of both Dumbledore and Voldemort. Hence, I naturally place my trust in him," Ciaran replied lightly.

What Voldemort failed to recognize, and Ciaran understood better than him, was Dumbledore's past association with Grindelwald during his youth. They had advocated for "the greater good," a misguided notion Dumbledore later regretted. Despite this, Dumbledore never shied away from acknowledging his mistakes. However, behind his façade lay a tapestry of sorrowful events he rarely disclosed unless absolutely necessary.

Dumbledore's sister, Ariana, had been subjected to torment by Muggle boys during magical outbursts, leaving her permanently traumatized and unable to control her magic or attend Hogwarts.

Following this tragedy, Dumbledore's father, Percival, retaliated against the Muggle boys and was subsequently imprisoned in Azkaban, where he eventually perished. The family relocated to Godric's Hollow.

During Ariana's uncontrollable magical outburst, their mother, Kendra, tragically lost her life. Dumbledore, burdened with familial responsibilities, abandoned his plans to travel and assumed care for his sister, while his brother, Aberforth, continued his education at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore likely lamented his family circumstances during his Hogwarts years, as Aberforth once recalled Dumbledore's tendency to seclude himself and correspond with renowned wizards while neglecting familial bonds—a regret Dumbledore now undoubtedly harboured.

Subsequently, Dumbledore formed a bond with the wizard Gellert Grindelwald, and together they entertained notions of wizard supremacy over Muggles. However, their collaboration was cut short when Ariana's death ensued from a confrontation between the brothers and Grindelwald.

Devastated by Ariana's demise, Dumbledore renounced his past ideologies and dedicated himself to advocating for peace and equality within the wizarding world.

Ciaran's unwavering belief in Dumbledore irked Voldemort. Witnessing such blind trust among Dumbledore's allies fuelled his disdain.

"Thank you, Ciaran," Dumbledore expressed, wiping the corners of his eyes. He refrained from probing whether Ciaran truly comprehended his troubled history; those details remained accessible for anyone inclined to unearth them.

What mattered was Ciaran's enduring trust in him, despite the knowledge of his past regrets.

Harry grew increasingly perplexed. While he understood each word exchanged between the Professor and Riddle, the significance eluded him when they intertwined.

"Tom, let's return to our prior discourse," Dumbledore redirected. "Namely, how did you unlock the Chamber of Secrets and orchestrate those attacks?"

Riddle emitted a shrill, unnaturally high-pitched laugh, sending shivers down Harry's spine.

"As I previously stated, young Ginny wholeheartedly believed in me. Her vulnerability provided me with sustenance, empowering me. Hungrier still, I divulged a fraction of my secrets to Miss Weasley," Riddle recounted with a cold smile. "Thus, I manipulated Ginny, accessed the hidden chamber, inscribed menacing messages on the walls, and unleashed the Slytherin basilisk to target not only Mrs. Norris but also those deemed 'mudbloods.'"

"Don't utter that term in my presence, Tom," Dumbledore reprimanded sternly.

Ignoring Dumbledore's admonition, Riddle pressed on. "However, Miss Weasley remained oblivious initially. It's quite intriguing, really. I'm tempted to share excerpts from her diary. Here."

"That's inconceivable!" Harry interjected involuntarily.

"Nothing is beyond my reach!" Riddle retorted with a laugh. "To have Miss Weasley under my sway is the ultimate accolade. Many aspire but few achieve such favour from the esteemed Lord Voldemort."

"Your Death Eaters?" Ciaran remarked with a smile. "I doubt many covet this so-called honour. Otherwise, why the absence of loyal followers seeking you out in your weakened state?"

"Silence, Ciaran!" Riddle snapped angrily, his gaze filled with malice. Ciaran's presence repulsed him.

"Oh, Tom, Ciaran merely speaks the truth. Your 'friends'—if we may call them such—seem to have forsaken you, eager to sever ties," Dumbledore observed calmly.

Harry discerned the chilling transformation in Riddle's countenance, his anger escalating. Suddenly, an ominous feeling gripped him.

True to his premonition, Riddle spoke not in human tongue, but in a strange, hissing language. "Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest among the Hogwarts Four!"
