
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · Anime & Comics
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Riddle gazed up at the face of the Slytherin stone statue concealed in the darkness, parting his lips to utter a sound that only Harry comprehended - Parseltongue!

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the foremost among the Hogwarts Four!"

Instantly, Slytherin's colossal stone visage stirred, expanding and morphing into a vast, gaping black void.

Within the statue's mouth, something writhed, a peculiar creature slithering forth from the depths.

"Close your eyes, Harry, and bear Miss Weasley to safety," urged Dumbledore promptly. He swiftly applied a series of protective enchantments to Ginny's form.

Harry retreated hastily, cradling Ginny protectively. Shutting his eyes tightly, he retraced the path from memory, sensing the magical flux behind him and the phoenix's cry.

"Ciaran, exercise caution," Dumbledore admonished.

Ciaran nodded. Confronting the menacing basilisk stirred nervousness within him, despite Dumbledore's presence, the foremost white wizard of their time, and the magical creature Phoenix Fox by their side. Yet, he remained resolute, bolstered by his confidence and their combined strength.

He closed his eyes tighter, bracing for what was to come.


A massive object crashed onto the stone floor, causing a momentary tremor in the secret chamber. Ciaran discerned the unfolding events. At last, Slytherin's basilisk had emerged.

From Riddle's mouth emanated a sinister hiss. Though the specifics eluded him, Ciaran grasped the gist of Riddle's intent.

"Kill them!" Harry deciphered Riddle's command.

"Dazzle the basilisk's eyes first, Fawkes," Dumbledore instructed loudly, synchronously with the basilisk's emergence.

Though expecting the phoenix to dispatch the basilisk was unrealistic, blinding the creature's lethal gaze was within reach. With Dumbledore's mastery and Ciaran's support, elimination of the basilisk was attainable.

Ciaran murmured incantations under his breath, layering protective spells upon himself and retreating to the side-lines, poised for the moment when the basilisk would be rendered sightless by the phoenix.

The basilisk's ponderous form slithered across the dusty ground. Ciaran sensed the creature veering away, seemingly headed in Dumbledore's direction.

Riddle's priority was evident - Dumbledore was the target.

As Harry retreated with Ginny, he suddenly felt something within his grasp. The tattered Sorting Hat of Hogwarts!

Perplexed by Fawkes's gesture, Harry sprinted towards the secret chamber, though his tightly shut eyes impeded his speed. Periodically, he leaned against the walls to maintain his bearings.

The basilisk emitted an enraged hiss, echoing Riddle's directive: "Ignore the phoenix, focus on the old man to your left!"

The phoenix emitted a shrill cry, eliciting a pained groan from the basilisk. Subsequently, a splattering noise echoed, indicating the basilisk had been blinded by the phoenix.

"Alright, Ciaran, it's our moment!" Dumbledore declared briskly.

Ciaran promptly opened his eyes. Before him loomed the towering figure of the basilisk, its emerald scales emitting a toxic glow. Despite its blinded state, the creature's formidable bulk and thrashing movements posed a significant threat.

Meanwhile, a crimson avian circled the basilisk's head. Streams of inky black blood cascaded from the basilisk's eye sockets, eliciting agonized groans. The creature lunged, its venomous fangs aimed at the Phoenix.

"Very well, Fawkes, attend to Harry," commanded Dumbledore, wielding his wand. Stone pillars nearby seemed to animate at his command, converging upon the basilisk with remarkable swiftness.

"gemino! Incendio!"

Ciaran unleashed a barrage of offensive spells. While his proficiency in Transfiguration had advanced, it paled in comparison to Dumbledore's expertise. Unable to manipulate the surroundings, he focused on direct magical assaults.

Alas, the basilisk's robust hide proved impervious to conventional spells, intensifying its fury and aggression.

Ciaran felt a pang of frustration. Could he not breach the basilisk's defences?

Ciaran resolved to target the basilisk's vulnerable points, particularly its blinded eye sockets, aiming to exploit the creature's weaknesses.

Meanwhile, the phoenix evaded the basilisk's onslaught, perching on Harry's shoulder. Halting his advance, Harry gently lowered Ginny to the ground, brandishing his wand. Perplexed by the Sorting Hat's significance, Harry pondered its role in this dire juncture.

Riddle's commands echoed, directing the basilisk's actions.

"No! Left, left - Dumbledore is to your left!"

An idea dawned upon Harry - his ability to speak Parseltongue. Could he command the basilisk?

The notion took root, compelling Harry to hiss: "Submit!"

Regrettably, his attempt proved futile. This basilisk remained impervious to his Parseltongue influence.

Blinded and deprived of its deadliest weapon, the basilisk endured the onslaught from Dumbledore and Ciaran. Although formidable, the creature's resilience was undeniable.

Dumbledore directed stone pillars to assail the basilisk relentlessly, while Ciaran targeted its weaknesses with his spells.

Despite their combined efforts, vanquishing the basilisk proved elusive. Time would be required to breach its formidable defences.

As Harry pondered, a chilling sensation enveloped his hands. Glancing down, he beheld a gleaming silver sword within the Sorting Hat. Adorned with a sizable ruby at the hilt, it beckoned with purpose.
