
Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version)

The magical world has never been a safe place. Dragons, Trolls, Dementors, beings from the abyss, are just some of the dangers that inhabit it, not to mention the greatest terror in it, sentient beings. The fantastic and the extraordinary have always been linked to danger, but not everything has to be so bad. Where there is darkness, there will always be light. In this alternative reality, a variable is born, he was not meant to live, but he lives, slowly changing the gears of this world. When the broken fragments of a life in a different reality merge with the young Extimum at 5 years old, his perception of the world changes and he realizes where he is or isn't... Fighting to maintain the status quo is no longer an option when the world he thought he knew shows him that it is not exactly what he believed. A mysterious background, a complex destiny and a gift along with his arrival that promises to take him to the top of this world if he is willing to put in the effort. Join me in this coming-of-age story where both the young wizard will learn how to live and the author will improve in his description of his adventures. --- This version is an automatic translation with Google, I try when I can to improve the errors that may occur in the process, but as a non-native there can always be a problem or two, so I hope for your understanding. If you want to read the original version (Spanish), you can enter my profile or follow this link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-el-zorro-celestial_21135401405306205 - the original image on the cover is not mine, just modify it, if the owner wants me to remove it, he can tell me. --- This is the first story / fanfic that I write so I will upload some test chapters if you like it, constructive criticism is accepted - R18, R*p3, Reincarnation, Harem, Harry Potter, AU, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Dark.

Zeroz7 · Film
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60 Chs

•And how exactly will you cast a spell on me?

The classroom was plunged into chaos, but luckily for most of the students, the bell that signaled the end of the class rang, so they quickly fled the room, leaving only a few who were the main target of the pixies or like Neville who had been left hanging from the chandelier

Seeing that the situation was completely out of his control and the class was over, Lockhart tried to hide and when he saw the opportunity he ran to his office.

Extimum: "Silence!" Extimum's voice was not loud, but it echoed throughout the room and had the immediate effect of stopping all the chaos, causing a sudden silence to descend.

The few students still hiding under the tables cautiously poked their heads out to look and seeing that all the pixies had frozen, they slowly got out.

Lockhart also stopped in his escape, seeing how the pixies had stopped in midair. They didn't seem under the effect of any spells, but they seemed stunned beyond their minds.

Lockhart: "Excellent, Mr. Shadowless, I must say I could have done better, but hey, there was a little mishap, on the other hand, you haven't done badly at all, 10 points for Ravenclaw, now for the rest of the class. You can back off, and don't forget to help Mr. Longbottom down from there. " No longer lingering with his words, Lockhart ran into his office.

Among the remaining students, only Steve, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Extimum remained, the rest had been able to escape.

Harry and Ron had tried to fight them, Steve had not been able to escape in time and Extimum and Hermione had simply watched, although Hermione had been about to act, but Extimum had been one step ahead of her.

Ron: "can you believe it?"

Hermione: "maybe he wanted us to get practical experience?"

Harry: "Hermione, he had no idea what he was doing."

Bloom (###): "come on, all of you, get in the cage." Bloom assumed a straight pose like that of a general and began to order the pixies to enter the cage in the ancient language, which was not understood or heard clearly by the others present, taking it as the usual buzzing that she made.

The pixies obeyed by entering the cage, although they still behaved chaotically as they did so, but they did so without deviation until finally closing the door to the enchanted cage themselves, only giving Extimum a few glances once inside.

What Extimum had done was not really a great trick, it was a simple lineage suppression, any of the 9 great and ancient families could do it or even some very strong creatures towards beings of lower lineage and power, so, transmitting a little of magic in his voice and the essence of his lineage, the pixies had gone rigid, the effect would make them very cautious and would stun their minds making them submissive. This effect is different from what happened with the mandrakes, which were clearly scared.

Steve: "good, good, it's good that everything is over, ah, I think I lost a lot of sugar after such an event, by the way, you were fantastic, Extimum."

Ron: "yes, it was like you were an emperor ordering them to stop."

Extimum: "I just infused my voice with magic, applying a stun effect that calmed them down, well, let's get out of here."

Neville: "hey, don't forget about me."

Steve: "oh right. don't worry, I'll show you my magic ". Steve rolled up the sleeves of his robe and pulled his wand out of his pocket, acting like an expert.

Steve: "Wingardium leviosa". Steve pointed his wand at Neville's robe from which he hung and in the same way lifted his body and then released him close to the ground.

Neville: "thank you, * sigh *, I don't know why these things always happen to me."

After helping Neville down they all got out and headed to their respective common rooms.


--Pov Hermione--.

After getting out of Defense against the dark arts classes, Hermione headed towards the Gryffindor common room. It was around 3:30 pm and she had no more classes for the day, so she wanted to rest for a while.

Upon entering her bedroom, she packed his things in her trunk and then threw himself on her bed, burying her face in the pillow.

The bedroom was large, equipped with a central stove. Each student has their own four-poster bed, flanked by a set of windows and spaces to store personal items, at the foot of each bed there was a trunk for students to store their belongings. The room also consists of curtains for the windows and a mat on the floor, likewise, there were some night stands next to the beds and everything is decorated in the colors of the Gryffindor house, red and gold.


** Sigh **

Hermione rolled a bit on her cool sheets and pillows, unloading the fatigue of the day. After feeling satisfied, she turned her body to now look up at the ceiling of her bed and then lost herself in thought.

The unfolding of events these days had been confusing even for her. First there was her conflict with Extimum, according to the facts, it was already evident that his annoyance towards her was due to his fascination with Lockhart. Lockhart was handsome, incredible, he had done so many feats in the wizarding world, fighting dangerous magical creatures; then there was his charming smile and finally, now he would teach them as a teacher at Hogwarts, occupying an even higher position in his heart by becoming an exemplary figure.

However, part of her fascination was subverted when Extimum bit her on the train. When she felt that she was bitten, followed by the incredible sensory discharge, however, unlike the first time when it had been an overwhelming yet gentle feeling, this one had been overwhelming and fierce, she could even perceive the clear indignation and discomfort of Extimum towards her. So after what might have been the first 3 seconds, his consciousness was dulled by the overwhelming sensations. By the time she came to herself some time later, she was still in a daze. She could only think about what she had felt and before she knew it, she fell asleep in her contemplation.

She woke up again a few hours later, much more lucid, but in a sedated state, she had more time to consider her actions and was able to better understand the situation. Her relationship with Extimum has been good since they became friends, they spend time together, he accompanies her to study, he also cares for her on an emotional rather than a physical level, something that not many can do and often neglect, she appreciates him very much and knows the feeling is mutual. So when she was bitten by him, she was not really angry and although she still had her questions about the bite, she did not think much about it at the time, rather, it was the fact that he was more distant from her and could feel that that bite was a punishment for her.

She was thinking about it the rest of the trip and she hardly paid attention to her book, she only came out of her musings when she heard the commotion over the arrival of Harry and Ron, replacing her thoughts with anger and concern towards them for having done such a thing, not only was it wrong, but they could have died as well. Due to all the murmurs that narrated how they had apparently collided with a tree, she spent the rest of the night and even part of the morning thinking about this issue and she put aside her previous thoughts.

Subsequently, she ran into Extimum at lunchtime and later during Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She sat next to him at the same table, however, her attention was focused on her new teacher who would be giving her first class today; she couldn't help but be fascinated again when she saw him.

Extimum could not be considered inferior in any way in appearance with Lockhart, he even had some followers from the higher years, in fact, he was much more handsome, it was just that Lockhart had something special about him, whether he used some spell or potion or just a great skill, but he knew how to use his appearance very well to his advantage. He was handsome, with a big smile and charisma, something that he did not forget to show or highlight at every opportunity, in addition, he had a reputation of being a great wizard having done great feats and had even become a teacher at Hogwarts, a fact, which made him look even more exemplary. Considering that he was young, he was the perfect idol for young and mature witches.

However, when she thought too much about him, her body subconsciously seemed to remember that bite on the train and startled feeling as if she had been bitten again, but looking at Extimum, he had done nothing. That feeling did not disturb her too much and it was more her mind that went back to thinking about Extimum, because of that, she could not concentrate on performing the Exam, even she was surprised by it herself, but reluctantly she had to let him pass and turn in her blank exam because they were already picking up, she didn't care too much because it wasn't a real exam, just the fact that it would leave a bad image as a student to her new teacher.

Just to be slightly offended when Lockhart mentioned that she should read more books, but since she had turned in the blank exam, she let it go with a sigh. Later the incident with the pixies happened and then she came back here, to the present.

She had not yet understood the hints or the real reason why Extimum behaved like this with her, taking it more to mean that he was like that. Although she found him very attractive and pleasant, but had considered so far that his approaches were due to his slightly flirtatious and playful personality with women, considering it perhaps part of his act that was taught to him in his family, besides that he seemed having a secret about hisself, something that she had experienced by herself when being bitten, although she was no longer making crazy theories on the subject, it could also be that her approach had to do with that. With all this, he has not considered in depth the idea of ​​having a relationship or love.

She wasn't really in love with Lockhart, she was mostly just like everyone else, fascination and attraction for him, maybe even fanaticism. Thinking about the events of today, she couldn't help but have a spark of suspicion, however, she still does not believe that Lockhart is a fraud, after all, for something he must have been able to enter Hogwarts as a teacher, it was not possible that they simply let in anyone right?

--End Pov--.


The following days were quite normal, they saw some safer plants in herbology. Professor Flitwick taught them the sanitizing spell and dancing feet. Professor McGonagall tried to teach them how to turn a rock into wood, an elemental transfiguration; Professor Snape gave them more homework, fought boredom in magic history, and improved their patience with 97% useless classes with Lockhart.

Perhaps the most interesting thing was the astronomy class, it was interesting to know that wizards seemed to know quite a bit about different planets and stars in the solar system, even when there was no record of a wizard ever traveling through space. As Extimum understood, the information was obtained through magical telescopes that could give them a great view as if they were in the place, in addition to many studies of the constellations that the ancient magicians made. They might know more than the non-magicians from space themselves and yet no magician had ever stepped on space, of course there were stories of magicians attempting to fly to the moon or other planets, but since there were no books or records, it seemed they either found nothing interesting or died for obvious reasons.

However, Extimum archived that topic to investigate later, he did not believe that so many centuries and no magician has been able to achieve it, it would be strange if they were not interested when astronomy is quite important for certain branches of magic.

Hermione also seemed to have let go of her one-sided fanaticism and begin to view things with a bit more judgment than her usual self, the seed of doubt that Lockhart sowed in the first class had been much more important to her because of Extimum.


Extimum was in the great dining room having breakfast, today he was reading his first book on healing spells, in the last days he had read and informed himself with all the pertinent information that an apprentice half-sorcerer should know, he was planning to visit Madame Pomfrey to ask her if she could guide him, it would make things easier, although it would probably not be so easy to convince her, considering that she must attend to the students of the school and you would be surprised with how often someone goes there.

Students injured by practices or games of Quidditch, secondary effects of poor potion preparation or a victim of any, students who were victims of some minor transfiguration, wounded by spell practices and of course, sick from common diseases or in rare cases magic, mmm, maybe ... there was also on occasion that girls of superior years went for potions to prevent pregnancy, Extimum had already noticed, certain ... encounters in some places, although it was more likely that they bought it themselves or others out of shame.

It wasn't that weird, if you think about it, Hogwarts is a boarding school where you spend a lot of your life and then there are the hormones and youthful excitement, there was also the fact that wizards and witches, especially from noble families, had very good genes and they were quite pleasing to the eye, although that was quite relative. Magic could get better, but it could also get worse. the effects of some enchantments or practices have led some to wear rather ugly and neglected appearances.

All that said, Extimum had heard I have even seen some scenes while looking for places for his magic practices, some at least had the decency to put soundproofing charms, but others were not so considerate and Filch along with Mrs. Norris were quite happy to catch them and take them to detention.

Extimum suspected that Steve used to spy around those places.


Trudor: "Hey Steve, what new gossip you have, we've been here for a few days now, there's no way that nothing happened outside of the flying car crashing into the whooping willow tree."

Trudor was a faithful follower of Steve's many gossip and it is that when you live in a huge castle full of wizards with a lot of youth and irresponsibility, it is quite common for all kinds of things to happen.

Steve: "mm, there really isn't that much, oh, now I remember something I heard, no but I wouldn't say it's gossip because I don't have much information yet."

Trudor: "come on, say it now."

Steve: "I heard from some fifth graders that there seems to be someone or something that has been walking the halls at night, but I have not checked, they could have seen wrong or that it was Filch."

Trudor: "hey, I don't feel like going out looking for something that might or might not exist, if it were actually Filch, it wouldn't end well for me."

Mitchell: "I do have something to tell, ahem, tomorrow I will try to try to join the Quidditch team again, last year I failed, but this year, not only is it completely allowed, but I have also practiced a lot at home."

Extimum: "well, if you succeed, I will buy you the nimbus 2001 as compensation for not sending you messages, but if you do not succeed heh ...".

Mitchell: "Ugh, don't do that, they give me the creeps, on the other hand, will you really give it to me? Hehehe, I hope you keep your word."

Steve: "Heh, don't count on it so soon, you are not the only one from Ravenclaw who will do the tests this year, I from you, I better prepare to be the experimental doll of Extimum".

Extimum: "they say it as if it were bad, I have not failed to make one of my potions in a long time, I have even improved the taste, that is already a lot of consideration, also, it is to practice some harmless spells not for potions".

Trudor: "The problem is not the taste, in fact, I must admit that your potions that taste like chocolate or mint is quite good compared to the others, but ... Ugh, your potions are very strange, I have nothing to say. of its results, but it always has chilling side effects. I remember the potion you asked me to drink at the end of the year to improve memory. I felt that I had gone to another world for a well and returned after years ".

Steve: "It's true, the elixir you gave me to improve stamina ... ahem, it made me lose 5 kilos, can you believe it, it was 5 kilos in one day."

Extimum: "oh, but that was on purpose, I thought you wanted to lose weight and I was able to find a way to help you with that as well."

Mitchell: "What about the night vision potion? My eyes glowed like lamps for 3 days after the effect wore off."

Extimum: "and now you have permanent night vision. You are too lazy, I admit that some side effects were strange, but they were not things that affected too much and they were only temporary, also, I have not seen anyone sell potions with effects as good as mine.

Because Extimum already had knowledge of the first three years, he was bored in some classes that could not contribute more than he already knew from the books, so he took advantage of that moment to come up with other things, such as modifying potions with the theory that tasted in the middle of a potions class. Naturally, he only did it with basic potions, but the side effects of his experimentation startled his friends too much and that he had only done it about 5 times, because then he concentrated on studying runes for the rest of the year and stopped torturing his friends.

In fact, he had also originally thought of selling them instead of making a magic artifact, but he only knew basic potions and modifying them was not as simple as it seemed, not at least without risking fame as a crazy potions master and the wizarding community was pretty good at creating prejudices, so starting their brand with something so dubious was not good.

Padma: "can you make elixirs to improve skin?"

Extimum: "be one, but I haven't tried to improve it yet." As Extimum considered, Steve and Mitchell signaled to Padma to give up on the idea before it was too late.

Extimum: "when I have time I will do it especially for you."

Padma: "okay".

Steve: "another poor victim". Steve muttered under his breath.

Extimum: "You know... Steve, I think girls now like skinny guys better, I think I'll put a weight loss elixir in your food later."

Steve: "wait, wait, I didn't say anything, why do you do this to me ...".

Extimum just got up and left, they didn't have classes in the morning hours today, so it was free time, except for those who played Quidditch.


Extimum devoted his entire morning to physical training, returning before lunch to take a shower and then go to the great dining room for lunch, on the other hand, in recent days he had mostly spent with his friends from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, even taking a time to talk to Hannah and Susan, who had asked for help with an assignment they had, however, she hadn't made time to spend with the Slytherins, so she headed over to their table for lunch today.

Daphne: "So at last you deigned to come, didn't you?"

Barely sitting down, Daphne's usual cold voice could be heard.

Extimum: "It's been a busy few days and it's not like I ignored them, didn't I catch you in potions class yesterday? I also got hold of Pansy in herbology class and helped her with those elusive jumping mushrooms, too… ".

Daphne: "Okay, I got it, but I'm saying you haven't made time to spend with us, apart from classes, you spend time with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw."

Draco. " It's true, today I even did you a favor, the one... you protect, she's very sharp with her words, I'm telling you Extimum, if you don't control her, I can't assure you that I'll always have patience with her, being a… ugh, forget it ".

Pansy: "yes, Granger still hasn't learned her place in this school."

Tracey: "It doesn't seem so terrible to me, it is true that she is quite rigid and annoying at times, but I think that after Extimum, there is no one better than her academically".

Daphne: "well, let's not talk about her anymore".

Draco. " Right, I think you still don't know, Extimum, but i officially joined the quidditch team".

Extimum: "oh, I can imagine it."

Draco: "We went to practice this morning and oh, you must have seen the face of the Gryffindor Quidditch team when they saw the new brooms my father donated to the Slytherin team."

Pansy: "And Wood seemed very angry when we took the field from them, hehehe."


They kept talking for much of lunch, now that they had time, they talked about what they had done on their vacation or they talked about Professor Lockhart, whom Tracey seemed like a fan of, just to have everyone roll their eyes, something in common between Slytherin is that they did not have so much High opinion of Lockhart, being mostly from great families, they knew a little more and were more suspicious of his supposed "accomplishments" and more after his "splendid" performance in class.

Among other things, Pansy no longer looked strangely at Neville, but Extimum still noticed something in her gaze.

Tracey, it was just, Tracey, told him about everything she had done on vacation in great detail and almost blurted out some indiscretions about Daphne, but Daphne covered her mouth before she could speak. Tracey was silent the rest of lunch like a scolded puppy after receiving Daphne's scathing glare.

As lunch time was running out, almost everyone left to pack their things for the next classes, leaving only Daphne and Extimum at the table. Extimum had sensed that she wanted to speak to him in private, so he waited until the others left.

Daphne: "and ... did you meet interesting people in China?" Daphne started the conversation with a casual question.

Extimum: "yes, quite interesting and… nice people, I think I have some photos, then you showed them to you. Changing the subject, I saw your sister in the classification ".

Daphne: "yes ... we did not want to deny her the possibility of going to Hogwarts and making friends, luckily, her body still does not show clear signs of decline, but she no longer has as much energy to carry out physical activities".

Daphne: "I've been doing research, but I still can't find anything useful ...". Daphne said in a slightly lower voice.

Extimum: "we are only in second year, you shouldn't try so hard, even if you put makeup on, I think everyone has noticed your dark circles, at this rate you will wear out too much. On the other hand, I have done some research and have some ideas, but I can not draw no conclusion without further testing and research, however, if you could give me some Astoria blood ... things might be easier. " Extimum hadn't wanted to mention it at first because he didn't have anything substantial yet, but seeing her down, he decided to give her a little hope. Extimum had at least that confidence in himself as to believe that he could achieve it, on the other hand, another thing that also made him reluctant to say it was the fact that it was delicate to ask a wizard for blood.

Daphne: "I'll give it to you in a few days, Astoria doesn't like to see blood, much less lose it". Daphne had really only thought about it a bit, but hadn't hesitated to agree.

Extimum: "well, if I have her blood I could discover something, on the other hand, you should rest more, yesterday an accident could have occurred due to being exhausted".

Extimum hadn't mentioned it before, but when they were brewing a potion in class, Daphne almost fell asleep and let an ingredient slip early, narrowly and the cauldron may have exploded.

Daphne lowered her head slightly in guilt and shame, although Extimum hadn't reprimanded her before, but she was very ashamed of making a mistake like that, enough to hide her face.

Extimum: "Just relax a little, otherwise I'll have to cast a spell on you to sleep".

Daphne: "and how exactly will you cast a spell on me?" Although Daphne asked with her usual voice sounding somewhat defiant, but Extimum on the other hand could feel a mischievous implication in her words, seeming to imply more than was being said.

Extimum: "mmm, I could give you a sleeping potion in your food or drink".

Daphne: "I always inspect what I consume, it is a family custom."

Extimum: "I could just cast a spell on you with my wand."

Daphne: "I can defend myself quite well."

Extimum: "oh so do you want to play hard? because if i had to resort to other methods ... i could just disappear and attack you when you least expect it ... hehehe, well we'll see you later".

Extimum said as he disappeared in front of Daphne and made his way to the exit of the great hall, surprising some of those who still remained and had not seen him disappear before.

Daphne: "then I'll be waiting for you." Daphne muttered to herself, though Extimum could still hear her.

The exchange between the two was a simple game to change the mood, it was visible even from the perspective of others, however, for Extimum who is empathetic and could hear their murmur, their friendly and a little playful exchange had other implications, she might not even have noticed it herself, but Extimum did feel some expectation and interest, so it was certain that she did not disagree with such development and might have some interest in Extimum. Which was not so strange for someone like her, the perspective of those born in great families is always much more mature in the face of certain things, one of them finding a partner, in addition, she actively practices oclumency so her mind is not only clearer and stronger, but also makes her much more rational, on the other hand, her younger sister's situation has also made her mature a lot.

Extimum: 'I suppose you could consider it, with time I will see how things develop'.

Extimum also had a certain interest in Daphne, so he was not against the idea, but he was not in a great hurry with such matters either, he was too young, he could take such matters in stride, although he was not a faithful follower of fate, but there are things that just flow naturally and things to wait and see for.


Extimum was in the library, the afternoon classes had already finished and he had come to reread the books related to space magic, after having read the books about space from his family library, his perspective and understanding of the subject had been expanded, so he wanted to try to understand his knowledge better, of course, Extimum still remembered everything the books said thanks to his memory, but it was more comfortable for him to just think calmly in a good environment like the library while turning the pages of the book.


As he immersed himself in reading, time passed quickly and soon it was time to vacate the library, Madame Pince was already taking them out of the place. Extimum had not gone to the great dining room to eat, he had smuggled food into the library and had spent the entire afternoon and part of the night reading. It was no problem hiding his food and hiding when he ate it.

Extimum stretched and returned the books to their place, then headed towards the Ravenclaw common room, on the way, however, he stopped for a moment when he heard a dark and rumbling voice.

"Come ..., come to me ... Let me tear you apart ... Let me tear you apart ... Let me kill you ...". the voice spoke in a slightly hissing and slow way.

Bloom: 'It's Parseltongue! I Didn't know they had magical snakes here and from the sound it seems very big. '

Extimum: 'something similar… yes, but we won't get into that'.

Extimum paid no more attention and continued on his way, what surprised him the most was actually being able to understand her. I hadn't paid much attention to magic snakes when I looked at the pet store, so I hadn't discovered it before, however, I knew that he didn't speak Parseltongue, that skill wasn't among the Shadowless bloodline, it's not like they needed it either. , because they had other abilities: some were empathic, others could communicate with magical creatures naturally, others were natural Legilimens or were skilled in art, on the other hand, if there was the full need, there were books with many languages ​​used by different races. With all that, it was not really necessary that they possess such ability, because they had the methods to avoid languages ​​or learn them if necessary.

Extimum assumed that his ability to understand her came from his celestial fox lineage, because his empathy would only allow him to understand the basilisk if he were close to him.


The next day, after afternoon classes. He went to the infirmary to speak with Madame Pomfrey.

Upon arrival, it seemed that he had chosen a good day to go, because the place was empty, It would have been difficult for her to pay attention to him if the place had had patients.

His arrival was seen by Pomfrey who was sitting lounging at her desk, only to quickly get up to attend to him.

Extimum: "good afternoon, Madame Pomfrey."

Pomfrey: "You are… Shadowless right? What brings you here? You are not hurt right?"

Extimum: "no, in fact, I came to ask if it was possible that I could help you in the infirmary to attend to some students, under your supervision of course".

Pomfrey: "oh, are you interested in healing magic? That is excellent and if I could use some help, especially in the next month, I am sure this place will be filled with many students and teachers with the flu, without However, to practice as a medi-magician you must have earned the right by obtaining the certification, so I cannot let you treat patients, but, I think you can help me with other things and I will let you watch while I treat patients and who knows, if you show you have a certain ability, it is possible that he will let you attend to some minor matters ".

Extimum: "thank you very much".

Pomfrey: "well, who will let you stay here will depend on your ability, take these three books, you will need them if you want to be able to do something, come back in a few days when you have read them."

Extimum again thanked and took the books, she had given him 3 books: the first was about common diseases and how to treat them, the second was magical anatomy, the third was a bit more complex with some spells and potions commonly used for apprentices of medi -Wizard. He was already grounded in these topics and had even read the second book, so it wouldn't take him long to get back here.



well, here is another chapter, there is still a little to Luna, while we go with the development of the story.

Zeroz7creators' thoughts