
Harry Potter: The Bloodline Magus

what? "Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?" "Strange, did I Die?" Just as the boy felt familiar and unfamiliar with everything around him, a high female voice rang through the large exhibition hall. "Ivan Wrahles!" "..." I have learned black magic before? The black magic shop in Knockturn Alley is my Home? and My Mother is an evil dark wizard? Just when Ivan worried that his identity would be exposed in the future and would be skinned and boned, he gained the ability to merge the Bloodlines of Magical Creatures. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note for The Readers:- [I am a Newbie Translator, and hope to grow in this aspect] All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling and the Original Author of the FanFic. Author of this FanFic:- [Pure Little Angel] Publisher:- [Zongheng] English is not my First Language nor am I Perfect. please forgive me for my Grammar and for not using proper 'Terms/words/phrases' wherever necessary. I'm trying to learn Something out of this experience and hope to be able to do better in future. I'm thankful for even a single reader who enjoys what I'm doing. P.S:- I will be Uploading a Chapter every day if not then 2. [The book cover does not belong to me; if the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.]

LuciferDono · Filem
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14 Chs

Humiliating Potter

After watching Harry gradually shut himself down under Snape's repeated questions, Ivan recalled a very Interesting Fact about Snape's First Question to Harry.

This Question asked By Snape to Harry had a Deeper and Profound Meaning.

The most obvious one was 'Asphodel', used to prepare the 'Draught of Living Death' Potion.

According to Victorian Flower Language, asphodel is a type of lily meaning 'My regrets follow you to the grave' and wormwood means 'absence' and also typically symbolised bitter sorrow.

If you combined that, it meant 'I bitterly regret Lily's Death'.

Ivan could hardly imagine what kind of Overwhelming Emotions Snape hid beneath that gloomy face and bitter Hatred.

The guilt of leaking the Prophecy and causing Lily's death? Or is it affection? to learn that your lover is dead and won't be there with you?

Thinking this way, Ivan shook his head with a sigh and a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Ivan Wrahles!"

Perhaps Snape noticed Ivan and Turned his wand pointing towards Ivan after asking Harry three questions, and asked

"Next you will answer these 3 questions!"

Ivan was in a daze. I didn't expect Snape to ask himself, but he quickly responded and replied.

"Adding powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood will result in forming a very powerful sleeping Potion known as the Draught of Living Death..... and

A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons.

As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite"

Ivan had read the Original Novel, of course, it would be easy, and easily get past away these questions and was anxious, what if Snape asked him some other Question?

Although Ivan had read the potion textbooks several times before coming to the potion class, Snape obviously would not play cards according to the routine. Before asking Harry three questions, none of them were in First Year.

[Ding, you answered the difficult questions carefully prepared by the professor in class, answered all 3 Questions, with the accuracy of 100%, You will be Rewarded with 9 Academic Points]

The unexpected sound of the system sounded in Ivan's mind.

Ivan's complexion changed instantly from nervousness to surprise and immediately turned into ecstasy, all the original concerns were thrown aside.

ASK!! Ask me more!! I'm Ready!. Interesting, I can even earn points this way.

Ivan looked at Snape with a persistent face, the real champion never fears any challenge!

Even if he answers 3 Out of 10 Questions he can earn a pretty good amount of points, and it's not like he will ask something from the 5th Year Book.

Ivan's face-changing skills have impressed all the Students.

However, beyond Ivan's expectation, Snape didn't look at him at all, Expressionlessly twisted his head and mocked Harry.

"Potter, Have you heard? It seems that not every immature student who enters school is as stupid and ignorant as yourself ..."

"Professor, I ..." Harry stood up angrily and intended to refute, but unfortunately Snape interrupted Harry's words neatly.

"And a point will be taken from Gryffindor House for your cheek, Potter." in a serene tone

He swept around in his long black cloak and turned to continue teaching as if reading the verdict, while Harry was desperately pulled by Ron, his white cheeks were reddened with anger.

Ivan glanced toward harry with an Apologetic look and continued listening to the class with a piece of mind

Looking forward to when Snape will continue to ask questions to make it difficult ...

It's a pity for Ivan that Snape seemed to have forgotten about completely, except for occasionally taking the time to scold those students who made mistakes and Harry.

He was like an iron block attracted by a magnet. He wandered around Harry constantly. His empty eyes carefully looked at every step of Harry's brewing method. and Mocked Harry when he made slight mistakes.

Ron, who was sitting next to Harry, also shared the same stroke of bad luck. The rat Scabbers he carried with him was scoured out by Snape, and with his tail publicly appointed as the little white mouse for the experimental potion effect, Ron almost cried on the spot.

When he learned his fate, Scabbers' cry was miserable.

If it wasn't Neville's accidental melting of the Cauldron that spoiled Snape's interest, Scabbers would have had to drink the yellow potion, which was brewed by Ron with unknown effects.

Ivan glanced sympathetically at Scabbers, who was paralyzed on the table, lamenting Pettigrew Peter's bad luck, and had been frightened to Death twice just a few days after coming to school.

The one-hour potion class, for most students, is almost a torment. After class, they normally escape from the dungeon.

"merlin, how did Dumbledore hire Snape as a professor, he almost killed Scabbers!" After finishing the potion class, Ron calmed the Scabbers who was still shuddering in fear.

Harry nodded in agreementment and stood on the same page as Ron. From the First Class, he clearly targeted every single time.

Harry really couldn't understand why Snape hated him so much?

"Harry, if you read more books before class, you should be able to answer Professor Snape's questions." Hermione had a different idea, and after looking at it, she looked at Ivan and continued.

"Like Ivan, Professor Snape knows that Ivan can answer it, so he doesn't bother him."

Hermione's appreciation made Ivan really blush with guilt, If he didn't know the plot, he might not be able to answer Snape's question.

"Hermione, not everyone can memorize the potion lesson book within a few days of school. Besides, the questions that Snape asked Harry did not exist in the First Year textbook." Ivan sighed.

Hermione pursed her lips and didn't refute, because today Snape's potion class she also witnessed what snape did, but she was used to heeding the rules and the professor's arrangement before and didn't say much.

Ron and Harry were very dissatisfied with Hermione's behaviour. The three of them walked awkwardly. Thanks to Ivan's persuasion, they finally got rid of the mustard in the hearts of the three before reaching Hagrid's hut.

"Hagrid, we are here to see you!"

Harry moved forward and knocked on the door, and then a group of 4 people heard dogs barking and running sounds from the house. After a while, the door was opened, and a huge silhouette walked from the house. Came out.

"Harry, you guys, come in..." Hagrid greeted Harry enthusiastically while appeasing his restless big fangs.

Ivan followed Harry into the cabin.

There is only one room in the whole house, the layout was a little messy, there was a considerable amount of dried meat and ham hanging by the window, and a huge stove in front. A pot of boiling water was boiling on the stove, and the patched bed was placed against the wall on the right side.

Let me know if there are any mistakes and ill correct them accordingly.

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