
Chapter 133: Returning from a night of whores

We left Miss Andra's place and Snape didn't say a word. Quickly, we moved to leave Knockturn Alley, it was night and it was no longer safe.

Once in Diagon Alley we took a break on a wall, although it was night, it was much safer here. Taking a breath, I decided to tease Snape a bit.

"So... what did you think? Unforgettable right?"(Red)

"..." Sev just looked at me but didn't say anything.

"Come on, now you are a man, don't act like a child anymore. When you see the other children, you can raise your head and despise them"(Red)

"Shut up..."(Sev)

"Hey, I think you had a good time" (Red)

"That's what you think" he said angrily.

"Come on, you don't always get the chance to fuck a busty blonde like Gigi. Let's consider this was my gift for getting into Hogwarts, enjoy it…or will you tell me you didn't enjoy it and you were thinking about Lily the whole time and feeling guilty?"(Grid)

"Of course it was!" He almost yelled at me with tears in his eyes and his fist raised.

"Oh really?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes.

"Yeah...!!!" he look away, but his blush was evident.

"Sev, we are friends, we don't have to hide things from each other"(Red)

"Then you wouldn't have taken me against my will to that place" he said resentfully.

"Who else would be your best friend but the one who took you to whores?" (Red)

"Already… shut up!"(Sev)

"Sev..." I put my hand on his shoulder "We've known each other for years and, honestly, even I'm surprised by this, I consider you my friend... man? the best, if not the only one. We can be superficial... or speak from the heart on topics that are only understood by men. Tell me, are you my friend?"



"...yes, I am" he snorted.

"Okay, now stop being a child and tell me the truth. Were you really thinking about Lily the whole time and you didn't enjoy it?" (Red)

"So it was..." he reaffirmed with his arms folded, but there was a slight hesitation before he said "The first two times..."

"Hahaha... I knew Sev had balls... you had a good time, son of a bitch" (Red)

"Hmmm..." (Sev)

"Don't be shit and tell the truth" (Red)

"She was...it's a little good" he didn't want to admit that at one point did enjoy it.

"Come on, your first time was something... You may not know it, but Gigi came out when you were sleeping and when she told us that you were together for three hours, I couldn't believe it. I was wondering to myself 'Did Sev have a golden dick and nobody knew?', you amazed me, it can be said that your first time was something exceptional..."(Red)

"Well...yes..." he mumbled with a hidden smile, unable to control his growing vanity.

"Don't let the fumes rise, we know it was possible because of the potions" I said laughing and holding his neck with my arm while rubbing my fist on his head.

"Let me go, little cherry!" He yelled at me, pissed off.

"Little cherry?" I asked surprised as I let go of him, that wasn't the kind of insult Sev used, "Are you innovating or did you get your dick sucked so much that you even got a little bit of your brain out?"

"Huh...Your brain popped out!" He fixed his hair "And that's what that girl called you... I judge it looks good on you" she sneered maliciously in revenge.

"Hahaha... Sev, this is going to get good, it shows that you're already a man..." I laughed as I punched his shoulder, almost knocking him to the ground due to his weakness "Let's take you home to sleep a little, you must be dead"

"I am… I never thought I could feel that he was so empty and full at the same time…" (Sev)

"ha, everything will be fine, I think…"(Red)

"Why did I have the crazy one and you're okay? Did you fix this?" He asked, judging me by feeling how his legs barely supported him and he had to lean against the wall.

"I couldn't have fixed it, it was the first time I went there. I heard from someone, that I hear from someone about this place"(Red)

"This is the first time you've come to this place!" He exclaimed in surprise, "So being ridden by a nympho for hours is just my bad luck?"

"And the fact that I brought you here... but yes, let's say yes. And don't complain, you'll thank me for this. I paid a lot of money for your night of passion, while I had to wait outside for you the whole time and take several surprises" (Red)

"Wait! You didn't leave with a…"(Sev)

"A prostitute? No, that's not my thing, I only brought you to release tensions"(Red)

"MOTHERFUCKER!" She pounced on me trying to hit me "YOU TAKEN ME WITH A WHORE WHILE YOU WAITING OUTSIDE WITHOUT DARE TO GO THROUGH THE SAME THING" he complained, but his strength was minimal and it was funnier than anything else.

"Yeah, yeah...stop trying to hit me" I covered my face symbolically.

"Fuck you!"(Sev)

"You had a good time! You stopped thinking about Lily for a moment and enjoyed a premium whore without spending a penny"(Red)

"That doesn't matter! If you were my friend, you would have done it too!"(Sev)

"Did you want her to accompany you? It's not my thing, we're buddies, but it's already too much trust that we share a girl at the same time and I don't think we're ready for that level of friendship" (Red)


"Okay, learn your place, I pay you whores, but that's it...(Red)"

"But you should have gone with a woman like me too, not just leave me there to die alone!"(Sev)

"Hey! ...there's a very valid reason why I didn't do it"(Red)


"Unlike you, I'm not a man of prostitutes..."(Red)

"AGGGHhhhh!!!" (Sev)


We fought for a while, where I was undoubtedly the victor, and then we went on our way. It took a while, but we arrived at Snape's house very late at night.

When we got to the door we didn't need to open it, someone did it for us, a woman with a long pale face who looked angry.


"WHERE WERE YOU?!" The woman yelled angrily as she pulled her son's ear "You better tell me where you went...?!

"Listen!" I yelled at the woman "Don't come to play the worried mother right now, you has nothing to do with being a good mother. He was with me and it was late for us to come back, let him go to sleep."

"Insolent!" (Eileen Prince)

Eileen Prince, Snape's mother, was not a very pleasant woman in my opinion, but maybe it was my prejudice after seeing how Sev had lived until now.

It's not like I haven't seen her before, but always from afar, now she seemed especially annoyed with me and Sev. Answering her like that seemed to make her angry, but I didn't care.

I didn't hesitate to release all my auras to suppress her, not in one area, but all directed towards her, a bit difficult but I had practiced it. I noticed how quickly her face expressed her tension and her hands moved quickly as if she was going to take her wand.

Being married to a muggle she had to put away her wand and her magic, but I knew better is not all true, as Snape learned a bit of magic from her.

My auras made her terrified, but she didn't squirm on the ground as Andra did, which was what I wanted to check. The effect was not the same at all, I noticed the fear in her eyes, but without crying or pleading.

I deactivated my auras after verifying what I wanted, I didn't want to fight Severus' mother, at least not in front of him.

"Snape is exhausted, we played all afternoon, sorry for bringing him up like this, don't be mad at him" I apologized as helped him up.

Snape's mother didn't want to leave it like that, I had insulted her to her face, but after feeling the power of my auras, she hesitated to do anything at this point, at least with her son here.

Before she had time to recant, I left Snape and disappeared into the night, my [Thief's Essence] helping me with that. Eileen watched me go, but did nothing when she noticed how her son could hardly stand up.

She took her son to bed and noticed how he fell asleep almost instantly, she wanted to ask him some things, but he didn't have a chance and he would have to wait until tomorrow. What she didn't know was that her son would end up sleeping very late.


I went back to the camp very late at night, but Elise was awake waiting for me, and when she saw me came running towards me.

"You came back" (Lys)

"Yes, sorry for taking so long" I told her as caressed her face.

*Sniff sniff*

"You smell bad!"(Lys)

"What?" I asked confused

"You smell bad, not like your usual bad smell... You were with another girl!" The emotional change in her was abrupt.

"What! NO! Wait, how did you come to that conclusion?" (Red)

"You're hateful... hateful... you said you only went shopping with your friends, but really you were going to do dirty things with those bitches" she threw a tantrum, she couldn't help it, the smell she could smell was very irritating.

The noise caused by Elise had Newt and Tina come out of their tent to see what was going by. I don't know if they were sleeping and we woke them up, but apparently, it wasn't like that and they were still awake waiting for me.

"Red! Elise!"(Newt)

"Sorry to bother you"(Red)

"You're back very late" Tina had a scolding tone

"What's the problem?"(Newt)

"Red went to see some whores" (Lys)


"What?" (Newt)

"Ehh... well... maybe it was never better said" I commented.

"WHAT?!" x3

"Nothing. Look, yes, it took longer than expected and I was late" I replied to the elders "No, I didn't have sex with any girl, calm down, the smell is probably from the people I met with" I replied to Elise.

"But I thought I smelled your penis juice too..." she complained under her breath.

"Where were you, Red?"(Tina)

"That's not important..."(Red)

"Where were you?!" She asked again, but this time more imperative.

"In... Knockturn Alley" (Red)

"WHERE?! How dare you go there?! Do you know how dangerous that place is?!" Tina yelled when heard me.

"It's not that bad..."(Red)

"How can it not be that bad?! You don't know what kind of place that is"(Tina)

"Yes, I know, I worked as an auror there for a few months..."

"AUROR!!!" X2

"What's going on?! Why don't I understand what you're talking about?!" Elise complained that she didn't understand the situation, as it was something she didn't know well.

"Well..." I kept thinking for a while "I don't think there's a problem in telling you, but I'm actually a reincarnation..."

"Reincarnation?!" x2

"It's when you die and are born once more... although I think that would be more of a rebirth... well what I mean is that I've already been there in my previous life and although I'm not that strong I know how to cope, but don't worry, I won't be back there for a while, I've already caused too much trouble for it to be prudent to go back."(Red)

I didn't mind lying like this, I could have even made up another even crazier story with aliens and everything. This is a campaign anyway, it doesn't affect my real world, I can do whatever I want, though my actions here may affect the campaign completion rating.

After my lie, we all gathered in front of the main bonfire for me to explain. I didn't reveal anything about this being a campaign or that it was from the future, I just made up a story and we discussed it for a while.

"How old were you when you died?" Newt asked.

"12 Years" (Red)

"12!" Tina exclaimed in surprise.


"But you were a child…"(Tina)

"How were you auror at that age?"(Newt)

"I had an older friend who became an auror apprentice and I wanted to accompany her, so I changed my appearance and created a new identity to make it possible."(Red)

"That's too dangerous!"(Tina)

"I know, but that's how I am. I think now you understand why I'm more mature than a child my age. That's why I hope you don't bother with my actions, I have it under control"(Red)

"Mature?! You've never exceeded 12 years old, you're not an adult. Your situation is special, but I don't think that's why you should put yourself in danger" Tino expressed her complete discontent with my actions "I don't agree with you going to places like that... you said so yourself, you've already died once, do you want it to happen again? Do you think you'll get a third chance?"

Maybe in that sense, I had shot myself in the foot with what I lied about. What Tina said was partly true, and if what I said wasn't a lie, that would be my fourth chance from what I understand.

I had to calm her down and give in to some of her demands, I couldn't contradict her much, I couldn't stop seeing her as a kind grandmother who cared about others. During our talk, we returned to the subject of my family and I got a little depressed, making me a little touchy and docile to her.

My alignment had caused me to feel no guilt, but when I suppress my [Evil Aura] that feeling returns, though not the same as it originally was, but enough.

We chatted a bit more and after some scolding, Elise and I went to our tent. There, Elise hit me angrily, but she had nothing to do, I guess it could be Andra's smell or because of me [Demonic Essence] that she's so angry.


Casual query of no real importance:

What's up? I just wanted to ask you what you think of the story so far. If there are things that are missing or extra, to get an idea of how the book is going and see how to improve.

Comment what you think and your suggestions.

(I won't stop writing even if tell me, just in case, I've come too far to stop here)

PS: Curious, are there any women reading this shit? It's just that I remembered someone who used to comment a lot and that now I don't see anymore, maybe she stopped reading it and that led me to question if the quality went down.

Anyway, to those who made it this far, thanks for reading!