
Chapter 132: Miss Andra (Part 3)

I kept getting information out of her for a while, especially about her clients and this place, ways to escape if necessary, and whether she had any other associates who might make things difficult for me.

"I have partners in other areas, but this business is mainly mine" She replied.

"Before you go on, clean yourself, you're disgusting" I said, a little disgusted by the tears, snot, and saliva from her previous crying, and the blood dripping from the wounds on her head from when I nailed her with my claws.

"Yes" she nodded as she picked up her wand and used it to heal and groom herself, but she didn't pick herself up off the ground or cover her bare parts.

"How much power do you have here?" I continued with the questions after seeing that the image was more pleasant.

"I don't have a lot of power directly, but I am one of the people with the most contacts here and abroad. My business is one of the highest quality and in the place where I go I usually take a high position quickly" She replied

"Are there other businesses... competition?" (Red)

"Besides the normal street whores, it's normal that there are other brothels in places like this, but I always end up winning against them because of our quality" (Miss Andra)

"How much quality?"(Red)

"We tend to serve even the ministers of magic. We are discreet, classy and we know what to do and what not to do. Whenever a powerful person wants to have some entertainment without worries or the need to cover tracks, comes to us" (Miss Andra)

"If you work with such important people and the business is so good, you shouldn't have more security or not serve clients yourself?" (Red)

"Yes, there is a lot of security, actually. That counter there, if I don't get out of it, it's almost impossible for them to attack me by surprise, there are many countermeasures in case something happens. We also have our own guards and some hired from other clandestine bosses. I tend the place myself sometimes to give the image of confidence to our clients, but we are always prepared in case someone has the wrong idea..." (Miss Andra)

"If you have all that, how come you ended up... like this?" I pointed at her with my hand; being on the ground, half-naked and with a tragic expression, it doesn't give the impression that her countermeasures have worked in the slightest.

"I trust myself too much. Even though my abilities have many restrictions, they have never failed...or if they did, there was no one like you against me...when you..." She hesitates in her words, afraid to say the truth.

"Yeah?" I asked, I wanted to know what she wanted to say about me.

"I don't know, I just know that the feeling you give me is devastating like if I were to disobey you I would feel that my soul would cry to death with grief" She expressed her feelings in the way she could, even if knew it was not very clear.

"Miss Andra!" We heard Gigi's voice calling out to Andra as she was re-entering the door from which she had come out with Snape.

Seeing us, the girl remained silent. I was sitting on the couch with my penis exposed, and Miss Andra was on her knees in front of me with nothing covering her tits.

"Sorry to interrupt, I thought you were done" she quickly turned to leave, not wanting to upset her boss by interrupting her work.

"Wait" I yelled at Gigi, but she ignored me and kept going.

"Gigi come back!" Miss Andra called her when she noticed that her employee was leaving, afraid that I would get angry because of it.

Gigi reacted now to the call from her boss, turned, and walked towards us while her eyes observed the whole scene and tried to get a mental image of what happened. It was actually very difficult for her to find her boss doing this kind of work personally, and her curiosity was strong.

"Yes, Miss Andra" (Gigi)

"How is Snape?" I asked, but the girl stayed silent and looked at her boss.

"Answer him whatever he wants, honestly, even if he insults me or reveals business secrets" She told her employee very seriously and with some subtle movements of her hands, but her impulse was still less than at the beginning, she did not dare to show herself very haughty in front of me.

"Ehh... well..." When she heard her boss's orders, she didn't question it, especially when she saw the secret signs that she was serious and it wasn't an act.

"What happened?" She asked exalted, seeing her employee hesitate, somewhat angry, but more scared that something bad has happened than anything else.

"I know you told me to put him to sleep and stuff, but I was tired of all the old geezers and it seemed kind of nice to have the inexperienced boy at my mercy...so I actually gave him what he asked for and I've been fucking him up until now." She explained, making her boss breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that it wasn't anything bad, maybe even something good.

"Wait... Until now...? but... It's like... 3 hours!" I asked surprised, 3 hours! Snape is an insatiable sex machine and no one had noticed?

"Yes… I didn't know when I'd get another chance and may have squeezed him more than he could, but some energizing potions made it possible" She said bluntly or embarrassed.

"He is alright?" I asked what was worrying me.

"Yes... although he's more knocked out than he would have been if I'd put a spell on him, it's possible that he's sleeping a lot from overexertion" Answered while she surreptitiously looked at her boss looking for some expression of anger at her action.

"That's good" Miss Andra sighed with relief.

"Sorry for interrupting you, I thought that by now you would have finished your business... I'll leave you alone" She apologized and waited to leave, she knew that getting too involved in her boss's affairs was not recommended, but when she felt that the situation was not all good.

"Wait, try to compose him a bit, that he can walk and talk at least... but take some time, give us another half hour" I ordered.

"..." Gigi ignored me and looked at her Boss, waiting for her instructions.

"What are you waiting for? Didn't you hear it?! Go get the kid and come back in half an hour!" Andra yelled at her.

Gigi didn't understand the situation, but she quickly went to fulfill her mission, leaving her boss and the weird guy alone.

"Okay, let's ask some quick questions, keep it short and simple" I decided, it was time to go, but I had a few more questions, so I asked for another half hour and hoped it would be long enough for Snape to get up again.

"Yes" (My Andra)

"If you have your business so well armed and with so many contacts, how would you deal with a raid by the aurors? Don't ask anything, I just know that there will be one in a few months" I questioned, this business seems difficult to attack, and its situation did not match the story I knew.

"We also work with aurors and other ministry workers, if there is an assault on our business we will know it long beforehand. We have prepared a protocol for those cases, we leave the business in charge of disposable personnel so that they can be arrested in our place, while the important staff and I moved to another country and we reopened the business there, we come back a few years later" (Mis Andra)

"Hmmm… that explains things… Which one is important personnel?" (Red)

"I, people who carry out the administration and accounting in great detail, the best guards and most of the girls and boys with good skills" (Miss Andra)

"What is the real name of the girl who raped my friend?" I asked for the future, it will be interesting to tease Snape and I wanted to know her real name for it.

"Ginevra Ghin" She did not hesitate to reveal her real name.

"...I guess we'll keep calling her Gigi..." I shook my head, I didn't want to call a prostitute by my sister's name, it didn't leave a good taste, "Was it true about the Malfoy family coming here and asking for her?" Ignoring the above, I began to imagine how I could annoy Draco with that.

"Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy come over at least once a month, their sex life is decadent and they seek our services to enliven it while preventing bastard heirs from appearing and word from spreading" (Miss Andra)


"Yes, their marriage was more of a political arrangement than a real relationship, but let's just say that they respect each other enough not to do something without the other knowing or, in this case, participating... and they may have developed some particular tastes. If you wish, I will give you all the information we have about them, from what they like to do in bed to the secrets we were able to get from them since they hired our services" (Miss Andra)

"We'll leave it for another time... What do you plan to do now?" (Red)

"Whatever you order" she replied immediately.

"Good answer, but I'm serious, what are you going to do now?" I insisted while thinking about what to do with her.

"I... I'm very fearful of you and I will think of many ways for you not to get mad at me, even selling out every person I meet if necessary" She answered with complete honesty "As for the business, if what you say is true, I will prepare myself to move early"

"Hmm... I won't deny that you can be very useful to me, I don't always have the opportunity to completely dominate a criminal boss. At the moment you still serve me... and your lineage seems interesting" I expressed my thoughts and she seemed a little relieved to hear it.

"Your wishes are my command" she knelt at my feet in total submission.

"Okay" I said as I lifted her face with my foot "I'll contact you in the future. Nothing about what happened today will be known, silence your girl so that she does not say anything, but don't kill her. You should also make understand your employees that there is a new boss"

"Yes... master" (Miss Andra)

"That's the way I like it" (Red)

"hmmm... my lord...?" (Miss Andra)

"Yes?" (Red)

"I don't know if it's any of my business, but I think I should let you know in case hasn't noticed... your eyes changed" (Miss Andra)

"My eyes?" I asked confused.

"Yes, here" with her wand she turned one of the teacups into a mirror and handed it to me.

Seeing my reflection in the mirror I could see that what she said was true, the reddish color of my eyes lightened a bit, being not so dark, and my pupils changed to vertical lines similar to those of cats and some reptiles.

I did some research and after reviewing the ability notifications I was able to come to a conclusion, or rather confirm my suspicions.

The skills I get can change my very being, either to a greater or lesser extent. Blood magic is the best example, which gave me this color, then there are others like evil alignment, and now it's [Demonic Essence] changing my eyes, and who knows if it did something else.

What I have to do now is find a way to hide it. Maybe transformations or some potion, but I'd also like to see if I can control this change at will, I don't think it's fun to change that drastically the next time I get an ability.

Knowing that Miss Andra also hid her appearance from others, I asked her if I could do something about my eyes. She easily cast a spell on me and my appearance went back to how it was before, but this would only be temporary, I'll have to learn that spell soon if I don't want anyone to notice the change.

There was some more small talk and a change of clothes before Gigi opened the door again and strode into the room, dragging an unkempt, trembling, pale, dead-faced Snape with her.

"Here I give back to your little man... come back soon sweetheart, Sister Gigi will be waiting for you" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek and squeezing the young Snape's buttock, who shuddered.

Sev didn't say anything, he just 'ran' towards the front door as fast as possible and I followed him, but not before exchanging glances with Andra one last time. Once we left, only the two women were left in the room.

"You did well Gigi" (Mis Andra)

"What happened? Who was he...?" She asked, but then noticed her boss status "Miss Andra! Why are you crying?!"

Andra couldn't contain herself anymore, now that I was gone she released all the psychological burden that she accumulated. Tears ran, and her arms trembled wildly, but that didn't stop her next words.

"Call the rest of the staff, it doesn't matter if they are working" (Miss Andra)

"Do we have to run away again?" (Gigi)

"No... we change bosses" (Miss Andra)

"New boss? What are you talking about...?" She asked her blankly.

"Just do what you're told, and what happened today, those two kids...you never saw them, you just had a long talk with me tonight" she expressed the seriousness of the matter by holding Gigi's arm and staring at her.

"Yes, Miss Andra" she nodded, she would not contradict her boss.
