
Harry Potter: Ninjutsu Wizard

After dying during a war while on a relief mission, a young boy was granted a lucky draw for his next world. Unexpectedly he got the Ninjutsu System and his next world was of Harry Potter.

LordRaphael · Derivasi dari karya
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Earnest Tonks

A young boy sitting in a train carriage was holding his head, a momentary scream came out of his mouth before he fainted.

The train was relatively empty, his parents had some urgent work so they left the boy and his sister two hours before the departure. When the boy fainted in the carriage, no one noticed. His sister was just a carriage ahead but didn't see anything.

Ten minutes later, the boy woke up.

"F*cking hell, it hurts" the boy shouted as he held his head.

'Where am I?

It looks like a train carriage, no what is this weird 20th-century style.

If I remember correctly, I should be ... no how is this even correct? What about the nuclear warheads that .... shit I am dead or I should be dead.

How the hell am I even alive?

No, my hands are shorter and softer. Is this the legendary Isekai?

Let's sort it out first. I was born in the 21st century, so this is not regression, nor do I remember being reborn, so this should be transmigration.

Did I take over someone innocent's body?

Even if I did, does it matter, it's not that I deliberately did that.

There are a lot of things I need to do or confirm.

First, is this the same world or different?

Second, what is my identity here?

Third, what should I do with my future?

For the third question, I have a lot of solutions. From being a teacher to a CEO. What I want is a peaceful life.

I still couldn't believe that a minor skirmish in the Indian subcontinent could lead to a world war. Why does America have to be so nosy in every f*ckin matter? Because of their intervention, the skirmish resulted in a small war which became the seed of the third world war.

Let's forget about it for now, I have been surviving this war for the last six years, now I need some peace. I still remember that day, I graduated and wanted to go home to celebrate before starting my high-paying job. But just then I saw the news, my home town was bombed and my family was among the casualties.

Since then, I have been running from place to place, initially, I wanted revenge but when I saw that there was only destruction and nothing more, I joined the relief groups and since then it's only hell for me.

War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own.

I guess this is the first time I felt relieved in a few years. Maybe I can adapt myself to this body's family. In this life ... yeah there are not many dreams for me or ambitions. Just find a good wife, settle in some rural area surrounded by valleys and a peaceful neighbourhood.

Peace huh, I feel like an old man already dreaming of retirement.

Let's get out of the carriage first and see what this world is and who I am before dreaming about peace.'

The boy stood up after coming out of his musings and went out to search for some people to get information. Just as he passed the next carriage he saw a girl sitting with a pale heart-shaped face and dark twinkling eyes. She had short and spiky violet hair. The girl looked depressed as she sat hugging her own knees.

The boy decided to enter the carriage and get some information from the depressed girl and if possible help her.

Just as he entered the carriage, the girl looked up and looked surprised.

"E-Ernie, I mean Earnest, you are here."

Just as the boy was about to say hello, the girl called out to him.

'So my name is Earnest and she called me Ernie, probably my nickname or something. She might know me, wait her clothes, this design, oh I remember this is hufflepuff's crest.

Is she cosplaying, no her hair looks just like wait the colour just changed to dark blue, I know who she is'

"Nymphadora T-" Before the boy could speak the whole name, the girl jumped and hugged him. Tears falling down her cheeks, she clung to the boy even if she was bigger than her.

"You called my name Ernie, did your memory come back?"

This question stunned the boy. Her eyes looked into the boy's eyes expecting a positive answer.

'So let's get this straight, my name is Earnest, Nymphadora knows me, and this is Harry Potter world. Well if this is Harry Potter and Tonks is in school, I guess I will face another war. Just my luck.

This answers my first question. Now about my identity, I know my name is Earnest and I have amnesia, so this will help me cover up my change in nature and habits.

I guess I should know more about my past through Nymphadora here.'

"No" the boy replied.

"But you called my name."

"Yes, as soon as I saw you, your name came to my mind." Not that this statement was wrong.

There was a smile on her face as she replied, "This is also good. I knew those healers were just exaggerating."

"Umm... can you tell me more about myself, you know " Before the boy could complete his words, Tonks nodded happily as she made space for the boy to sit.

"You know I was waiting for you to say this. Okay listen, as the healers have already told you, your name is Earnest Tonks, and you are my little brother."

Tonks then went on to describe various events in Earnest's life. All included happy memories of the family. Andromeda Tonks and Ted Tonks are his parents and Nymphadora is his big sister.

'So I belong to the Tonks family. I guess it is fine, they are good people. Well, the future might not be so bright but with me here things will change. And from her words, the family really loves me. And Nymphadora also cares about her brother.

I might not be Earnest, but at least I will take care of this family, I guess this is my repayment to the boy. I will also enjoy the care of a family, although it's still not real but I will give it my all.

And the Amnesia case is just fine for the cover. From her words, it only happened a week ago, and since I lost all my memories...'

Earnest's musings were interrupted in between due to a mechanical sound.


[Host Awakening Complete!]

[System Bounded]

[Ding! Congrats Host on your Awakening!

You are now bonded to the Ninjutsu System.]

[You can get all the ninjutsu of the Naruto World from the System, including those of Kekkei Genkais but excluding those of Dojutsus.]