It is enough just to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whether a series of accidents, or a coincidence, but now I have to be reborn in a completely different world. A forced entity that controls the flows of souls in one of the branches of the worlds, contrary to its desire and dislikes for "anomalies", is obliged to give out powers and bonuses - these are the rules. What will life be like for someone who was not destined to survive? If you want to support me or read ahead: At least one chapter every day!
A/N: Do you want to finish reading the book today? Do it! Now you can ;)
May the magic be with you! Enjoy! :3
Standing on the astronomical tower and watching nature, which had long since thrown off its winter torpor, I pondered. Almost five months had passed since my conversation with the headmaster. Of course, I didn't trust him more than before. I didn't feel sympathy or anything. In fact, I didn't make any attempts to remove the occlumency, though I calculated two methods of its removal, quick and step-by-step, just for the sake of interest.
An amazing lull — these are the words that can describe the situation. Nothing happened at all, as if there had never been any Dark Lords. Well, at school, at least. Of course, there is a simple explanation for this — all this movement of Death Eaters never reached Hogwarts, nor did it get to the authorities, nor did it get to most of the students. For many at school, it was just rumors, information, and then quickly disappeared.
Now, as the spring weather begins to turn smoothly into summer, the situation in England is coming to certain normalcy. Fudge, it turns out, resigned the day after Voldemort's visit to the Ministry, and now Rufus Scrimgeour has been at the helm of Magical England for almost six months. What does that mean for everyone? Nothing special, except that they say that his services aren't for sale, unlike Fudge.
As for the rest of the Death Eaters... It's a little more complicated than that. Those of what might be called "alternatively gifted individuals" are caught by the DMLE and the Aurors pretty quickly. Among such losers are mostly idiots, maniacs, and murderers. Those Death Eaters who are smarter and more inventive, especially those who have not been caught or paid off in the past, go about their business safely. Most likely, they have always referred to those who joined the Dark Lord either under pressure or out of expectation of potential political and financial gain. So to hell with them.
Some of the Death Eaters formed small gangs, but without good leadership, they were captured pretty quickly, interrogated, and executed by the hard and incorruptible hand of Scrimgeour. Well, if there was a set of offences, bringing under the highest measure.
Nott... There's a separate story there, covered by the Daily Prophet already for a month. It turns out that in magical medicine, there is no concept of "mental abnormalities" in principle. No, of course, there is no denying the facts of the deviations themselves, as well as various diseases, but the branch of healing magic aimed at treating such things simply does not exist. Because of the case with Nott, the Mungo gathered a council, argued for two weeks, and in the best magical tradition, decided to simply steal a couple of specialists from ordinary people. The idea was nipped in the bud by a certain Smethwyck and addressed to the Minister, saying: "The mental health of the magical part of the nation is under threat, blah, blah, blah...". As a result, a small Institute for the Study of Mental Illnesses of Magical and Non-Magical Nature was organized under Mungo.
It seems to me that the absence of such a concept as "psychiatry" in magical medicine is due to the fact that wizards know very well about the existence of the soul, various curses, and other things. Organic injuries are treated "at once." The seclusion of wizards also plays a role. Not from the world around them but from themselves as well. Well, if someone went crazy in his house, didn't show up, then died quietly — it's no big deal. So it turned out that over the years, Theodore Nott became the third, third, damn it, patient in Mungo's tiny mental illness department. He had obvious mental abnormalities, deviant behavior, and unmotivated aggression with almost a split personality. Still, at the same time, there were no curses, no organic brain changes that could lead to this, no soul damage — this has already been told by students from Hufflepuff who have access to Mungo. Word of mouth…
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