
Harry Potter: Monarch of Magic

William Reginal was once an insignificant figure following the flow of a mundane society without leaving any noticeable mark of existence. During a sleep no different from any other, William came in contact with the unspeakable, and unimaginable for a mortal, demon or even a god. Something greater. Far greater. When he awoke from his slumber a changed being, it marked the beginning of a legendary time in which he would be at the core of events that would be etched into the annals of time. ---------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc, are the property of their respective owners, William Reginal, Vincent Helin, and others. The original characters and extended plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Cosmic_Writer · Filem
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As another month arrived once again, William celebrated his birthday contently with Electra and his recently established mage force the 'Sentinels'. Coincidently this day was also when William had arrived in this new world, and also the day he 'passed' in the former. A momentous date indeed. Blowing out his ten candles, William walked out of the large manor in Falmouth, a large wizardry land in the UK and had a comfortable walk around the premises.

"Sigh. It's been ten years huh? Who would've thought I'd actually travel to such a magical place and call it home? If it weren't for my memory I might've forgotten about my past life slowly. I wonder what I'll be able to do in the future".

William spoke quietly to himself, with a hint of nostalgia for the past and yearning for the future. William had grown quite a lot over the past five years, his height had already reached nearly four foot nine and was steadily growing for someone his age, his golden eyes were piercing in their gaze, his pitch black hair complementing his light skin.

William slowly traversed his large hidden manor, which acts as the training space for his Sentinel force. At first, William wasn't sure about 'recycling' wizards gone astray and training them for his own goals, however thinking about it, these wizards will either continue to cause havoc or be caught by the Aurors and tossed into Azkaban for torture. It seemed more practical to bring them under his own banner and strengthen his forces, to prepare for the coming turbulent times.

Over the past five years, William discovered three things. One, the wizarding world in Britain and the world is far larger than thought, and Dumbledore and the rest were truly powerhouses deserving to stand above the rest. Second, there were many hidden dangers, from different cults to rogue wizard forces. Third, the Ministry of Magic under Cornelius Fudge is truly incompetent. Plus the bonus point, this world whether due to the butterfly effect of William arriving or not, has strayed in some areas from the canon works.

This revelation at first terrified William to his core, after all the knowledge of the world's initial timeline, which gave him a great deal of confidence. However, after digging he discovered only certain areas were astray and were all within a manageable degree. The most prominent point of change is that James and Lily Potter were alive, but rather it was Harry's grandparents that sacrificed themselves to save him. Second, the Marauders were all alive and well, minus Peter Pettigrew who turned and fled after Voldemort's fall. The changes to Harry would most likely reveal its full effects in the future, however currently William had no reason to focus on the 'Boy Who Lived'.

Moving past the obvious changes in the world, William himself has done quite well for himself, in personal strength, power and livelihood. Focusing on his power, William's core is already facing obvious signs of breaking through to the dark blue core level within maybe a few months. Yes, it actually took 5 whole years for Williams core to prepare for another breakthrough.

Granted William's core is many times larger and stronger than others and his body is too small to withstand another breakthrough easily, even with his bloodline and guide it takes so long, showing the efforts it takes for a mage to progress.

William's knowledge and skill in spells itself have gained a massive increase, from mastering powerful variants of the three unforgivable curses to mastering the first and second chapters of elemental magic. He can now easily create elemental spells powerful enough to alter the environment to an extent. The next step is altering the weather itself, and past that is the legendary combination of elements!

When it comes to livelihood, his Sentinel organisation has grown from a small operation of influencing the surrounding wizardry world to a fairly major operation that can rival the twenty-eight sacred families.

William's imagination ran wild when forming the Sentinels before creating a proper structure. At the bottom of the Hierarchy were a large group of wizards and witches at the Dark Green and Weaker Blue core rank who were given the title of Acolytes. They wore a signature silk white robe with prominent blue markings on the outline and a similar white metal mask with blue markings, and the symbol of the Sentinels pinned to their chest, a triangular object with an eye in the middle, which acted as both a recorder and protection charm. William thought the symbol from his past life was quite mysterious and suitable to use for his own.

Following the Acolytes, William created the 'Praetors' rank, for his elite forces at the higher end blue and dark blue core rank. Wearing white robes and masks with purple markings. Lastly, William created the title of 'Consul', wearing white robes and masks with golden linings, for three rare powerhouses, at the very peak of the dark blue core. They were all around 60 to 70 years old and were old yet able-bodied men who ran a rare cult supporting pure-blood wizard's slaughter because of the injustice they faced. The organisation itself was quite large, with nearly 200 elite wizards, despite strict planning William lost nearly 40 Acolytes, and 3 Praetors and he himself broke his arm when trying to suppress 3 dark blue core wizards at the same time to take them under his control rather than kill them.

The event in itself was a wake-up call for William that he and his force's combat experience was lacking, so nearly 2 years ago William began harsh yet very effective combat training, against each other and beasts that refined his Sentinels and himself. Such was William's life over the past years, training, expanding, studying and the rare day or so every year he celebrated his birthday with Vincent, Emanuel (the first wizard brought under his command who is now a leading Praetor) who is surprisingly kind in nature once revealing his true self and three old fogies Hurley, Askeel and Cronin, who are prone to sharing their stories of adventure before being attacked by pure blood supremacists. Although routine, William found it extremely fulfilling knowing he was growing.

After reminiscing about his achievements and plans, William arrived at an open area filled with green grass far and wide. After contemplating for a minute or so, William receded the system's magic core mask and a powerful magical shockwave spread outwards in ripples, swaying the grass against the wind and startling every creature within a few hundred meters before quickly masking his core to an extent, enough to show strong magic, but not his real strength.

However, this short time was enough, for the Ministry of Magic to detect the 'new mage' awakened and also for the magical pen in Hogwarts to write another admission notice name for the Hogwarts incoming freshmen for 1990, 'William Ambrosius Reginal'!

Another one is finished, I'll probably release ten or so more chapters next week. Depending on the reactions I receive for the initial chapters, I'll see if the book has potential or not. Hope you all enjoyed, feed back is always welcome!

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