

a new soul has found itself in the Harry Potter universe. He is in the body of Draco Malfoy, who died at a young age,after his father's failed attempt at usurping power . The system that began as his greatest enemy soon takes him on the roller coaster in the Harry Potter world, equipped with a magical predator system How will he fair in this world of magic

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12 Chs





I stretched my hand lazily in my comfy bed enjoying the brief solitude. I could hear the hilarious laughter of students in the common room.

It's been a week now since being ushered into the dungeon and everything feels, pretty weird

I just can't get the hang of it.

everything from the password I have to give the damn plain wall, to the gothic strange feel of the common room feels spooky. not that the sight of the common room isn't beautiful.on the contrary, it's breathtaking.

Six of us had been sorted to Slytherin.Apart from Aster and I,there was Pansy,Zabini,Crabbe and Goyle

I recall the first time the six of us were ushered into the room, we all gaped in amazement. the place was decorated with green trophies and other portraits of famous Slytherin alumni. the Porsche sofas and sleek tables with green lamps covering the walls gave an aura of comfort. except in truth, I felt non.

I felt even more restless when an older student named Marcus Flint, explained that the house was deep in the depth of the black lake itself. call it imagination but I could almost feel a strange monstrous stare through the wall just next to my bunk.

Deep loneliness filled me. even my momentary dance with fame from the sorting didn't live long. trust Aster to see to that. by now, everyone knew I was a good-for-nothing comma boy.

The only person I could have reached out to, seemed particularly murderous towards me. Hermione has been going out of her way lately to make herself clear. we ain't pals no more.

I knew the situation couldn't be salvaged when during our shared potion lesson, she 'accidentally' poured a very stinky mixture that scorched my robe. professor snape had to use a reparo spell to fix the robe again.

I reached into my pockets and felt the cold lifeless coin. reaching into my thoughts I focused to establish the other link.

I felt the warm gentle feeling in my head and knew I had succeeded.

"Hey Hermione please hear me out"

for a moment there was a dominant silence and a bitter downcast voice reached into my head. her tone was even colder than the black lake...

"get out of my head Draco"

I closed my eyes momentarily trying to push the pain of that contemptuous dismissal.

"I didn't have much choice." I explained knowing well she would never understand

her hysterical laughter rang through my head and I could almost picture the ironic smile plastered on her face

"ha ha ha! I see you are already learning the trade of your kind. incase you forgot, everyone was there when the hat gave a freeway. anyway for the last time get out of my FUCKING HEAD"

The last words were shouted and I felt the connection immediately snap out.

what the...

anyway, I guess that was that. at least I tried. it pained me but I guess Harry and Ron were already charming their way to her heart, I felt a jealous feeling creep into my heart. since arriving, Harry Potter had suddenly become a star. everyone wanted a glimpse of 'the boy who lived' and his ever present, ever faithful lieutenant Ron, basked in the glory of the master..no matter.

sitting up on my bed in our deserted room, I decided to focus on a more friendly matter.

the system.

The deactivation of fade had certainly made my life easier. the system had also drastically changed.

initially, I was awarded exp and other rewards on successful completion of the quest but now. the setup was altogether different after being sorted. now it was a level-up system. this, as explained by the system, meant that every quest achieved would unlock a new level instead of the previous sublevels. also, there would be perks awarded depending on quest performance.

This particular model was quite promising yet also limiting. if I was very successful, I would be almost as powerful as dumbledore himself by the time I was in my last year at Hogwarts. incase I was unlucky...well let's just say I would be quite a disappointment.

I particularly felt refreshed by the elfs' power I had already assimilated. it had helped in my transfiguration and charms classes the last week. what I dreaded though was the quest that the system had just issued lately.

it didn't help that the only person who could have helped me had just ended our conversation quite viciously. I swore inwardly. I would have to get Hermione back on my side before tomorrow. how else would I get the password to the Gryffindor common room and retrieve what the system quest demanded?

of course, the fade was already deactivated but a chance to level up was something I couldn't afford to miss. while my classmates depended on lessons to attain skills and become full witches and wizards, I was dependent on performing quests to unlock abilities and perks...and if I killed a magical creature in the quest...even though I dreaded it, all the better

I hated to think that I would be using Hermione without her consent, but there wasn't an alternative. the system ultimatum was by sundown tomorrow

"I have to get the password" I spoke out loud"

just then, the door creaked open and vincent Goyle's fat face popped in ending my soliloquy

"hey, the password is still 'NO BLOOD TRAITOR' a good one don't you think" he chuckled maliciously

I suddenly felt nausea...Goyle and his goon Crabbe gave me the creep. I have been trying to avoid them for days now but they seem intent on recruiting me to their so-called pure blood team. jumping out of my bed, I ignored his question and picked up my backpack. I had care for magical creatures lesson down the school grounds. perhaps I would even manage to convince Hermione.

but first,i have to pass through the owlery....I have an urgent letter for mother.

my next move counts on its success!