
Harry Potter: mage of the elements (On Hold)

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Seven_deadly_sins_ · Lainnya
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13 Chs

Dungeon (ReWrite)

Harry thinks while looking at his dungeon options 'Hogwarts starts in a month so I am going to create my first magical creature and kaiju by getting cores from my dungeon I will go through the zombie one and the beast one

the first explains itself and the second it has non magical and magical beast ok I will go tell everyone I am going in the dungeon.'

So ge walk to the relaxation room and see them relaxing and chatting.

Harry says while looking hype "hey I am going into the dungeon skill to get beast cores bye."

Everyone says at the same time "Ok be careful and don't do anything we wouldn't do while in there."

Harry says "ok." He then go to the zombie dungeon and he spawn in a safe room so I take out durandal and start to go out and he see one zombie and he use a skill he usually never use observe it is a skill that came along with players mind and body.

He then sees Zombie lvl: 8 so he take his sword and use Bararaq Saiqa and from the sky lightning hits my sword and gets stored in it and he release it toward the Zombie and I hear ding and see on my notification for the system defeated 75x Zombies gained 75 zombie cores. He am exited cause they only have 125 zombies plus the boss.

Harry says to himself "That means there is 50 Zombies left to kill and get their cores and 1 Zombie king core to get I wonder what would happen if I combined them all together many a sentient zombie guy or woman."

He then go around to look for them then he see a the whole 50 zombies he needs to kill before the zombie king spawns so he uses a transfiguration skill I created.

Harry says while looking at the zombies and under them a gaint Silver Magic Circle "Lion prison explosive bite!!" It turned the ground under the targets in to a loins head and goes underground and explodes

[Elsa says "50 Zombie cores gained and you need to prepare for the boss"]

then the zombie Queen spawns and he start to use Furfurs light manipulation to shoot 10 light beams each that shoot from his third eye and mouth they pierce the zombie king and he throws a pillar he summons from the ground but he transfigure it into dust and use Bararaq and a lightning bolt strike and completely destroys the body of the boss and kills him.

Harry thinks "now I have all zombie cores I will use my physique now to try and create a kaiju with the cores." But out of know where a bone spear shoots at him but he dodges it while bringing out his wand and transforming it into his hook swords that look similar to Kabals from Mk and looks and uses observe and sees.

[Hidden Boss] [Novice Necromancer] [Level 28]

He then charges the necromancer and while using Hellblaze To Coat his Swords he stabs him and using the hooks on the sword spins around with him a throws him which cuts him in half but he heals and gets up but before the necromancer can attack Harry uses his POD He Sends 100 Needles that Destroys the necromancer.

[1 Necromancer Core] [Dark Region Dungeon]

He then sat down and calmed down and started to meditate and he went to his inner world to see a bunch of cores so he controlled 100 Of them to combine and a bright light flash and a Zombie woman appears and he says happy "hello I am Harry I created you, Your name will be Zombina and call me harry."

Zombina says "Hello Harry it nice to meet you"

Harry says while using observe "Hello to you but go do something like watch the tv or something there is movies and games from the system."

[Status: (Name: Zombina) (Kaiju grade: A) (Skills: Super strength, Superspeed, Earth pillar, Super intelligents, Body dismantling, regen, Levitation, Size Manipulation )


Super strength: Is strong enough to store a car and it's earth pillar skill.

Super speed: can run fast enough to go around the world in 5 seconds

Super intelligents: super smart

Regen: Heals fast Body dismantling: can pull of its own body parts without dying

Earth pillar: Can summon pillars from the earth.]

Harry says while looking at the other cores" ok Zombina I will talk to you later now I need to create your brother or sister from those cores I said it can be either gender cause I don't know the necromancers gender he or she was just bones"

He then controls the last 26 cores using the Necromancer as the main cores and what appears is a women that is 6,5 and looks like Melascula from 7DS so he decides to name her that.

Harry Says While Smiling and using observe " Hello your name is Melascula I am the one who created you but you can call me Harry and by the way that is your sister over there."

Melascula says " Well Harry and sister hello." Zombina starts talking to her and Harry looks at her description.

[Status- (Name:Melascula) (Kaiju Grade: S) (Skills: Hell Gate, Dark Magic, Bone Magic, Levitation, Necromancy, Size Manipulation )

He then Goes to the beast dungeon to get magical beast core to create magic beast. So he leaves mindscape and out of the dungeon and go to the beast dungeon to see he spawned by the ocean and a forest so he start to hunt for 6 beast cores 3 regular and 3 magical beast core.

He find a 4 Magical beast and 3 regular Beast lion & Tiger & a Inland Taipan the most venomous Serpant for non magical that I stab with durandal in the head and for magical

I find Fire Lion king & wind Tiger Queen for one magical beast & Earth Naga & Water Naga for the other which he uses transfiguration and makes rock spikes that pierce them and he got the cores.

He need to create the magic beast he want to create so I go to the to my inner world and see 7 cores and 3 with a beast like aura and 4 with fire wind earth and water aura flowing around it.

Harry starts by combining the the 4 Lion and tiger cores to create a scorching liger Queen. The magical beast appears it is kind of slender but with muscles with fire and wind whipping around her and with white tiger stripes and red fur.

She comes so he put my hand out and she rubs her head on his hand and he sit down and pat his lap to get her to lay her head on his lap.

Harry says while using observe "pulchra aestus which means beautiful scorching wind is your name."

[Elsa Says "That is a beautiful name you should make your Naga after since the nagas you killed are women you should name her Frata Jarara."]

Harry says while thinking it is a good idea "Ok I will"

[status: (Name:Pulchra Aestus) (M-Beast: S+)

(Skills: Scorch magic, Fire magic, Wind magic, Elemental, Elemental Breath, High IQ, superbody, Human Speech, Size Manipulation )

Description: Superbody: strong in speed strength endurance healing

Scorch Magic : Scorch Release from naruto

Fire Magic: Can manipulate fire with magic

Wind Magic: Can manipulate wind with magic

Elemental: Can turn into her elements

Elemental Breath: Can shoot her elements from her mouth

High IQ: Really Smart]

Harry then fuses the last cores and creates a women with the lower body of a snake and introduces while using observe " I am Harry I created you and your name is Frata Jarara you can can me Harry you can go talkwith the others but be careful with your poison."

Frata says while smiling " Hello to you to Harry." She then goes talk to Melascula and Zombina.

[Status- (Name: Frata Jarara) (M-Beast Grade: S+) (Skills: Poison magic, Earth magic, Water Magic, Supernatural Body, Snake Form, Size Maniputlation)

'this is good but I was really lucky mostly because my physique is grade D.' Harry thinks while leaving both his inner world and dungeon and it is time to eat so he goes eat while talking to everyone and then he go practice his devil powers.

He first train with Potent Demonic Energy & Control so he can waste little energy he practice by making shapes and animations with it and attack enchanted targets he got it to grade B+ and started to practice the power of destruction by doing the same.

but he created a new technique called destruction breath I summon a dragon head and it shoots 5 destruction Spears then charges and bites them. He then starts to practice Agrokinesis by Making plants grow and making needles out of different types of plants he gets it to grade (C+), He then goes to sleep.
