
Harry Potter: Challenging Fate

An amalgamation of memories occur when a lonely soul takes over Harry Potter's body during the forth year. How will he survive the tournament? With a couple of spells and support of his loved ones.

ShinXResolve · Derivasi dari karya
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11 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.


"Greasy bat." Ron thundered in the corridors. "And you'd have thought the day couldn't get any worse."

Professor Snape with new found passion decided to make the Griffindors lives miserable. Asking off topic questions during brewing, sabotaging by erasing the instructions and his signature name calling. As Harry Potter couldn't care less about the man, the Potions Master focused his attention on the others.

"He was genuinely smiling today." Lavender noted.

Parvati shivered. "Poor Neville," the boy wasn't currently with them, "he took a failing potion to the face."

In midst of the lesson a Slytherin must've thrown in some kind of aggressive agent into his cauldron. Making it fume and eventually shooting out it's content like a flaming volcano. Neville ended up with a moderately deformed face.

"And the bloody bastard had the gall to say he didn't notice a difference." Dean remarked while applying some ointment on his wrist. Another casuality of Snape's malicious vendetta against everything red and gold. "Thanks Hermione for the salve."

"What don't you have in that thing?" Ron pointed towards Hermione's bag.

The girl huffed. "After three years with the both of you I've learned to be prepared." She was paired with Tracy Davis today so she evaded the wrath of the professor. "And what's making you happy?" She addressed the only exuberant person in the group, Harry Potter.

"I don't know what you mean." He replied with a mischievous grin.

Although his friends got the short end of the stick, unequivocally Snape brought even more terror to himself. The unspoken martyr of today was unfortunately Neville's wand. Only the handle was left after the abomination of an elixir splattered on it. A clash between bat and vulture was inevitable.

"You're becoming more annoying." Hermione remarked.

"Trouble in paradise?" Susan Bones interjected as the lions were exiting the dungeons.

"Apparently even the Supreme Dark Lord is no match for a teenage girl." Hannah added with a giggle.

"Such is a life of a male." Harry theatrically raised his hands in the air in response. "Balancing on the edge of his lady's emotions."

"Very funny Harry, but you're still not getting rid of me." She smirked. "Your secrets are mine for the taking."

The boy nervously sweated at her scheming smile. "Who took my studious little bookworm away?" He uttered under his nose.

"You should find an answer to that question before you meet my father." Hermione sniggered at his gapping in astonishment mouth.

Chuckling at their adorable display Susan took out a letter. "My aunt wanted to have this delivered to you," her demeanor became serious, "personally."

Harry Potter took the white envelope from her hand. He could feel some kind of magic scanning his presence. "Is it charmed?" The boy curiously turned it to the back. A wax seal bearing the arms of the house of Bones caught his attention.

Susan nodded. "Standard procedure done during the previous war." She explained. "It uses your magic to check if you're the true addressee."

Harry raised his brow in suspicion. "And how did she get my magic signature?"

The auburn witch mysteriously smiled. "I believe magic is an acceptable answer, Mr. Potter." She entered the Great Hall leaving Harry unsatisfied.

"Well that wasn't ominous." Lavender joked. "Sometimes you forget how some houses got their names."

"Are you talking about their connections to necromancy?" Hermione asked with a hint of disgust in her voice.

"Imperial Hounds was their moniker." Ron remarked. "A shame only Madam Amelia Bones is left from those glorious days."

"Yeah. Most of them unfortunately died during the war." Parvati remarked. "Supposedly because of betrayal."

The letter suddenly became heavy in Harry Potter's hand. The weight of this favor could possibly take him into the unknown undercurrents of this world. Sighing he shoved the burning piece of parchment into his pocket.


"How is he Madame Pomfrey?" McGonagall rushed into the infirmary after having read the mediwitch's note.

Neville was sitting on a stool, keeping a bag of ice on his face. "The lad should be relieved the concoction didn't devour his face." A tired woman's voice replied. "Anymore of this nonsense and I'll quit that man myself."

Pomfrey arrived with a cart full of elixirs. She reached towards the boy for the cooling bag. McGonagall grimaced seeing the state of her cubs face. A grotesquely disfigured profil with puss coming out of swelling warts.

"Poor child." She said with concern. "Was his grandmother informed?"

Various agents were mixed on the fly as the witch diagnosed the teen. "I'll leave that pleasant obligation to you Minerva." Pomfrey huffed. Regent Longbottom wasn't the most calm individual she had the pleasure to meet during her work in Hogwarts.

"I see." McGonagall replied with a little bit of dissatisfaction. "What should I include in the notice?"

A moan of relief left Neville as the newly mixed concoction touched his hurting face. At least they could now see his eyes.

"Tell my grandma that the wand was destroyed during this accident." The teen said with composure that surprised his Dean.

"The school will reimburse your loss." She replied stiffly seeing a twisted smile appearing on Neville's face.

"Don't worry professor." He awkwardly chuckled. "Maybe it was for the best."


"Why are we here?" Hermione studied the abhorrent tapestry before her. "Barmy he was to say the least."

Chuckling Harry passed the hall three times. A door appeared making the witch shocked. "Before we enter I'd like you to remember your promise."

"Not telling anyone and no more then 2 hours." She rolled her eyes at the latter part. "Why all this?"

"Have a look yourself." He winked and opened the door.

A cosy interior was revealed but this time without a fireplace. A couple of armchairs and a loveseat stood proudly in the middle. Bookshelves filled to the brim adorned the walls leaving the viewer guessing their color. The crystal chandelier flickered with it's magical flames, giving an uncanny touch to the room.

Hermione entered the room stunned. She touched the nearby cloth hanger, feeling its smooth and cold surface she continued on. Mesmerized by the sheer volume of books she didn't notice Dobby pop behind her.

"Hello Harry's girly friend." The witch jumped and landed with her back against the bookshelf.

"Who are you?" She responded while gasping for air.

"Me be Dobby." He bowed. "A free elf at your service."

The teenage girl reached towards his outward hand and shook it. "Pleased to meet you." She nervously replied. "You must be friends with that laughing oaf over there." Hermione pointed at Harry who was trying his best not to laugh.

The elf enthusiastically nodded. "Harry Potter be the best friend to us elves."

The teen walked up to the duo and hugged the pranked witch. "I'm sorry we set this up." He gently kissed her hand. "But you wouldn't have fallen for it, had you paid attention to your surroundings."

She blushed. "You can't expect that while dangling so many books before me."

"And now you know why two hours." Her pouting demeanor said it all.

"At least 4 hours everyday." She negotiated. "Maybe then I'll finish all of them before school ends." She looked enamored by the forgotten by time tomes. Waiting for someone to study their secrets.

"Sorry love." He took her into his arms and carried towards the loveseat. "But I need some quality time with my girlfriend."

"Then maybe you should've let me know about this place earlier." She pinched his cheeks. "Now I'm behind on my schedule."

Harry sat down with Hermione snuggled in his lap. "How about we focus on our future, Mione?" He said while playing with her locks of unruly bushy brown hair.

"Hmph," she leaned into his touch, "you know how to drive a hard bargain."

"Should I get Mr. Doggy?" Dobby interrupted the lovey-dovey couple.

Snapping back to the present Harry nodded. "And if he hasn't eaten then maybe an afternoon snack would be advised." He replied with a grin and with a pop the elf disappeared.

"I wonder how Winky has been doing." Hermione thought back to the Quidditch Finals.

"You can ask Dobby later." Harry said. "He's been taking care of her."

After being silent for a while Hermione asked."Could you tell me more about this room?"

Time flew by as Harry explained the rules of the Room of Requirements. Just as she wanted to ask another question a crack brought the duo's attention to the newcomer, a shaking shaggy black dog.

Sirius Black quickly changed back to his human persona. "You little devil," the man roared at Harry, suprising the girl in the process, "how could my own godson do something like this to me!?"

"Don't tell me it wasn't a good prank." Harry Potter waved off the raging man and flashed a grin.

Blinking Sirius started howling in laughter. "I'm almost furious I didn't come up with it myself."

"Are you both insane!?" Hermione yelled in a high pitched voice. "He shouldn't be here, Harry. They'll find him." She addressed her boyfriend with a shocked countenance.

"He was at the Chamber of Secrets, Mione." The teen tried to calm her down. "Even house elves don't venture there because of fear. Dobby being the sole exception."

Plates of food appeared on the coffee table. "It's chow time." Sirius happily exclaimed.

"Why didn't you ask Dobby earlier?" Harry asked confused by his crazed hunger.

"I've just woken up, pup." The man started choking. "I couldn't sleep because of all the green." He paused. "And that wretched smell of decay."

"Yeah. The basilisk is still there." Harry mused. "And even before it wasn't any better."

"Can you please explain why you got your godfather into Hogwarts?" Hermione started tapping her foot in annoyance.

"Because he and Hedwig couldn't for the life of them behave." Harry sighed. "And he wasn't exactly being cautious making a cave nearby the school grounds, his safe haven."

Sirius felt goosebumps as the witch sized him up with a stern gaze. "Don't expect me to be of sound mind after over a decade in Azkaban." He nervously chuckled.

"My worry is wasted on the both of you." She replied not amused by their bashful expressions. "So what's the plan?"

"For now we're biding our time." Harry flashed the letter from Madame Bones. "The head of DMLE found out there was no trial and not even a written verdict by the judges."

"So they just casted him into a cell?" Hermione was outraged by the blatant violation of the law. "And who was the Judge?"

A glint of murderous light flashed in Harry's eyes. "Bartemius Crouch Sr." He said in a cold voice.

The witch gasped. "Winky's former master."

"And a father to a zealous Death Eater, Barty Crouch Jr." Sirius remembered the crazed young man from Azkaban. "But the kid died a couple of years ago."

"Then why is he right now in the DADA's classroom as we speak?" Harry's statement instantly sobered up his godfather's demeanor.

"What do you mean he's here?" Sirius grabbed his godson by his shoulders. "I've seen his body taken away."

"Who cares about semantics?" The teen coughed seeing his girlfriend not happy with him right now.

"As a matter of fact, I do." She shoved Sirius away and shoke the living hell out of the boy. "Out with it. No more bloody secrets Mr. Potter." She yelled furiously at the teen.

"It's hard to speak when you're shaking me like this." He stuttered back.

Being released from her grip Harry laid down on his back on the loveseat. "I need a vacation."

"Since when did you know?" The girl asked while keeping herself from tearing up. "And why didn't you tell me?"

Abashed Harry hugged the girl. "I'm sorry for keeping it a secret, but I've had my reasons." He said while rubbing her back in circles.

Sirius took a swig of Butterbeer. "How did he infiltrate Hogwarts?"

"The most unexpected way. He impersonated professor Moody." The teen's revelation shocked the man and Hermione.

"An escaped convict was teaching us about the unforgivables!?" The witch wanted to faint.

"Yep. Right in front of the son of his victims." Harry replied. "He drove Neville's parents to insanity with the Cruciatus curse."

Uncomfortable silence spread throughout the room as the group grappled with the new found knowledge. Hermione nervously biting her fingernail and walking back and forth. Sirius on the other hand sat in an armchair with his arms crossed, his expression hard to figure out.

Harry Potter waited calmly for a couple of minutes before continuing to speak. "We can't let him get caught for now."

"Are you insane?" The witch turned, astonished by his words.

"I'm with her, Pup." His godfather interjected. "He's always unstable. Even during my Hogwart's years."

The teen sighed while massaging his brows. "He's probably the one who got me in the tournament. And I'm certain it's not just to kill me."

"And why would you think that?" Sirius asked.

"Every DADA teacher I've had contributed in some way or another to jeopardize my life." Harry replied. "And none of them had a great ending."

"At least Professor Lupin didn't end up getting killed or memory wiped." Hermione nodded. "But shouldn't we catch this man to get the information as to why he's here?"

"Then answer me this, Mione." Harry raised and wiggled his finger. "Do you think the Ministry will allow this man to live to tell the story?"

"Even if not we can't allow for this." She remarked with conviction. "We're not in a game to play with innocent lives, Harry."

A pop stopped the brewing argument. "Harry Potter there be an emergency in the Great Hall!" Dobby said while clutching the boy's leg.

"Take care of Sirius, Dobby." Harry quickly marched towards the door.

"Wait for me Harry." Hermione ran out following the boy to the nearby secret passage.


"Trelawney was in a good mood today." Lavender noted.

Parvati nodded while putting some salad on her plate. "She was devastated when Harry stopped attending."

Ron groaned hearing their conversation. "So she decided to make me her new victim."

"That's not true." The Indian girl huffed. "You're just blind to the finer arts."

Lavender smirked. "That's not the only thing he's blind to." The duo giggled at the boys confused look.

"Don't think about it Ronnikins." George patted his brothers shoulder.

"It's a losing battle even if you do." Fred chimed in while throwing a couple of candy into a bowl when nobody was looking.

"Keep away from the pudding," Luna reached out and hit Fred on the hand. "Or I'll move the deadline."

Downtrodden, the elder boy looked at the younger girl with tears. "How could you sister in but name of mine?"

George lowered his twins head and bowed. "Oh divine Goddess of the Moon, please have mercy on us mere mortals."

"And that's how the new pecking order was established." Ginny said in a playful tone.

A bandaged Neville sat down next to Ron. "Did I miss something?"

The Griffindors welcomed the teen. "Only the squealing of three enthusiastic Quidditch players." Seamus pointed towards their team's chasers.

"Dumbledore announced it during lunch." Ginny said. "Did you see Harry or Hermione?"

Neville shook his head. "I've just got out of the infirmary." He chuckled. "Although I have to go back after dinner for another dose."

Snickering reached the ears of the house of gold and red. "Great look you have there Longbottom." Laughter ensued as Slytherin's decided to hijack the good atmosphere with their foul air.

Draco Malfoy strutted next to the sitting blonde boy. "I say those white stripes hide the worst of you."

Neville tried to stay calm. "A shame they can't let me hide from you."

"What was that?" The green ponce narrowed his eyes. "It seems the potion couldn't teach you how to address your betters."

"How about you move it before we take this to another level?" Ginny retorted.

The Slytherin's began to laugh. "So you need a woman to save you?" Theodore Nott sneered.

Anger was slowly creeping into Neville's eyes at the constant jeering. Ironically the snakes couldn't get a hint even if their life was on the line.

"Not only he's a waste." Zambini started. "But he can't even defend his honor."

Draco scoffed. "A good thing you lost that wand of yours." The boy neared Neville's face. "We wouldn't want people to mistake you for a wizard."

Crunch, a sickening sound reverberated the quiet hall as Draco Malfoy was launched towards the Ravenclaw table. Neville was standing with his bloodied fist. Returning from their shock Crabbe and Goyle tried to grab the Griffindor only to meet a wave of dust. The cloud made them sneeze and made their faces swollen. Neville released from his hidden pouch a cloud of Pasterfly pollen. A highly allergic agent.

Not waiting Neville walked towards Draco Malfoy who lifted himself off from the bench. "I'll make you pay, Longbottom." He said with a nasal tone as his nose was broken.

"And I'll make you bleed, you slimy bastard!" The Griffindor started to rain fists on his opponent.

Awaking from their disbelief the surrounding students tried to stop the brawl. However stopping a raging bull wasn't that easy for the bookworms of Ravenclaw.

Griffindors cheered on while Ron, Seamus and Dean started fighting the Slytherins that tried to get to Neville.

Snape was the first professor to reach the scene. "Enough you fools!" With a flick of his wand the troublemakers were locked into position.

"What's the meaning of this!?" McGonagall rushed in and gasped at the sight.

Neville was stopped in the middle of hammering a fist onto Malfoy's face. Ron got Crabbe in a chokehold while Dean and Seamus tried to kick the daylights out of their laying down opponents.

"Who started this?" Flitwick grimaced and asked the nearby Ravenclaw, Roger Davies.

"Mr. Malfoy walked up to the Griffindor's table and started mocking his failures as a wizard." The teen explained. "However Mr. Longbottom was the first to hit after a comment about his wand was made." The last statement got in a couple of nervous giggles.

"Hmph. They should work on their skills." Moody arrived next to the Potions Master. "But at least that one's got the physique." He pointed at Neville and let out a rough laugh.

"Dunderheads, the lot of them." Snape scowled and released the students. Do you have something to say for yourself, Longbottom?"

The boy looked confused but after hearing Snape's comment he turned to the professor. "Next time I'll plunge his head into my cauldron."

"Impudent!" The man snarled. "I'll have you expelled for this you..."

The doors to the Great Hall shot open by a tumultuous wind. "Him what?" An older woman walked in through the entrance. With a cane in her right hand she slowly made her way towards the former scene of battle.

"You should've told me you've arrived, Augusta." McGonagall greeted the woman cordially.

"I'm not here for an official visit, Minerva dear." Madame Longbottom replied. "However it seems one is needed."

Neville's grandmother sat on the Hogwart's board of governor's. But she usually was absent during the meetings. It was a position she inherited from her late husband after all. Not something she aspired to do. And nobody could tell her otherwise.

"So this is how the school is run nowadays?" She asked nobody in particular. "How low it has fallen."

"Granny." Neville greeted his grandmother. "It's good to see you well."

Augusta looked towards her grandchild. "Don't lie boy." She knocked the floor with her cane. "There's no need."

An aura came down on the boy from the witch. Gritting his teeth, Neville's eyes flashed with another bout of anger. This time focused on the woman before him.

Letting out a huff Augusta stopped. "It took you this long to finally get rebellious." She glanced towards Snape and Malfoy. "Maybe you weren't so useless after all."

Draco couldn't take the insult. "I'll tell dad all about this."

Madame Longbottom cast a menacing glare at the boy. "Your father is still alive because I don't deal with rubbish, boy."

"You've been wanting to say something about my grandchild?" She returned to addressing Snape. "Then let's hear it." She walked closer to the man. "But I advise you to be careful. My hand may slip like the heads of my enemies."

Snape focused on the woman before him. "You'll get your evaluation at a latter time, Mrs. Longbottom."

"It's nice to see you again Longbottom." Moody studied the woman with his magical eye. "It was a nice breeze."

"And who are you?" Madame Longbottom asked.

"Aren't you too young to go deaf?" The man let out a grotesque grin on his scared face. "But I applaud you for your vigilance." His fake blue eye wickedly spinned. "I'm Alastor Moody, ex-auror."

A sword drived through the floor were Moody was last standing. The man jumped just in the knick of time out of the way. A piece of his coat was cut off by the weapon before him.

"It seems we're both mad today." Moody with a crazed expression looked towards the witch.

Madame Longbottom opened her coat, revealing blades coming out of hidden pockets. "I remember saying," swords started circling around her, "to not to lie to me."

Scandalized by her behavior McGonagall shouted. "What on earth are you doing Augusta?" She tried to reason with her. "He's been hired by Dumbledore himself."

"Good to know." A murderous light flashed in the woman's eyes. "Then he'll have to tell me how he didn't see his friend being impersonated." She replied with a vicious smile. "Isn't that right, Barty?"