


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.


"Wow." Susan wanted to clap, seeing Neville's punch. "Maybe he'll work up the courage after all. Right Hannah?" She smirked at her blushing friend.

"Let's first see if he'll still be in Hogwarts." The blonde pointed towards Snape.

"I wouldn't worry." Cedric calmed down the spectating Hufflepuffs. "His grandmother won't allow it."

As if on que the witch entered the Great Hall with style. "Now that's surprising." A tanned seventh year, Candice Rivers exclaimed. "It seems the rumors were true."

"What rumors?" A curious third year asked.

The Hufflepuff's got closer to Candice. "Apparently, before she married into the Longbottom's family she was a well-known hit wizard." She whispered. "But she mostly worked on the mainland."

"When you found yourself in the eye of the storm you knew it was already too late for mercy." Cedric said with a serious tone. "Her method of dispatching enemies earned her the name Howling Guillotine."

"Surely that's mere conjecture." Ernie Macmillan scofed at the notion. "She just has a penchant for theatrics"

The students also couldn't believe the story. Madame Longbottom was from a light faction family after all. Which was currently under the leadership of Dumbledore himself.

"What's she doing?" Hannah nudged Susan. "Neville seems to be under somekind of pressure."

"Probably trying to scare him." The auburn witch replied. "However he's pulling through."

At the Ravenclaw's table the Beauxbatons students weren't happy with their colleagues almost being caught in the fist fight.

"It's good that these barbarians keep to themselves." A rather lanky brunet scoffed.

"Right you are Michel." His brown haired friend agreed. "What do you think, Delacour?"

Fleur as if nothing happened continued eating her favorite dessert, canelé. "Why would I care about their squabbles, Richard?"

However silently she kept her attention on the newcomer. 'She's a similar aura as uncle Hercule." The blonde vella thought to herself.

Slytherins were fuming. Too many embarrassing moments happened in a short span of time. Some couldn't wait to write about the mishaps of the Malfoy heir.

The Durmstrang's students looked on with amusement. Brawls in their academy were commonplace. Strength was what separated the great from the weak after all.

"A shame she didn't marry into the Cross family." A melodious witch's voice reached Victor Krums ears.

The Quidditch star looked to his right. A fair young woman with long straight black hair was fiddling with a knife in hand. "Your habit is showing, Ann."

She stopped for a second before continuing her routine. "Should've been me in the tournament." She pouted and jabbed the kitchenware into a nearby apple, causing it to scramble into equal cubes.

"And why would the rising European star of dueling need this title?" A roguish laughter interjected the duo.

Edrian Malverich, a long standing rival and friend of the two. Despite his brutish looks he specialized in potions. The trio knew each other before enrolling in Durmstrang's walls.

"And why would a full-time Seeker need a paltry sum of 1000 galleons?" The girl shot back with a cheeky smile. The Champion let out a grunt, deciding to end the childish banter.

"Why did she attack that man?" Whispering overtook the table as they saw Moody jump out of the swords way.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The scared man took on a fighting stance. "You should keep your grief under control."

Madame Longbottom continued releasing more blades. "I ensure you that I'm of sound mind." She narrowed her eyes. "Potions can only mask appearances, boy." She raised her cane towards Moody. "But I can identify the rotten stench of your magic without missing a beat, Barty Crouch Jr."

Silence engulfed the hall at her words. Confusion written in the onlookers faces. People started questioning the witch's sanity as some remembered that the supposed Barty was long found dead in Azkaban.

"Madam Longbottom, surely you're not suggesting that man is still alive?" McGonagall said with disbelief.

"There's one way to check isn't there, Minerva?" Augusta pressed a button on her cane's handle, releasing some sort of fog.

Panic showed for the first time on Moody's face as he casted Protego in front of him. "Are you trying to poison me, witch!?"

A rare cruel smile crept to her face. "Don't be scared." She said slowly every syllable. "It's just an polyjuice antidote. Isn't that right, Severus dear?"

"It's as you say, Mrs. Longbottom." The man replied calmly. "And I'm here as insurance Alastor." The potion master said as a matter of fact.

"Surely you don't believe their madness?" The gruff ex-auror said to the rest of the faculty.

"People long thought to be dead, coming back to life seems to be a trend here at Hogwarts nowadays." Flitwick remarked without his usually cheerful demeanor.

"In your place I'd just agree to the inspection." Professor Sprout took out a bag from her robes. "We wouldn't want any danger to befall the students."

The professors encircled Moody. "Could you please inform the headmaster, Minerva?" The half-goblin professor sighed as a wave of magic rippled from him. "Students should evacuate to their dorms, now."

But before anyone could move a cracking noise reverberated in the Great Hall. Blackish sparks began gathering around Moody. "It seems I've failed."

Lines of black started coursing through his face. The unknown discharge of magic broke the potion's efficiency revealing a haggard face of a young man.

"Hello world." Barty's eyes flashed with crazed madness. A creepy smile adorning his face. "My master won't be happy with me." He said in a disturbing happy tone, unnerving everyone near him.

"Your master?" Augusta asked. "So it's true." With a wave of her cane the blades flied towards the young man.

Cackling he used the black tendrils to catch a couple of stunned students. Making a meat shield before him. "Now now Mrs. Longbottom. Let's not get trigger happy." The captured children screamed in agony as he increased the output of his magic. "We wouldn't want a couple more Franks and Alices at Mungo's, wouldn't we?" He said with wicked smile plastered on his face.

"And what are your demands, Crouch?" Flitwick grimaced seeing a caught second year Ravenclaw.

"Nothing much. Freedom," he paused and licked his dry lips after looking at the entrance, "and you Mr. Potter."

Harry and Hermione entered the Great Hall. The witch gasped seeing struggling and shivering students kept in the air by the maniac. "You monster!" She exclaimed.

Brushing of the comment with a bout of laughter. "Why thank you young lady. I try my best."

"I would be greatful if you stopped looking at her as if she was prey, Junior." Harry walked in front of her. "And release the students before it gets too messy."

"Aren't you arrogant, boy?" Barty tighten his grasp over his hostages.

"Defeating a self-proclaimed Dark Lord does that." Harry chuckled. "It's been like three times already. But who's counting."

"Lies!" Hatred seeped through his voice. The spike in the emotions caused the hostages more pain. Cries and groaning like a saw gritting against metal reached everyone's ears.

"I think this is enough." A familiar voice echoed in the hall.

Dumbledore finally showed up. Relief showed on McGonagall's face as she thought he wouldn't arrive on time. "Albus you must stop this."

The elderly wizards smiled. "Would you be so kind releasing the students, Mr. Crouch?"

An uncanny feeling of impending doom rocked Barty's mind. Trying to find what was causing this his concentration slipped, making Augusta seize the moment. A knife from the nearby table shot towards the man.

By his reflexes alone he dodged a fatal blow, but nevertheless an ear was cut off in process. Barty roared in anger seeing blood on hand, making his control go haywire.

"I said enough." Dumbledore released a wave of pressure knocking out Barty and ending both his and Augusta's control over their magic respectively.

Before the swords could reach anyone beneath them shadowy figures appeared. Each grabbing a piece of blade.

"Aunty!" Susan let out her breath in relief. She used up her emergency charm to call in the head of DMLE.

The shadows converged back to Amelia Bones, putting the blades near her feet and revealing the truth behind the silhouettes, dog shaped purpulish black phantoms with bone collars.

"I'll take it from here." The witch said in a tone not allowing for any disobedience. However she still watched closely Britain's myth, the headmaster.

"And what's the DMLE going to do with him?" Augusta tapped her cane making the swords disappear. "I'm not letting this man leave today alive."

The women stared at each other. But before the tension could rise chains shot out from the air, locking Barty's body in place. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid he's mine."

Harry tugged the man to him, taking control of the situation. "If you excuse me I have some hunting to do."

"You're not going anywhere young man." Both of the witches shot Stupify at him which he blocked with a blue screen.

"Don't worry, I'll be back." Harry chuckled while he and Barty seamlessly disappeared into thin air.

"Harry!" Hermione wanted to rush after him but he was nowhere to be found.


After Harry Potter left many things happened. At Hogwarts the real Alastor Moody was found in a trunk. The man showed signs of potions overuse and malnourishment. He was quickly taken by aurors into Saint Mungo's. The students which suffered from Cruciatus-like exposure also were transported for further checkups. The rest of the student body and professors were questioned by Amelia Bones and her force.

Madam Longbottom took Neville away from the castle. Making the fourth year boy's dorm room even more desolate. Not that it mattered since the rest of the boys were currently in the infirmary. Getting reprimanded by Pomfrey and awaiting a visit from their parents.

In the girl's dorm the witches kept Hermione company as she looked through the window while Crookshanks was playing with her necklace.

"Don't worry Hermione." Parvati tried to brighten up the atmosphere with some games.

Lavender returned from the kitchens with a couple of sweets and cups of hit chocolate. "He'll be alright."

"She's probably more worried about him causing mayhem." Ginny joked while decimating the Indian teen in a game of cards.

"That's the third time already." Parvati threw her pillow at the redhead. "Cheaters the lot of you."

"I've had good teachers." Ginny grinned while Luna took Parvati by suprise by tickling her.

"The twin powers of Fae will defeat you. Huzzah." The blonde shouted.

The older witch teared up from the onslaught. "Stop spectating and help me Brown."

Lavender sipped on her hot cocoa and checked her fingernails. "I'm too delicate for fighting, honey."

As the background tumbled into more cursing and laughter the lonely witch sighed. "Why couldn't you take me with you, Harry?" She felt so lost.

Throughout the years they've always tackled major problems having each other's backs. Not shying away from breaking the rules or engaging with dangerous elements. Sometimes she reminisced her muggle upbringing. Where such behavior wouldn't even crossed her mind.

She took back her necklace from her familiar. It meowed in displeasure and left her lap. Amused by it's proudly wagging tail she opened the diamond shaped locket, revealing a picture of the raven-haired boy. The photo was one of many taken by Colin Creevey. It showed a rare scene of Harry looking towards the horizon in what seemed to be a tranquil state of mind.

"He started smiling more after you two got together." Lavender peeked from above Hermione's right shoulder. "And you've finally started to dress up." She added with a mischievous grin.

Blushing Hermione closed her treasure. "Let's hope the Prophet still stands tomorrow." The girls giggled.


"It looks even more depressing than I thought." Harry was walking in what seemed a rural area. Run down houses, unkept gardens and an overbearing aura of gloom.

Little Hangleton was a long forgotten by many, village nestled between two steep hills. Nothing much could be said about this place as there weren't any memorable landmarks in sight.

The youth pressed on until he reached his goal, a dilapidated mansion which belonged to the Riddle family. A once rich and prominent family that fell into oblivion decades ago.

Carefully without a trace or sound Harry Potter entered using the main gate. A couple of wards stood before him. "Let's make this as quick as possible."

The teen took out a couple of stones and scattered them around the building in a circle. After chanting a couple of verses another ward flickered into existence, engulfing the vicinity underneath it.

Without wasting more time Harry pointed towards the previous wards. "Soren Sokatsui."

A wave of bluish white light was released from his palm. The wards held on for a couple of seconds before shattering into nothingness. Without skipping a beat Harry vanished into the halls of the building, having locked onto his target.

A shriek entered his ears as he made his way into the grand living room. Peter Pettigrew was laying on the floor in pain.

"Please master, it's not the time for this." The small haggard obese man cried.

"Stupify." Harry then binded the former friend and traitor of his parents with chains.

Feeling a small prick in his forehead the youth turned his attention to a small bundle on an armchair. He felt surprise and anger coming from his fated nemesis.

"Good evening, Tom." Harry laughed at the stronger sense of hatred brewing from the bundle.

"Harry Potter." A hissing sound echoed in the enclosed space.

Before the teen could respond a gaping maw almost bit into his neck. However a small barrier at the back of his neck saved him from an untimely demise.

"Thank you for your contribution." Harry cast a wave of fire onto the snake making it writhe in pain until it finally stopped moving. A shadow flew out of it's mouth screaming in agony.

Potter summoned an armchair and sat before the fears of many, Voldemort.

"Where is Crouch?" The homunculus snarled.

With a wave of his wand Barty's figure showed up. Cuts and holes marred the man's body.

"It's amazing how resilient he was." Harry chuckled. "So I had to get this location from his mind. So I apologize in advance if he never awakes up again."

"Who are you?" Voldemort asked rather calmly.

"For now you can call me Vengeance." A frightening smile lit Harry's face.

Voldemort snorted. "You can't kill me Potter. No matter how much you've changed."

The teen tapped the armrest. "And who said anything about killing you, Voldy?" He snickered at his foe's mad groan.

"Then why did you come here?" It asked after a minute of silence.

"To kill you would've been a disservice to all those souls lost in your fantasy plan of grandeur." Harry said as he took out a bag.

A black lantern was taken out of bag. "Before I chuck you into the veil," the lamp opened revealing a blue flickering flame, "I need to get some closure."

Chains rushed out of the spark, grabbing the hateful bundle. Voldemort screamed as the the homunculus body burned from their touch. As it crumbled to dust his black spirit tried to escape. However it was futile as the chains burrowed into his spiritual body.

"Seal!" With Harry's shout the chains pulled on harder, eventually bringing Voldemort into the lamp. The flame flashed with an green light before returning to it's normal state.

Harry collapsed into the armchair chair. Sweat was pouring down his temples. In the midst of the struggle the sole source of warmth, the fireplace fizzled out. Making the room quickly filling up with coldness.


"Mr. Moody was expecting you." The nurse opened the door to a single bedded room.

Inside the white walls a lonely bed stood in a corner. The windows were covered with blinds, leaving the glowing lamps as the only source of light.

"I can see you my friend." Dumbledore conjured a comfortable looking chair. "It's nice seeing you in high spirits so soon." His eyes twinkled playfully.

A disgruntled sound of someone's clicking tongue reverberated in the room. A whirl formed behind the headmaster, slowly revealing the figure of the ex-auror.

"And what gave me away this time?" Moody walked to his bed and sat down. Disappointment visible on his face.

"The illusion was almost perfect Alastor." A table popped before Albus. "Tea?" He offered.

"Can't and won't." Moody replied with a scowl. "So what did I miss?"

Dumbledore slowly stirred his cup and then took a small sip. "That would be cheating, wouldn't it?"

The duo have known each other for many years know. With Moody even taking his Transfiguration NEWT's during Dumbledore tenure as its professor. The ex-auror's obsession with vigilance started after one of Albus's pranks after all.

"Hmph. The soft approach ended in failure." Moody replied. "Not the first time."

"And yet you still try every time." Dumbledore answered with mirth.

Alastor locked his good eye on the man before him. "Was the mission a failure?"

"It went as fate allowed it." The headmaster replied cryptically.

"Did it go as planned?" Moody wanted to strangle the man before him. Always keeping people in the dark. Never letting anyone in on the secret.

The two men sat in silence. None wanting to give up an inch. As the clock signaled midnight Dumbledore stood up.

"It was good to see you, friend." He whisked away the tableware and chair. "Alas, I'm needed back at Hogwarts."

Alastor snorted. "Don't go dying in a ditch, Albus." His prosthetic eye started to swirl. "I still haven't caught you by surprise."


Harry opened his tired eyes. A small chest laid before him on the table. After dealing with the two still living prisoners he went for one of Voldemorts horcruxes, the one left under the Gaunt's shack. The teen cast a silencing ward before bombing the place. If anyone had been nearby then they probably would've felt tremors.

Deciding not to tempt fate he used his chains to grab the box and fled the scene. Using his Firebolt he bolted out of Little Hangleton under the cloudless night sky.

After searching for a while he found a small dilapidated house with no one in sight. And now he was gently trying to unlock the box without making it blow in his face.

"This is the last one." He casted a rune. The chest's lock clicked before opening. Revealing a small ring inside.

Harry felt the object call to him. However it wasn't as strong as he thought it'd be. Not caring for the metal he lifted the ring in the air and started burning it with hot white flames. Voldemort's soul piece shrieked in agony, making a smile appear on Harry's face. In no time only the central stone was left floating.

"Hello there, precious." He let out a tired chuckle. "So many possibilities in the cusp of my fingers." Harry turned the stone in his hands. Watching every single detail of the mark of the Hollows.

"But we have another thing to do before." He gently put in into his robes. "Dobby."

"Yes, Harry Potter." The elf looked at the boy with terrified awe. The boy before him had done many unbelievable things today.

"Do you think this occasion is worthy of fireworks?" A stupid grin showed up on his face.

"Why of course, sir." The elf bounced. "Should I get some right now?"

The teen patted the little fellow's shoulder. "Don't worry." Mischief flashed in his eyes. "I've got us covered."

Next chapter