
Harry Potter and the Thaumaturge's Influence

Thomas C Preacher is a first generation wizard born in 1959, went to school at Hogwarts and finished his studies with the the best grades he could muster. When he got out of school he decided to divine his next decisions, which led him to marry Elyse Beaumont a French first generation witch and still following his divination he finally interfered in Albus Dumbledore's plan to groom Harry to be the martyr that vanquished Tom M Riddle. The story begins in the Preacher small manor, as Thomas is now a renowned author and talented Thaumaturge. He made quite the fortune and is educating Harry to be one of the most powerful wizards of his time, and Harry being a bright young man that love to learn as much as he love to practice any physical activity. What can happen now that the story derailed ? This is an AU, the MC is NOT reincarnated and I'll try to change all that I believe is daft which means that I'll take fanon elements that I judge logic and sound while refusing those that are not, the same goes with canon elements as Rowling has made a lot of mistake and took a lot of bad decisions. There will be errors, please point them as this is as much of a writing training as it is a learning exercise for me as I'm not a native English speaker. Also I'll add new chapter when I feel like writing, I'll try to write as much as possible but I cannot in good conscience promise anything.

Commandant_Aeon · Derivasi dari karya
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14 Chs

Prologue : What changed and day to day life.

The art of magic tinkering by Thomas C. Preacher. Such was the book in front of Harry, the boy had well kept raven hair and green eyes, a scar in the shape of a lightning that had almost disappeared was on his forehead and his body showed every clue of a boy highly athletic. Despite being orphaned eight years prior, he wasn't sent to his closest relative but was welcomed in a first generation wizard's home and was educated, well more like trained really, to be the finest heir that the Potter ever had, he knew he had no choice on this matter as he was the last of them.

Right now Harry was learning how to craft different foci, he knew that a wand was not allowed yet as that would have to wait for the reception of a letter, that is what his adoptive father told him, but he could learn to craft a magical ring which would help him learn to use the different existing charms. Why charms ? Well because different focus have different uses, the wands have no issue with all branches of magic but it also had no advantages in them, the rings had issues with everything but charms, staves were used for jinxes and rituals, pendant were minds art assistants, amulet were used for protective enchantments and charms, and so on and so forth. Harry already knew how to make pendants and amulets, a pendant was his first focus which he still wears today and he has two amulets that are tied to his belt.

On the desk, next to the book were placed different tools. First on the desk itself was placed a ring that needed to have a gem set in it, an alchemical set was placed at the edge of the desk and against a wall to prevent it from falling. Second on a rack placed on the wall, there was a carving knife for wood, one for metals and one for more delicate materials, all of their handles were in holly, and a pair of thaumaturgic goggles.

Harry finally began to open a drawer to get some materials before someone opened the door with quite the strength, Harry turned around only to see his adoptive mother enter the room before looking at him sternly. He looked outside the window and saw that it was night, which surprised him as when he started reading it was still right after lunch.

"Harry, while I like the fact that you are serious in your studies, you still are a growing boy and as such are required to go eat." Said his adoptive mother

"Yes, mum, I'm sorry… I didn't see the time pass…" sheepishly answered the boy.

His adoptive mother sighed before using her wand to close the drawer and put the book back on its shelf on the other side of the room, where Harry's bed was. Harry simply got out of the room which was facing south, who had the bed in the corner opposite to his door, his window was overlooking the vast garden, which had a shed and a greenhouse, and said window was right next to the bed, he had a nightstand right next to his bed and next to the nightstand was his bookshelf which took the rest of the wall, opposite to the bookshelf was his desk and that side of the room had all his tools for thaumaturgy and writing. In the middle of the room he had a table and two chairs in case he had a friend visiting. The walls were decorated with sobriety and he had a single Quidditch poster above his bed.

When they got in the living room, Harry saw his adoptive father in an armchair and his godfather on the couch, they were discussing something and so he went to sit next to his godfather while saying hello.

"Thankfully Amelia was there or Apodis would have been injured." said Sirius

"This is why I told you to check the enchants on that toy broom, it's not the first time that this company has made a mistake!" Told his adoptive father

"Well, at the end of the day everything ended well."

"Fair, but still, you can't be careless like that… speaking of Amelia, why didn't she come ?"

"Susan and Apodis wanted to go see an opera so she went there, she honestly deserves that pause."

"Is the Department that overworked ?"

"You have no idea, Bagnold is pushing for the harshest punishment possible and with the influence of the pure-blood families that helped the dark lord it's a real pain to get evidence. This obviously is without even mentioning Dumbledore that is advocating for softer punishment to prevent us from losing too much man power and risking a war… Long story short, it's pure chaos."

"Alright boys, come and eat, it's ready." Said his adoptive mother.

Right after that signal, his adoptive father and Sirius smiled at Harry before everyone went to the table to eat the dinner prepared by his adoptive mother.

"Elyse, what was Harry doing ?" asked his father.

"He had the nose in your book, Thomas, and with the material he had I'd say he was preparing a new focus." answered his mother.

"Oh oh, young Harry is doing Thaumaturgy ? Impressive." said Sirius.

"Thanks Uncle Sirius !" exclaimed a beaming Harry.

The dinner continued in this good mood. The living room was divided in two by the stairs that goes up to a corridor that lead to the bedrooms, bathrooms and offices on the second and third floor, Harry's room being on the second, on the east side there was a coffee table surrounded by two armchairs and a couch, the room had a bookshelf with both book and learning tool for both muggles subject and wizards ones, there even was an enchanted divining crystal ball on a silver stand. The other side led to the table surrounded by seven chairs, despite the fact that the three children of Thomas and Elyse Preacher were in school, as it was the middle of November. and finally, the Kitchen was right next to the room and it was an open kitchen.

Harry was happy, he had a warm family, he was learning so much even before school and he loved discovering both worlds, the muggle and the wizarding, as they had so much to learn from, so many mysteries. However. Despite all of that. He knew that his training was to prepare him for his destiny. When he was six his adoptive father revealed to him a truth :

"Harry, as you know I'm a seer. I haven't opened my inner eye yet so I'm not a true seer, but I still have enough skill in divination to deserve the title of seer. As I was younger I divined the best road to have a fulfilling life and it led me to the house of your parents the very night they were killed.

I may have jeopardized the plans of a certain man when I got there because I took you and everything in the house, I put the items in a magical house trunk, the one you'll get when you will have to go to school, no matter the school you'll choose. I then directed Sirius to his grandfather to prevent him from making a huge mistake. Finally I dipped as someone that shouldn't be there arrived.

Harry, you are unlucky to an uncanny degree. Fate decided to play with your life and you have to understand that no matter what I or any seer will do, what have to happen will happen, the question is not if but when, your life will have seven convergences points, which means that no matter what these seven events will happen, the way they unfold is however not fixed. Their consequences won't change but their content may.

While you may not understand right now, I trust you to remember everything I just told you, as what I said contains truths that should not be missed or forgotten."

Harry knew Thomas and Elyse were not his parents as they and all their children had auburn hairs with blue eyes while he had raven hair and green eyes, which did not prevent him from considering them as his parents as they never lied to him nor did he lack anything, which included punishment when needed.

During the dinner a feline the size of a cat with oversized ears and a lion's tail got inside the room before he lay down on the couch lazily. It had a silvery fur with gray spots and it was named Sappy. Such was the familiar bonded to his adoptive father. The dinner ended later and Sirius went back to his home while saying he'd be back for Yule. Thomas said to Harry to go to sleep as tomorrow would be Monday and his tutor would be there. Such was the pre-school life of the legendary Harry James Potter as altered by Thomas C Preacher.

1498 words. I'll try to stay arround that count but can't promise anything ! Hope the prologue was good for yall and have a nice day while I'll work on the next chapter, know that I know exactly where I want this to go, I just don't know the road that I'll take to go there.

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