
Harry Potter and the Child Of Calamity.

After dying from drowning in a river, Liam found himself turned into a baby. Thinking 'What worse could happen now' He found himself abandoned in an orphanage. "God, What sins are you punishing me for" The sweet girl next door is Hermione!!!. What did you say I got accepted into Hogwarts!!!!! This new life doesn't seem so bad now. Liam shouted, " Magic is magnificent!!, Magic is mysterious!!, Magic is miracle!!". Author's words of wisdom: - The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts. When you will be half way through this book and come a to a plot twist at 1 am... you won't need sleep you will need answers. please read at least 10 chapters before judging.

Novelenthusisat · Filem
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60 Chs

Chapter 56: First Awakening.

Edwards was in shock. A first year Hogwarts student was able to dispel his spell. The students in his own year aren't able to properly evade his spell. But the boy in front of him did it. He couldn't believe it, 'Maybe it was something which I did wrong.'



Edward now had to admit that Liam had the ability to evade his attacks. He looked towards who took a long breath of relief as he had evaded another attack. Edward's couldn't be less angry, "If you think I only know this spell. Then you are really underestimating me."

Liam still had a smile on his face. He released the spell which had been absorbed. The two spell combined and he also added some of his own power.


Edwards waved his wand like a sword and redirected the spell towards his back. The spell then hit the staircase but instead of damaging something the spell was absorbed instead. Edward's hands trembled a little, 'He actually cast that spell. It was even stronger than my spell. I underestimated him a lot I shouldn't waste more time I have to disarm quickly.' But before he could do something.

Liam didn't wait and had cast weight decreasing spell on himself and activated the enchantments on his boots and shirt. The boots had agility enhancing enchantment and shirt had a defensive spell enchantment which could theoretically endure 3 high level attack spells. It also depends on which spells are used. But Liam didn't have the time nor a person who could cast those spells. So his protective gear was mostly experimental.


Edward launched the spell towards Liam. Liam's body instinctively moved away dodging the spell. The spell hit where Liam was standing and blasted. The floor had a big hole in it.

'Thank god I avoided that…' Liam took a breath of relief.

Edward was annoyed. He kept throwing spells at him.





Liam kept dodging each and every attack coming towards him. The whole ground was a mess with many debris of the broken ground.

Edward was a bit out of breath because of using many spells. Liam took this o his advantage.



He cast two spells in combination. Throwing the debris caused by Edward's spells back at him.


Edward cast a shied charm and avoided getting hit by Liam. Liam had him in the defensive position and he quickly switched to using offensive. He threw a barrage of the debris towards Edward using his extraordinary level of control over the debris.

Just as Edward defended against one attack, there would be another coming at him just the next moment. He didn't even time to cast an offensive spell.

Edwards became very frustrated. Because of the constant attacks. His emotions took control over him the ring on his finger shook a little. The back of his hand started to bleed and a circle with strange symbols carved itself on his hands.

A huge barrier formed around Edward and the debris which was thrown towards him turned to dust just as it touched the debris.

Liam stopped, but just as he stopped Edward attacked him.


But instead of avoiding the spell he absorbed it.


Liam's hand was thrown back a bit because of the intensity of the spell but he still had gripped his wand tighter.

The ring on his finger released a little black smoke which was like a little black chain which bind itself around Edward's whole hands and extended towards the tip of his wand.

{Confringo}~ {Confringo}~

Liam saw two spells come out of Edward's wand.



He couldn't absorb the second the second spell. The spell threw his body back. Liam was sent flying back to the door of the great hall. The impact was harsh but it didn't cause him any injuries. Liam fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Edward was glaring at Liam, "You're not that bad. This makes me want to destroy you even more."


Liam's wand was thrown from his hands. Liam's expressions changed. He was still trying to get back up.

"Don't waste your efforts. You are going to just hurt yourself more." Edward walked towards Liam who was lying on the floor in pain, "What do you think the magic I used to do all that actually is?"

Liam was still growling in pain, "Ughh! … It is ritual magic, wasn't it?"

"Yes! You may have read it in the book. The ministry restricts the knowledge about ritual magic. The magic we use is easy to use and also it's not much strong. The ministry would never let wizards learn stronger magic. They just want to hold all the power himself. But what if there was stronger magic." Edward said with a serious expression.

Liam guessed what Edward was babbling about, 'An organization without an ideal isn't an organization. The people who are obsessed with ritual magic may just be fanatics who love ritual magic. I need to manipulate him so that he will reveal the information to me himself.'

"You used the ritual of resentment and made people resent me. What kind of childish magic is that?" Liam snorted with the expression of mockery.

"The real ritual of resentment, is not what you think it is. You might also be thinking why I am telling you all this. It's because you are now going to witness the real strength of ritual magic. You think that ritual of resentment will just make people hate you, but that's not what it does. The real ritual of resentment is used for something else."

Edward walked back, he raised his hand which had the ring. A red circle was formed around Edward. He started chanting something.

{ Demonio de la oscuidad presta atencion a mi orden crea un ser con el resentimiento que te proporciono}

With the chant Edward's eyes turned red and leaked blood. His whole body was levitating.

A demonic voice started laughing.

{ kekekekekkek… te concedere tu peticion, insignificante humano.}

Edward's body came down to the ground slowly. His eyes still bleeding and colored deep red.

[Outside the castle, in the stadium]

The firework show was still going on. The four firework beasts were running around the stadium. All the Gryffindor students were shouting and cheering the fireworks.

Suddenly all the Gryffindor students stopped cheering instead they started screaming in pain.

The weasley twins noticed the screaming students they quickly made the beasts go up even higher in the sky. The beasts went higher and then exploded into the symbols of each of the house which the beast represented.

Some of the younger students fainted, the older students were fine but they were still in pain which was not too severe. But the pain went away just after a while.

It was very strange phenomenon.

The head boy ordered, "All the prefects. Quickly! Take the fainted students to the infirmary in the stadium."

The shouts of agony of the Gryffindor students went un-noticed because of the loud cheering of the other students. They just thought that the students fainted because of excitement.

Dumbledore noticed that it wasn't just shock and excitement which made them faint. But it was something darker than that.

In the brief moment when the students started to feel pain a black colored magical energy was released from the Gryffindor students. And flew towards the castle.

[Gryffindor castle hallway.]

A loud cheer could be heard.

"It seems that it's very exciting show going on there." Garrison commented on the loud cheers he heard coming from the stadium, "Let's hurry if we want to watch the remaining show."

They heard a loud boom coming from the stadium.

"I think that was the end of the show." Garrison was saddened, "I really wanted to see those fireworks."

"Those were made by friend, if you'd like next time the ministry holds an event they can just have him make some for the ministry." Hermione spoke.

As they were still at the periphery of the castle they could see the open sky above stadium. They could see the logos of each house form in the sky above the stadium. Garrison noticed that something was coming out of the stadium. It was some kind of a black liquid. Which was being collected in the sky as a big ball.

The ball became as large as two humans and started floating inside the castle.

Garrison knew just the moment he saw the black ball that it was some kind of a dark magic.

"Little miss, quickly go and call the other Aurors inside the castle. Here take this it's my badge. Tell them it was my order. Also tell them that it's dangerous. Now go Quickly!!" Shouted Garrison.

Hermione ran back towards the stadium and Garrison followed the floating black ball.

Liam was still lying on the ground. Edward having completed the ritual was standing still and waiting.

His hand which had the red circle was glowing Deep red which gave a sinister and ominous feel to Liam.

'Get up me this is not a time I should be lying down.' He kept murmuring to himself. But his body was hurt to the extent that he couldn't even lift his hands. Liam looked where his wand was thrown off. It was just few meters to his side. He started slowly crawling towards his wand.

Edward didn't pay attention to Liam and was just standing waiting for something. A black liquid seeped through the walls which then crawled towards where Edward was standing. The liquid reached the red circle and started to collect again at a single spot. But this time instead of forming a ball it was shaping itself into a humanoid which was twice the size of a normal human and also had wings and small horns.

Liam also noticed the demon taking shape, "What the f…. is that." He moved his body more and crawled faster towards his wand.

The Demon has already taken its shape and suddenly it started moving as a creature. It opened its crimson eyes which were filled with bloodlust and spread his wings which released a wave of wind which even reached Liam.

Liam felt fear down his spine. He was still trying to get towards his wand with all his might.

"Resistance is futile." Edward shouted, "Even if you reach your wand you wouldn't be able to hurt it just accept your end." Edward smiled admiring the beauty of the creature which he had created.

"Look at him."

His smiled quickly turned into malice, "I want to see how strong this creature is. And we also have a test subject here. Attack him."

The creature roared and flapped his wings as he started levitating into the sky. He dashed towards where Liam was.

Just as he was about to reach Liam, the creature was obstructed by a defensive wall of magic.

"What in merlin's name is that…" Garrison exclaimed who had just arrived at the scene.

The creature didn't stop and started attacking the barrier which was stopping him from getting to Liam. With just one hit by the creature the barrier started to crack.

Liam didn't stop but tried his best to crawl towards his wand. And Garrison was still maintaining the barrier between the demon and Liam.

Edward lifted his hands, he ordered the demon, "Kill that man first."

The demonic creature looked towards Edward first he growled in anger. Instead of attacking Garrison he flew towards Edward to attack instead. Garrison noticed that the kid had no control over the creature.

"Why are you flying towards me…? Kill that man." Edward Shouted.

Garrison ran towards the direction of Edward and used a spell to push Edward out of the creature's way. The spell's impact made Edward fly into a wall and become unconscious. The ring on his hands came off his finger and fell to the ground just near the spot where Edward fell. The demon was growling even more. He saw the Garrison as more of a threat. He rushed towards him instead.

Liam saw garrison as his last hope of survival he shouted with all his remaining strength, "The ring destroy the ring."

Garrison noticed the ring which was on the floor. But in front of him was a huge demon which he had to go through to get to the ring.

He used an attack spells on the demon's wings. As the demon was flying towards him. The spell didn't cause the demon any damage but the impact of the spell made the demon fly backwards.

"The spell should have ripped a hole through those wings how can he resist such strong spell." Garrison wondered. He didn't how he was going to fight the demon in front of him but was sure that he could keep the demon away from him. Even if the spell didn't damage him it did push him back.

The demon landed on the ground. Its wings turned back into the liquid and flowed towards its arms. The demon's arms grew bigger. It started slowly walking towards Garrison. Who threw many different attack spells at the demon but the demon defended against each and every spell with just his large arms.

The demon reached Garrison who didn't know what to do now. The demon swung his arms horizontally towards garrison. Garrison instinctively used a armor spell protecting himself but the impact was so huge that he was sent flying towards the wall.

The demon expression changed, it seemed as it was enjoyed by the situation. He looked towards Liam who was still on the ground. The demon smiled, and started slowly walking towards Liam.

With each step the demon took, Liam's heart started racing more and more. But as the demon reached one meter distance from Liam, it stopped moving.

Liam's heart was still beating twice as fast as a normal human. The demon didn't move a single step forward nor did he make any move towards Liam as it was in some kind of a trance.

Liam passed out because of the fear, just as he passed out.

"This kid… soo weak so frail…" A voice said inside Liam's mind.

Liam's unconscious face smiled, as his eyes turned red.

"Become my nourishment." The voice said to the demon who was still in a trance standing in front of the unconscious Liam's body.

The demon tried resisting but it wasn't able to. The demon's expression turned into pure fear for his life. It started panicking and took steps few steps back and get away from Liam's body. But each step the demon took back its body started to turn back into the black liquid.

The black liquid started to circle around Liam's body and was slowly being absorbed by Liam's body.

"Yess… I feel it. My strength increasing." The voice was excited.

Liam's wand which was lying just few meters away from Liam. Started to shake. The bead at the bottom of the wand started to burn fiery red and released fiery red flamed which formed a small phoenix.

The phoenix flew towards the demon which was slowly turning back into its liquid state and burned the demon little by little.

"Pesk Pest… some of the liquid flowed towards the wand which then formed a hand which held it towards the flying phoenix made up of flames.

It released the previously absorbed spell. Towards the phoenix. But the phoenix avoided the spell and was constantly attacking the demon.

"Pest…. Just die." The voice shouted in anger.

The wand released the second spell towards the phoenix. This time the phoenix wasn't able to avoid the attack. The phoenix was thrown back to the ring. The phoenix made up of flames then started to burn the magic in the ring instead.

"Thisss PEST!!..."

The demon was half absorbed already. But as the magic in the ring started burning away. The remaining body of the demon quickly turned into the liquid and was fading away.

The flames burned fiery red shining brightly which burned all the remaining black magic from the ring.

"Heheheheh… pest you were late I have already absorbed enough." The laughter faded slowly.

A real phoenix flew in the front hall followed by Dumbledore.

"My goodness what happened here." Dumbledore exclaimed.

[In the Ravenclaw dormitory]

Grant was lying on his bed. Holding a small black chain in his hands which broke.

"We succeeded." Grant laughed, he quickly got up from his bed.

And walked towards the window and looked outside. At the sky which was slowly turning light red and the moon turning blood red. But with the blood red color it now also had a single black dot in its center.

"The first awakening has completed." He laughed, "Scrubs, bring me the communicator." He ordered the elf who was standing beside him.


I know this chapter took a while to write. I am really sorry for this. But with this chapter the current Arc has come to an end. I hope you are excited for the coming arcs as well and also patient enough. Please forgive me I am not a competent writer. I hope you wont be critical about the upload schedule. My college is also starting because of which I am going to be even busier. I hope you stick around.

p.s - The incompetent Author.


Author's Small Request:

I am not a full fledged writer and have just begun writing. I don't know what it takes to start getting paid on this platform. So this pretty much means i get nothing from writing here. But (Not getting sad) I do have a earning source, which is my website.

If you are a manga, manhua, manhwa and anime fan then my site is for you. I publish content there as well. So help your brother out and visit my website.

I won't post link here cause even if I do you wouldn't be able to use it.

To visit my website just Google


I hope you give at least a single visit to my website. I can really use some of that ad revenue.

I hope you are excited for the next Arc. Please bear with the new upload schedule. My college has started I wont be able to upload often.

Novelenthusisatcreators' thoughts