
Harry Potter and the Child Of Calamity.

After dying from drowning in a river, Liam found himself turned into a baby. Thinking 'What worse could happen now' He found himself abandoned in an orphanage. "God, What sins are you punishing me for" The sweet girl next door is Hermione!!!. What did you say I got accepted into Hogwarts!!!!! This new life doesn't seem so bad now. Liam shouted, " Magic is magnificent!!, Magic is mysterious!!, Magic is miracle!!". Author's words of wisdom: - The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts. When you will be half way through this book and come a to a plot twist at 1 am... you won't need sleep you will need answers. please read at least 10 chapters before judging.

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Chapter 52: Interrogation.

Liam as he was still sitting in the infirmary, heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Who would come here at such a time?"

Fred and George walked inside the infirmary. Liam was shocked to see them here.

"What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be in your dorm room?"

Fred: "We came here to see you of course.

George: "We were really worried when we didn't see you and Dumbledore said that the culprit was caught and put into dungeons.

Fred: For a moment we thought that they put you in the dungeons but here you are in the infirmary and the person who is in the dungeon is someone named Arlo.

George: "Who is that Arlo? And why did he do such a thing?"

Liam sighed, "Dumbledore said such a thing? I can't understand what's going on in his mind."

Liam sat them down and explained everything what had happened.

Fred: "A huge black creature?"

George: "Body possession??? Thestrals??"

"All true…" Liam nodded.

Fred: "So everything has been sorted out. Now Dumbledore will find the real culprit we just have to sit and wait."

Liam frowned, "I hopped that to be the case. But actually what we destroyed was not the core object for the ritual curse. The ritual curse is still active, it was because of that reason I have to avoid meeting which students from Gryffindor."

George: "Didn't you say that Michael had a note sent to Cedric doesn't this mean that Michael already knows about the culprit."

Liam looked towards the unconscious Michael, "It cannot be determined when Michael will wake up. We can't rely on Michael, his message also wasn't particularly well written it didn't have much information. Only if we had a way to find black magic items….. Wait a minute we do have something like that Michael's glasses."

Fred: "That's a good idea but you would have to look at each and every student. Heck.. if that person is dumb enough to carry the ritual object with himself you may find him. Otherwise it would just be a big waste of time."

George: "Looking at each and every student's things that might take days. And the Aurors are coming tomorrow."

Liam realized something, "Hey aren't you two wandering around the castle every night. Didn't you see anyone roaming around the castle the day before the quidditch match? You are in the team as well you may know handled the brooms."

Fred and George started thinking.

George: "I don't remember anyone messing with our brooms."

Fred: "Wait a minute… I remember I saw a Ravenclaw student roaming around the compound. But I don't know who he was."

"How did he look, you must remember something about him Liam asked anxiously this was the only lead he had now. If not for this he doesn't know anything else which can lead him to the real culprit.

Fred: "He was a first year student I am sure of it. I can't describe him but I will surely be able to tell who he is just by looking."

George: "We must interrogate him, he may know something."

The next day, Adam was just walking in the corridor alone holding some books. Suddenly both of his hands were caught by Fred and George.

Fred: "Hello, how are you?"

Adam was startled, "Aren't you two the Weasley twins? Let go off my hands…" he started struggling and resisting against the twins grip on his arms.

Fred and George were taller than the little Adam they just picked him up in the air both holding one of his arms. The other students started looking at the two of them weirdly.

George: "Don't worry, we are just borrowing him for an experiment. We'll return him after a while."

Adam panicked the weasly twins are in-famous for making prank items. "No I don't want to be a guinea pig for your experiments." He started to shout but George just covered his mouth.

Fred: "Don't worry it wouldn't be that bad." He said with a evil smile.

George: "At most you may fall unconscious for a week." George also smiled evily.

They took Adam into Snape's office. This was the best place for them to do anything for now. As Snape was hospitalized and Liam was to stay in his room for next few days. He had access to this place. The first place which came to their mind was the forbidden forest but with such a creature flying around they wouldn't want to go there.

Harry, Hermione and Cedric were also waiting with Liam in Snape's office.

"How are they going to find him exactly?" Hermione asked as she was unsure of how Fred and George are going to find this kid named Adam.

In the morning Harry and Hermione came to visit Liam. Liam also explained to them what happened yesterday and that they would try to find a boy who Fred saw the day before the Quidditch match.

Harry was just very shocked to hear that the whole Gryffindor house was cursed by someone. Being very new to magic he was very scared.

Hermione suggested that they should check the admission book which had pictures of every student. It wasn't very hard to obtain, Hermione borrowed it from the head librarian.

Fred quickly found who he had seen that day. His name was Adam a first year student.

"Just knowing the name and face doesn't mean that they can find him." Hermione was getting annoyed, "We should also go and look for him."

Liam couldn't tell them about the map he had to make excuses, "If you all also go to find him how will you tell the others when you would have found him. And we would have to find the other next. It would become very complicated and messy. You may not know this but the Fred and George are the best in finding people. Just wait for a while they would be coming in just a moment now."

Hermione was slightly angry, "If you say so."

Cedric was very serious, "What will we do if he doesn't know anything."

Liam was noticing the behavior of Cedric from the beginning he looked a lot serious and anxious, "Don't be so pessimistic we will surely find him. Arlo may have possessed Michael's body but he was instructed by someone to do that. We can't just let that person roam free. He may do even worse things."

The door knocked.

"They are here." Cedric quickly opened the door.

"Why are we in Professor Snape's office didn't you say that you will be experimenting on prank items." Adam started whining.

"Is he still eight years old or something? Why is he whining like a child?" Hermione laughed looking at Adam.

Cedric quickly closed the door. The twins took Adam and had him sit on a chair and Liam tied him.

Adam kept struggling, "Heyyyy wait what are you doing? Why are you tying me up... don't you know that I am Edward's lackey if you do something to me Edward won't just do nothing."

"Edward…. Isn't he that ravenclaw bully who always wants to get into Slytherin house." said Hermione.

"Boss will not let you go…" Adam shouted while struggling.

Fred: "Shall we start then?"

George: "What are we waiting for… I always wanted to interrogate someone." George said with excitement.

Cedric walked towards Adam and glared at him with killing intent.

Adam gulped with fear, "wha… what are you going to do?" he stuttered while speaking as he didn't know what lied in front of him.

Harry was standing looking at Cedric's glaring face, he also felt slight fear.

"So tell me what were you doing sneaking around the equipment room of Gryffindor quidditch team?" Cedric asked with a deadly voice.

Even Liam had never seen such a side of Cedric.

'He is sure good at this.'

"Just let me go and I promise I won't tell Edward." Even though he was tied and surrounded many. He still didn't lose any of his confidence.

"Edward this Edward that… What can he do…?" Hermione lashed out on Adam.

She held Adam's hairs and pulled his head back, "Are you going to tell us or we should use other methods…"

Adam scared was shitless he didn't want to offend anyone now he just wanted to go back to his room.

"ahhhh!! I… I… I was lost. I don't know anything. It was a mistake…" Adam pleaded.

Cedric smiled a bit, "A mistake you say." He looked towards Harry, "Harry bring me 'that' he won't talk unless we don't use some harsher methods."

Harry panicked, 'What the Heck is he talking about?'

Liam understood Cedric motive. 'If Cedric has become the bad cop we also need a good cop.' He smiled Liam never doubted his acting skills. He did have a track record of acting as a child for more than 10 years.

Liam quickly changed his face to a worried look, "Cedric are you sure you want to use 'That' he wouldn't be able to survive. If any professor finds out we will be in trouble."

Adam was listening to this conversation, "Yess.. You shouldn't hurt me. I will tell the professors what you did to me and you will get expelled."

Fred started laughing.

George: "Take a look around you dim wit"

Adam came to a very scary realization at this moment. He was surrounded by the elites of Hogwarts. Harry potter- 'The boy who lived. Hermione Granger – 'Lioness of Gryffindor', Liam Gremory – 'Troll killer/ Fearless Slytherin', Cedric Diggory – 'Rising start of hufflepuff', and Fred and George – 'Mischief twins'.

Each and every one around him was a famous student in hogwarts all had different talents and great backing. All loved by the professors for one reason or another.

Adam started sweating he had given up.

"I will tell you everything, you don't have to bring anything. I even won't tell anyone what happened here. Just please don't hurt me."

Liam and Cedric looked at Each other and nodded. Their strategy had worked.

"So tell us." Cedric said as he took a chair and sat just in front of Adam.

"Edward told me to sneak inside the Gryffindor equipment room and mark each and every broom with a red paint. It was just supposed to be a prank I don't know anything else. In the match the brooms didn't have any red marks so thought that it wasn't a problem."

Everyone in the room was silent.

Cedric got up and walked towards Adam still with a slightly angry face.

"I am letting you go now but don't you dare tell anyone what happened today. If I find out that you said something you shouldn't have then…" He just smiled leaving Adam free to his imagination.

Fred: "You are one lucky lad."

George: "You're free little bird."

Both laughed.

Liam's expression turned darker, "So it was Edward… Michael did seem to be a bit scared of him and warned me about him."

"The paint maybe something related to the ritual. Edward… I have heard this name before." Cedric looked troubled, "I remember my dad mention something. It wasn't about him but his parents."

Hermione got up, "As much as I know his parent are Merlin award winners I don't know anything else."

Cedric seemed to remember something, "I remember… My father said that his parents actually stole Michael's fathers work and published it as their own. But this was proven not to be true by the Ministry. People criticized Michael's father. After this incident Michael's father stopped associating with Edward's parents."

"So that's how it was. But we can't just say that Edward is the real culprit we will need evidence as well."

Hermione looked at Cedric, "Liam is right… we need some evidence."

Fred: "Not just that. We would have to find and destroy the Object of the ritual to break the curse."

George: "What about Arlo we need time, the people from the ministry won't wait for us."

"Don't worry guys I have the perfect plan." Liam smiled, "And the main hero of our plan would be harry."

Everyone looked at harry.

Harry pointed towards himself, "Me???"

[The Quiditch Stadium]

The day of the final match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Both teams were fully prepped for the match.

In the Gryffindor side all the players were standing side by side ready to fly out.

"Try not to get cursed again potter." Wood laughed.

Harry nodded anxiously.


This chapter is one of the longest i have written. There was a review which said that the chapters are too short. I also noticed this and this is actually a problem. i was way to invested into the idea to write daily that i didnt pay attention to the chapter length and enede up writing short chapters. But i wont do that from now on. I will write long chapters. but this will make my upload schedule slower. So i have only one request. Please dont drop my novel. I will be uploading chapters but slowly. I wish to complete this story anyhow.


Author's Small Request:

I am not a full fledged writer and have just begun writing. I don't know what it takes to start getting paid on this platform. So this pretty much means i get nothing from writing here. But (Not getting sad) I do have a earning source, which is my website.

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