
Harry Osborn - Black spider ( Dropped )

Reborn in marvel world as harry Osborn

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Chapter 19: Aftermath!

May 27th, 2012:

3 days after the Asgardian brothers went home, I, Siri and Tony had finished hacking into the WSC. Tony had helpfully taken all the members of the WSC once he heard I was still getting more and more info from Pierce. Finally both our tasks were done. I sent the whole team, Fury and Hill included a text message to meet us at Stark Tower, today.

Me and Tony were already there, keeping the files ready, Banner was already there too, utilizing Tony's labs. Cap came first, riding his motorcycle, then came the Shield company on a Quinjet that they landed on the Tower's helipad. And lastly, Peter, who came swinging.

15 Minutes later, we are all sat in a briefing room Tony provided for our presentation.

"First of all, don't get angry, we did this. Be thankful, we did this. When Pierce met us in the lobby after the battle, spideypants here decided he wanted to hack the whole World Security Council." Tony starts off, putting the whole blame on me. Asshole.

Fury glares at me and is about to say something when I stop him, "Just.. wait until the presentation is over to scold us Nick. Trust me on this." I've never talked to Fury normally, so he takes me seriously.

Tony continues speaking, "Right. Now, he started with Pierce himself, and took a lot more time than necessary, so I decided he needed help and started with the rest of the WSC. Well, the results are gonna piss you off more than you are now."

He then goes on to tell the crimes each member of WSC has committed. Least of which were bribing, working with known terrorists, assassinating government officials, murder, and so much more. He lists each member of the WSC and their crimes, the proofs of those crimes and how we could put them in. Once that all is done, they all turn to me.

I sigh before saying, "Tony, you might wanna sit down for this. What I found in Pierce's files is not pretty." Tony looks confused but sits down. I take over the projector and play out a video feed that looks to be from a roadside camera. The date in the corner of the screen reads December 16th, 1991. Time stamp says 7:01 PM.

Tony freezes, because he both recognises the road as well as the date. The feed shows a car crashing into the underside of the road. A person which everyone recognises as Howard Stark exits from the left side of the car, stumbling, crawling. A motorcycle circles around the car and stops behind it. The person on the bike gets off.

"Help my wife. Please.. help" The fallen Howard Stark pleads to the person, who ignores it and continues walking towards Howard. He then lifts Howard roughly by his hair and leans him against the car.

Howard takes a good look at his attacker and asks, "Sgt Barnes?"

Steve freezes at that name, along with Nat, Fury and Hill.

The attacker ignores Howard.

"Howard!" a female voice, Tony's mother, calls out from inside the car.

We then see the attacker lift his left arm, which was metallic, and punch Howard in his face, again and again, until Howard dies by the punches. He then pulls Howard's body towards the car and seats him in the driver's seat, resting his head on the steering wheel.

He then moves towards the right side of the car, and puts his hand on Tony's mother's neck. He snaps it with one jerk and moves away from her.

He then walks leisurely towards the camera. We all get a good look at his face.

"Bucky?" Steve whispers, in disbelief.

The person, Bucky then pulls the trigger and destroys the camera.

I shut down the presentation for a while and just look at everyone. Tony was furiously crying, Steve was horrified, Nat looked like she'd seen a ghost, Barton was upset, Fury had his lips thinned and Peter was almost in tears, seeing cold blooded murder.

Letting them regain their bearings I continue, "There's no easy way to say this. But Hydra is still alive. Currently, Pierce is their leader. This person, Sgt Barnes is known to them as only the 'Asset' or the Winter Soldier. I found many such assassinations carried out by him, but only found a few videos. More of the stuff is probably offline. Kennedy, Dupay, Baxter. These were the most notable deaths I found.

"But that's not all.. more than half of all Shield agents are hydra sleeper agents. Just waiting for the right moment to take over, which I suspect will begin with Fury's death." I then show them the documents proving everything I said. There was even a report that stated that Bucky was brainwashed into being an assassin for them, which calmed Steve somewhat, thankful that Bucky did not betray him.

After everything was over, everyone turns to Fury and ask without even speaking, "What now?"

"We have to take them down. Hard. Hydra stands against everything that we are. We can't let them take over the world. Are you ready to cut off all of Hydra's heads? Starting with Pierce?" Fury asks us.

Cap shakes his head and says, "We'll have to be discreet. More than a few government officials disappearing will cause panic, we'll have to bring them all down at once. Gather any loyal agents you have, without tipping anyone off. Tony, Harry, keep an eye on every Hydra agent you have names of. Don't let them disappear anywhere. Find any safe houses they have and keep an eye on them too. We'll hit them in a month. We'll need every able person we can get."

Everyone nods, Tony was still in sombre mood, not getting over the fact that his parents were murdered by the organisation they fought against. Fury was upset that Hydra grew right under his nose. Cap wanted to find Bucky, Nat wanted to help a fellow brainwashed soldier. And the rest? We just wanted to go home and sleep peacefully, but until Hydra is gone, we won't be able to do that.

June 29th, 2012:

Everyone was ready. Fury, Hill, Nat and Barton had discreetly collected the very few agents they could trust, including Bobby Morse, Sharon Carter, and Melinda May. I and Tony had hacked into every camera we could and always kept Jarvis and Siri on keeping an eye on the Hydra leaders. Sitwell, Pierce, Garrett, and even a few important agents like Rumlow. The agents were trained to be indifferent so they didn't tip anyone off, so that was a plus point for us.

Peter was afraid, that he won't be able to handle it, but I'd talked to him and reassured him that if they were not guilty, we won't be killing them.

I had found the location of Bucky's cryogenic freezing chamber, which I'd given to Steve, Peter and Nat. They were going to rescue the Winter Soldier but keep him frozen.

Barton was given the target Senator Sterns as a target. He was going to capture Sterns and take him to a safe house for interrogation, which May was going to be doing.

I and Tony were going after Pierce himself. He was their current leader and hence, too big of a target to lose.

Fury was directing his faithful agents to capture and/or kill any Hydra agent they find. They had a complete list already complied. Some were their friends, family, lovers, but they were the enemy, and so they were going to capture them.

At 1500 local time, we all attacked. Me and Tony were attacking Triskelion, where Pierce operated from. Tony went high, right into the office, while I go low. Through the doors, taking the long way.

"Hey! You're not authorized to be here." A STRIKE team member pulls his gun on me and says.

I quickly knock him out and continue going forwards, taking down any Strike tam I could find. While flat out ignoring the Shield agents. I had Siri scan every face and compare it to the list we had to determine if someone is Shield or Hydra, so I took down the Hydra agents, hard. I had to kill a few people, but I didn't think much on it. There was no time.

Finally I find Rumlow, who attacks me without saying anything, looking at all the fallen Hydra agents. I don't hold back on him and punch him straight through his chest. This guy was like a cockroach. He needed to be killed. Taking his key card, I start running upwards, using Rumlow's key to open any closed doors. Within 15 minutes, I reach the top floor, and enter Pierce's office, where he was laying on the floor, groaning in pain, with Tony sitting on his chair and hacking his offline files.

"Shield. The Triskelion is ours. I repeat, The Triskelion is ours." I say into the earpiece and start looking into his drawers. Finding nothing interesting, I look at Stark and ask, "Anything interesting?"

"Yeah. A base in Sokovia, research base headed by a Baron Von Strucker. He's taken the Sceptre and is busy experimenting on people with it to grant them superpowers. Out of 47, only 2 survived. Twins, Wanda and Peter Maximoff. We'll have to hit fast, before he starts clearing everything up." Tony answers.

"Yeah, we'll take Banner with us this time. All the delicate work is done." I web Pierce's hand as he was about to press a button, and knock him out.

2 hours later, the building was full of Shield agents arresting all the Hydra agents. Siri was keeping an eye, making sure no one escapes. We confiscate anything and everything related to Hydra while Fury contacts the POTUS to inform him about the situation.

We get notified that everyone completed their missions with a few casualties on our sides. Steve and Peter had to fight Bucky to subdue him, as he was let lose by the soldiers guarding the base. Nat and Steve checked him for any weapons, after which Peter webbed him up tight.

Barton captured Sterns within 5 Minutes of the start of the operation, and was bored so he played with him for a bit.

Fury said one of his most faithful agents captured Garett and Ward, who were secretly amassing numbers for a take over. I and Tony checked and rechecked the background of every agent in Shield to make sure there was no Hydra sleeper in there now.

Then we all just bombed the shit out of Cap's old base, to destroy Zola. Zemo was still free, but I'll get him someday.

All in all, a month of preparation, 2 days of work and Shield was free of Hydra agents. There were probably still some agents outside of Shield, but now it was Fury's responsibility. Tony got justice for his parent's murder by beating up Pierce. Cap got his friend back, although still brainwashed. He had taken a sabbatical to help Bucky recover. Peter got to know that not every human is nice and deserves living, some are just that bad that you need to put them down.

After getting home, me and Tony release the data we collected on the WSC to the news, this time, even dumping it all on the internet. In 2 days, they all get arrested.

August 3rd, 2012:

A few weeks after the whole debacle was over, I get notified by Siri about a task which I had set her on about 2 years ago. Finding Klaus. He had finally come out of hiding and was making deals again. I had her keep an eye on him at all times, even sending a stealth drone to follow him around, protected against gunfire and EMP.

Then I started working on my Jet. I designed a new jet for myself to use, when I want to go as Venom. I'd stolen a Quinjet from Shield during the Hydra debacle, had Siri take control of it and fly it away to a secure location, where Bernard met it and fixed a Cloak to it to fly it back to my house. I modified it using everything I learned from the Chitauri tech so it now flew faster, had a better power source in the big crystal I stole from the Leviathan. Painted it black, fixed the cloaking mechanism on the jet and improved on it.

A month after getting the notification, I was ready. I go into the hangar, which was basically my basement, which opens up in a tunnel I had already dug for this purpose. I go into the jet, sit on the command chair and say, "Siri, put up the cloak and get us out of here. Start up a course to Johannesburg, Africa, Klaus's shipyard."

"Yes boss." Siri says and starts flying the jet. I rest and look at the video feed being transmitted to me from the shipyard. Klaus was carelessly bragging about staying away from Wakanda for so long, showcasing his goons the Vibranium. There was a lot of Vibranium there. Almost twice the amount I could carry on my plane. I'll have to absorb most of it first.

2 hours later, we reach Johannesburg, still invisible, hovering over the shipyard. Seeing it flooded with gun carrying thugs, I have Venom suit me up, different than my usual suit, and jump down from the plane.

As soon as I land, I bring out 2 katanas and start attacking the thugs. Cutting, killing everyone that shoots at me. Within 5 Minutes, I kill everyone outside and walk into the building where Klaue was hiding.

Almost as soon as I walk into the building, I dodge rapid bullet fire by hundreds of guns firing at me. Getting fed up of all this dodging, I jump up and throw myself into the crowd and start killing these people too. Once everyone else is dead, I turn to Klaue, who is now cowering and pointing a gun at my head. He fires, and I let it hit my forehead. The bullet hits me gets stuck on Venom. It slowly falls down and I continue walking towards Klaue. Not wasting any time, I knock him out quickly.

Hacking into his systems was easy. Gaining access to the Vibranium stock was even more so. But what to do now? There was close to 300 canisters of Vibranium in the storage rooms. How the fuck did he manage to steal this much? And he probably even sold some of it.

Shaking my head I start taking Vibranium out of the canisters and absorbing it one after the other. Venom manages to take in 87 canisters full of the metal, before it becomes too much for him. I web the rest of the canisters together, and carry them back outside and load it all into my Jet. Thankfully, it all fit. Then I go back and bring a webbed up Klaue out and load him up too.

"Siri, start going towards these coordinates." Saying this, I enter the coordinates of the border of Wakanda. About 15 minutes later, we reach the borders and I drop down from the invisible plane, taking Klaue with me.

I walk for about 5 minutes before I'm accosted by staff carrying African people. I can see that the staves look normal, but they're anything but.

"Stop right there." A female voice, in an African accent says from behind me. I almost didn't detect her. "Who are you? And what is your business here?"

"I bring a gift to King T'Chaka." I say and point towards Klaue.

"And I'm supposed to know who a white person is? Who are you?" she asks again.

I answer, just as dryly as before, "My name is not important, this one is Ulysses Klaue. He stole from your prestigious nation, I brought him back to face your justice."

"Wait here." The Dora Milaje orders and turns away from me. She's probably contacting the King.

A few minutes later King T'Chaka as well as T'Challa come from behind the guards, they probably flew here quickly. I'll have to play it smoothly so as to not antagonise them. Fighting Wakanda for the rest of my life is not my dream life.

For precautions sake, I bow in respect to the King and nod at the Prince. They return the gesture with a nod and turn to Klaue, who is now conscious and trying to escape.

"Where was he hiding stranger?" the King asks me.

"Johannesburg Ship yard. It's empty of all life right now. This stick details all the deals he ever made. I even brought the Vibranium I found there if you still want it." I offer the data stick and say.

The King connects the data stick to a tablet and checks it. Seeing I was not lying he looks at me for a minute and asks, "And what do you want in return?"

I smirk and say, "Knowledge. Any thing that you can offer to teach me or give data on, mainly on how to work on tougher energy absorbent metals. I'll take it and be on my merry way. And an offer of friendship, between Wakanda and me. If you accept, I'll protect Wakanda from my people who would try to harm you, and you help me protect the Earth from external attacks, since your technology is way better than anything our smartest people have developed." I finish. I really wanted to find a way to forge a suit of armour using Praedium. If I can manage to make an alloy out of Praedium and Vibranium, then double fun. Though my endgame was building a Vibranium body for Siri.

T'Chaka looks at me, thinking, while T'Challa is glaring at me openly. I ignore T'Challa and continue looking at T'Chaka.

After about 5 minutes T'Chaka asks, "Would you return the Vibranium that's in your ship?"

I nod and say, "Yes. Though, if you would permit it, I would like to buy it back from Wakanda."

"We do not sell to outsiders- " T'Challa begins saying but T'Chaka raises his hand and stops him.

"And why should we sell it to you? We don't deal with outsiders." T'Chaka asks, calmly.

"Because I could have simply taken it and left. You don't know who I am, you don't know where I'm from, other than the fact I'm American, I came here for your goodwill, because there is need for it. Hard times are coming to Earth, and I'll need all the help I can get to help defend it. So yes, I'll need the Vibranium that's up there." I answer honestly.

"And if we refuse?" T'Chaka asks, just as calmly as before.

"I'll beat all of you down, knock you out, take my plane and go away and you'll never see me again. I won't underestimate me, Prince T'Challa." I say, looking at T'Challa who scoffs at my declaration.

He scoffs again and says, "You will never be able to defeat one of us, let alone all." He's prideful.

T'Chaka clicks his tongue in disapproval. But I just look at T'Challa and ask, "Is that a challenge?"

T'Challa nods eagerly and says, "Yes. After you lose, you'll give us all the Vibranium you stole from him and never return here in search for revenge."

"T'Challa.." T'Chaka warns his son, but he doesn't listen. Oh, kids.

"And if I win?" I ask in return.

T'Challa scoffs and just shakes his head. I still ask again, "A challenge has two sides. You gave the condition of your winning, now, what if I win? For curiosity's sake?"

T'Challa thinks for a bit and answers, "You can take the Vibranium you have in your ship and go away, you won't face retribution from us."

"And what about knowledge?" I ask. I really wanted the knowledge of Wakanda.

"We'll give you knowledge on what you want to be taught. Barring some things which are for the royal family only." T'Challa brags, arrogantly. Wow! I never expected him to be this arrogant.

"T'Challa!" The King snaps. T'Challa immediately wilts on himself. "Think before you make deals."

He then turns to me and says, "My foolish son has made a promise without consulting us, but we will honour it. What are the terms of the fight?"

I think and answer, "Fight until the other is knocked out, or forfeits. One weapon each and no armour. He may pick up a shield along with the weapon." Oh I'm gonna enjoy this!

T'Chaka nods and turns to T'Challa to whisper something. T'Challa gets determined and takes off his upper clothes.

I speak out loud, "Venom." And Venom separates himself from me. I show them my face for the first time that day. They look at Venom, who was just sleeping on a rock he found, in curiosity. I don't explain anything and continue to strip out of my upper clothes.

We both are now wearing only our pants. I ask Venom to give me the staff, which I take and immediately feel an increase in strength. The Black Panther's speed was legendary, so I'd need all the help I can get, although I probably won't need it.

I hold the staff in one hand and get ready for the fight. T'Challa takes a spear from one of his guards. We get a measure of each other and he attacks with a stab into my stomach, which I casually slap aside with my hand. Everyone there widens their eyes at my show of strength, and they realise that I really could have defeated them all.

He attacks again with his spear aiming for my head. I bring up my staff and block it. Then without wasting any time I kick him as quickly as I can into his guts. He gets thrown 20 feet away, as I held back my strength, and slowly gets up. He loses his spear and gets into his Black Panther fighting style and starts attacking. I match him blow for blow, taking a few punches, giving a few more powerful punches. We dance for about 15 minutes when he starts growing tired.

Like every tired person does, he threw one sloppy punch at me, which I took advantage of, and Judo threw him on his back. Knowing his Black Panther status, I did not try to lock him. I just hit him on his head with my staff, really hard, knocking him unconscious.

I turn to T'Chaka and bow. He accepts it with a nod and gestures to the guards. They carry T'Challa towards the huts. Probably to give him medical attention.

"Thank you for that, foreigner. My son was growing overconfident over his new strength."

I bow my head and say, "You're welcome. Though, he did bring it upon himself."

T'Chaka nods and gestures a Dora Milaje forward. She gives a box to the King who takes it, and offers it to me. Opening it, I see that it is the same memory stick I gave him.

"A deal is a deal. There is enough data on the USB drive on processing Vibranium and any metal with high energy absorption rate, like that I suspect your staff is made out of. But you already knew that." He gives me a look to which I just nod.

He continues, "You can count us as your allies in defending the Earth from outside forces, but we will not interfere in Earth's internal affairs. Each country for its own." Once again I nod.

"If you need any help, you can contact us, but be warned, we have the option to refuse to help you. If we need your help, we may call upon you, though you may refuse to help too."

I nod and bow deeper this time and say, "Thank you, King T'Chaka. I will not forget this."

"See that you don't. And tell your computer to stop trying to find our servers, she's about 2 decades to early for that." Damn! I never told her to stop looking for Wakanda, did I? I could almost see the smirk on his impassive face.

"I apologize, I had honestly forgotten I'd asked her to find your country." I say and turn to leave. Venom follows me and merges with me on the way. No one tries to stop me so I have Siri land the plane, get on it and leave to go home.

It was a good trip. I got Vibranium as well as a way to process it. Now I needed to find a way to make an alloy of Vibranium and Praedium. I'll call it adamantium in honour of Wolverine, since he doesn't exist here. Maybe I should hire that scientist, Dr Helen Cho, leading scientist geneticist. Her healing cradle can make a Vibranium body for Siri.

Reaching home, I land the jet in my basement, empty it of any Vibranium and store it in a secure room. Then I ask Venom to remove half of the Vibranium from his pocket space and keep the rest with him. I might just make use of it someday.

After making sure everything was locked up, I go to sleep, after ordering Siri not to try and hack into Wakanda anymore.