
Harem Voyage in Multiverse

I found myself given the quest to conquer every heroine and I shall do it .after all I have power to do it. I own nothing except my OC Additional tag #incest #mind control (mainly use to torture the enemy Cover Image is made by Using Ai

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24 Chs

Chapter 22

Hinata's face turned an even deeper shade of red after my words. She fidgeted, looking away, her trembling hands betraying her nervousness. I could tell she was trying her best not to faint again.

To help her calm down, I subtly activated a calming skill, letting a gentle wave of serenity flow over her. Slowly, her body relaxed, though her face remained flushed.

I suddenly remembered the flowers I had bought earlier for no particular reason. Reaching into my Spatial pocket, I pulled them out, their soft petals brushing against my fingers. I glanced at them and then back at Hinata, who was nervously stealing glances my way.

"Here," I said, handing them to her casually, "I kinda ended up buying these and thought maybe you'd like them."

Her eyes widened in surprise as she hesitantly took the bouquet from my hands. "F-f-for me?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I just thought you'd appreciate them."

For a moment, her entire body froze. Her cheeks went from red to almost crimson, and before I could say anything else, she let out a soft gasp, stood up abruptly, and turned on her heel.

"N-Naruto-kun! Th-thank you!" she stammered before quickly running off, her long black hair fluttering behind her as she disappeared into the distance.

I stood there for a moment, scratching the back of my head. "Well... that was unexpected," I muttered, chuckling softly as I watched her retreating figure.

Hinata's POV

I ran. I didn't know where my legs were taking me, but I couldn't stop. My heart was pounding so loud it drowned out everything else—the voices around me, the sound of the wind rushing past my ears, even the steady rhythm of my own footsteps.

Naruto-kun… gave me flowers!

The thought made my heart feel like it was about to explode. The moment he handed me the bouquet, I had felt my face catch fire. I didn't know what to do. My hands were trembling so much that I almost dropped them right there. And then... I just ran.

What was I thinking?! I ran away!

I was mortified. Embarrassment swirled inside me like a raging storm, making my thoughts a tangled mess. How could I face him again after this? I pressed the bouquet of flowers tightly against my chest as I slowed my pace, finally coming to a stop in a quiet alleyway. My heart refused to calm down, my breaths short and ragged.

Flowers… for me?

The warmth of his gesture made my knees weak. My mind kept replaying that moment—his calm voice, the way his blue eyes looked at me so casually, as if handing me flowers wasn't a big deal at all. But to me, it was everything. I stared down at the bouquet in my hands, my fingers trembling as they gently touched the delicate petals.

My feelings were all over the place. How could I hold onto these emotions any longer? I had admired Naruto-kun from afar for so long, my love for him growing deeper with every day, every smile he gave me. And now, after all this time... he had changed. He was stronger, more mature, and somehow even more handsome than before. I could barely handle being near him without feeling like I was going to faint.

Why did he give me these? I thought, biting my lip as another wave of heat flushed my face. Was it just a casual gesture? Or… could it mean something more?

I felt my heart racing at the thought. But then reality hit me like a cold wave, crashing through my hopeful thoughts.

No... there's no way he could see me that way.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment, and I pressed the flowers closer, trying to hide my face in them. What if he just gave them to me out of kindness? What if I was reading too much into it? My mind raced with doubts, swirling with both hope and fear.

I loved him. I had for so long. But I was always the shy girl who couldn't even speak properly in front of him. I had admired his strength, his unwavering determination, his warmth. And now, with him standing so close, handing me flowers as if it were the most natural thing in the world... I didn't know what to do.

I let out a small, shaky sigh, feeling my heart ache with both happiness and confusion.

Maybe one day... I can be brave enough to tell him how I feel. But for now, all I could do was hold onto the flowers and the memory of his smile.

With my face still red and my heart fluttering uncontrollably, I hugged the bouquet tightly, whispering to myself, "Naruto-kun... thank you."


The familiar path to the Hyuga compound was quiet, but my heart was still racing. I held the flowers closer to my chest, the soft fragrance enveloping me as I walked through the gates. My feet felt light, yet each step seemed to echo the turmoil inside me. I couldn't stop thinking about Naruto-san's warm smile, the way he had handed me the flowers so naturally. Every moment replayed in my mind, stirring feelings I had tried to keep under control for so long.

As I approached the main house, I hoped I could make it to my room before anyone saw me. But luck, it seemed, was not on my side.


I froze. That voice… I turned slowly, already knowing who it was.

Hanabi stood a short distance away, her arms crossed and a playful grin on her face. She had grown into a beautiful young woman, her figure curvier and more developed than most her age. Despite being only a year younger than me, her body had matured with an alluring, seductive elegance that turned heads. Her long dark hair fell smoothly down her back, framing her delicate features, while her lavender eyes sparkled mischievously, as though she always had something playful in mind. She carried herself with a grace that was both natural and refined, but it was her confident, teasing nature that often caught people off guard.

"Ohhh, what do we have here?" Hanabi teased, stopping just in front of me. "Are those… flowers? Did someone give them to you?" Her tone was light, but there was no mistaking the teasing edge behind her words.

My face flushed, and I instinctively pulled the flowers closer to my chest, as if hiding them could somehow save me from the embarrassment. "I-I… well…"

Hanabi raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a sly smile. "Onee-san, you're not hiding anything from me, are you? These are for you, right? Not something you picked up on the way home?"

I bit my lip, my mind scrambling for an excuse, but none came. I was too flustered, too overwhelmed by the day's events to come up with a convincing explanation.

Hanabi's grin widened. "So, someone really did give them to you. And I bet I know who."

My heart skipped a beat as she leaned in closer, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "Naruto-san, wasn't it?"

I blinked, my breath catching in my throat. How did she…?

"Oh, don't look so surprised," Hanabi said with a knowing look, straightening up and putting her hands on her hips. "I've heard the rumors, you know. Word gets around when someone like Naruto starts catching people's attention. And judging by the way you're blushing, I'd say there's a reason for that."

I shook my head, my cheeks burning. "It's not—he just…"

Hanabi's laughter filled the courtyard, light and melodic. "You don't have to explain anything to me, Onee-san. It's cute, really. I'm just glad to see you smiling like this."

She stepped back, her playful demeanor softening slightly as she looked at me with genuine affection. Despite her teasing nature, Hanabi had always been the one to see through me, to understand me in ways that sometimes even I couldn't. She could read my emotions like an open book, and it was moments like these that reminded me how close we truly were, despite the differences in our personalities.

"Honestly," Hanabi continued, tilting her head thoughtfully, "it's nice to see you like this. You've been so focused on your training lately that I was starting to wonder if you ever took time for yourself. Naruto-san must've really made an impression on you, huh?"

I lowered my gaze, the blush deepening on my cheeks. "I-It's not like that…"

But even as I said the words, I couldn't stop the warmth that filled my chest. There was no denying it anymore—Naruto-san had always had a special place in my heart, and today, something had changed. The flowers… the way he had smiled at me… it was more than just a simple gesture. It had stirred something inside me, something that I couldn't quite put into words yet.

Hanabi, however, seemed more than happy to fill in the blanks for me.

"You know," she said casually, walking around me in a slow circle as if inspecting the situation from every angle, "I've heard that sometimes, when someone gives you flowers, it means they're trying to express their feelings. What do you think Naruto-san was trying to say with those?" She pointed to the bouquet with a mischievous wink.

"I don't—" I started, but Hanabi wasn't done.

"And," she continued, not giving me a chance to finish, "there's no need to be so shy. You've always admired Naruto-san, haven't you?"

My heart pounded in my chest as Hanabi's words rang true. Naruto-san meant a lot to me, more than I could express, and my sister, as perceptive as ever, knew it.

Hanabi must have sensed my growing discomfort because she softened her tone again, her teasing grin replaced by a more genuine smile. "Don't worry, Onee-san. Whatever you're feeling, it doesn't matter. What matters is how you feel, right?"

She stepped closer, resting a hand on my shoulder. "You've always admired Naruto-san. It's okay to feel something more than just admiration. You don't have to hide it, especially not from yourself."

I looked up at her, my emotions swirling inside me. Hanabi was right. I didn't have to hide how I felt, but admitting it—even to myself—was a step I wasn't sure I was ready to take yet.

"Thank you, Hanabi," I whispered, my voice soft but sincere.

She smiled, giving my shoulder a light squeeze before stepping back. "Of course, Onee-san. Just don't be too shy when it comes to him. If you wait too long, someone else might swoop in and steal him away."

The playful glint in her eyes was back, but there was an underlying seriousness in her words. I nodded, though I wasn't sure what to say in response.

"I'll leave you to your thoughts," Hanabi said, turning on her heel and heading down the hallway. "But don't think you're getting away with not telling me all the details later. I want to hear everything!" she called over her shoulder, her laughter echoing down the corridor.

I stood there for a moment, alone again, the weight of the day's events settling over me. I glanced down at the flowers in my arms, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the soft evening light filtering through the windows. Naruto-san had given these to me… without any reason. But that didn't mean they were meaningless. In fact, they meant more to me than I could ever express.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I hugged the bouquet closer, my heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. Maybe Hanabi was right. Maybe it was time to stop hiding my feelings, at least from myself.

With that thought, I turned and made my way to my room, the flowers still held close to my chest.

[AN : Comments your Views on this chapter and do you like their relationship wit each other as sisters and Hanabi personality I have made her personality similar to how it is shown in Boruto series. Do you all like it let me know in comments]