
Harem Voyage in Multiverse

I found myself given the quest to conquer every heroine and I shall do it .after all I have power to do it. I own nothing except my OC Additional tag #incest #mind control (mainly use to torture the enemy Cover Image is made by Using Ai

StrOke9856 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 14

[AN : I have created an Auxiliary chapter on illustration you all can view how the character look in this story or you can imagine yourself]

In the hokage office. " So that's it then I will leave" Jiraiya said

"Okay" Tsunade said. and Jiraiya began to go to the office door and left and after few moments he left ther come a knock on the door.

"Tsunade sama it's me" a sweet voice came from outside the door.

"come in" Tsunade said

Then the door click open and soon a very beautiful girl with pink hair, green eyes, big boobs, and fat ass and thighs come into the view. Wearing white top which shows her large cleavage, pink skirt, which emphasises her thighs, choker on her neck, earings and jacket over the top but left off from the shoulders

(Her PIC and her main look in this story)

"What bring you here Sakura" Tsunade asked knowing why she has come here.

"I heard that someone saw Jiraiya sama in the village So, I come here to confirm it" she said with anticipation in her voice.

Tsunade didn't said anything but just smile knowingly.

"Tell me is it true did he come back?" She asked with her patience leaving her voice.

Tsunade again didn't say anything "just tell me" then Tsunade smirk.Seeing her smirk Sakura come to sudden realisation.

"!!!!!!!! You meeann" Sakura said but in response Tsunade smirk just got wider.

Seeing this she hurriedly turn back and when she was going to leave.

"When you meet him bring him with you" Tsunade said while laughing.

"Sure I will!" She said without looking back.

"Sigh~ kids these days" she paused "well her reaction will be worth watching" she said remembering the changes he has now.



When I was roaming around the village without any problem as I am using my skill 'Stealth' which I had learned during my time in training, because of it no one has notice me moving along with them.

Soon I spotted 'Nara Shikmaru' little far from me so I make my way toward him and come in front of him.

"What, who is this!?" He said in irritating voice.

"don't tell me you don't remember me" I said.

"Huh- who are yo-" before he could continue speaking he looked at me as sudden realisation stuck him.

"That blonde hair could it be Naruto!!!" He said with shocking face.

"Yep, long time no see shikamaru" I said while laughing little at his shocked reaction.

"Man what you do to get this changes!" He said seeing my appearance well I am taller than most people here (he is 6,3 feet)

"You are that Kid from chunin exam!!!!!!" Suddenly a surprise voice of women come from beside the Shikamaru.

She is girl with big chest and has teal eyes and sandy blonde hair, which is gathered into four consecutive pigtails. Wearing short-sleeved, black kimono that reaches down to her legs, with slits along the side that revealed her thighs and legs and a more revealing neckline which exposed her cleavage, red sash tied around her waist, black, fingerless gloves and wore her forehead protector on her forehead.

She is 'Temari' from sand village.

"Oh you are the one from the sand Village right if I remember it correctly your name is Temari right?" I said while forwarding my hand to shake her hand

"Yes, I am from sand Village" she said while shaking my hand with hers.

"But still to think that how you look totally different from before" she said with shocked face which had little blush

"Yeah man your looks completely change" shikamaru added.

"Hahaha" I just laughed awkwardly then asked "So what were you guys doing here"

Then we began to converse for sometime and soon parted ways.Temari eyes never once leave me she stared at me the whole time. And even while leaving Temari look from the corner of her eyes at me.

After I left them I continue to look around and roam. But suddenly I heard a voice from my behind.

"Is that you Naruto?" She was panting.

Looking behind I see an beautiful girl panting while leaning little downward putting her hands on her knees which in turn exposed her cleavage more than it already was.

"It's really you!!!" She spoke with happiness and relief.

"Long time no see Sakura" I said while smiling gently at her.

She suddenly jump at me and hug me tightly rubbing her boobs on me "it's really been a long time I missed you". I reciprocate her hug and put my hand behind her back but little close to her butt "I missed you too" I replied.

Feeling her warmth I felt realx and excited at the same time by the way she is clinging to me. After that the hug continued for a while before she back away and blushed hardly.

"Sorry I was jus-" before she could continue I responded "don't worry if I had been the one in your position I would do the same"

She smiled after hearing my words while thinking 'that it's not only the appearance but inside has also change huh'.

Then another voice interrupted and looking behind I found someone that I had already expected.

[AN : Comment your views on the chapter and Thank you for reading]