
Harem in a Labyrinth

A man dies and takes place of Kaga Michio in another world with an extra op cheat. The plot will follow loosely on the manga, novel and anime of Harem in the labyrinth of other world. The story is me mainly "rectifying" the oozing ball of negativity that is Michio. The world and system has loads of potential but I will see how far it goes. Lastly Roxanne bestt girl!! Support me if you can!! Patreon: patreon.com/Avi2112 Paypal: paypal.me/avirat2112

Avi2112 · Komik
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75 Chs

Chapter 42

We used Warp to return to the Quratar's Explorer's Guild. Even in the early morning, the city of Quratar looks busy as always. Exiting the Guild we go towards the middle aged Aunty's Hardware shop.

"Ah Welcome, I have been expecting you two" Aunty greets us as soon as we enter the shop.

"The Herb seeds right? Please wait a moment" Before we could even say a single word Aunty went back inside.

Roxanne and I toured the shop, looking for anything we would need among the metal tools.

Soon Aunty came back and explained the different seeds and their uses to Roxanne. Because of the Farming Knowledge I think I would do a better Job at explaining their uses to Roxanne but I still let her learn from aunty.

After some talking with Aunty, Roxanne was able to secure a hoe, a spade and some lumber for free along with the seeds. Saying our goodbyes we went back towards the Guild holding the stuff in our hands.

On the way there were different food shops on the street. Smelling the fresh aroma, I go towards the Bread shop.

"Welcome, Take a look at the bread I have been baking since sunrise." A fat man greets us from the open shop "Buying Bread for breakfast is popular in this town. Bread hardens over time so buying it fresh is considered one of the charms of Quratar"

"A-ah that's right isn't it" Roxanne on my side agrees with the man's statement.

"Then give us 5 of the loaves over there" I said pointing at the biggest ones.

We don't have to worry about the bread hardening while in Backpack so I can buy more.

"You have discerning eyes. Our high quality bread over there costs 8 nars"

I give 40 copper coins to the man and stuff the loaves of bread in the Backpack. He was a Villager so 35% off didn't apply.

"The loaves are bigger than even my face" It must be because that man looked like a glutton so his "one size" is considerably large

"I think the bread's size is made with the idea that it will feed one person, since it's a staple food"

"People are such heavy eaters." Must be because of Labyrinth I guess.

"Uhm … For most people it's rare to have a meal with much meat and vegetables like our Dinner last night. So the bread became that size" Roxanne explains to me some common sense of this world.

"Well we can eat both meat and bread today then" I reply with a smile.

"Is that alright"

"Yeah it's fine"

We warped from the Explorer's Guild back to our Entrance Hall with the hoe and spade in our hands. We kept the stuff in the Storeroom and started preparing Breakfast.

This time I instructed Roxanne in making Ham and Eggs. Basically we made two double egg Omelets and just served it with the Smoked Ham at its side. I added half of the bread loaves to each of our plates and that was our breakfast.

"But is it all right for me to eat the same thing as you, Master? Besides I wasn't able to help cook at all, so aren't I troubling you?" Roxanne asks flustered

"You helped me plenty in the Labyrinth Roxanne, without your directions we won't be able to hunt so many demons" I just gesture for her to sit in front of me to eat.

"Thank you Master, I was a new member in my last party so they never took my opinions into consideration" Roxanne replies happily

"Well only I know how to treasure my Roxanne" I hold her hand over the table "Besides even if you didn't help me much in the labyrinth, I would still take care of you. I told you that you will be my lifelong companion" I tell Roxanne while looking in her beautiful auburn eyes.

"I will do my best to repay Master" Roxanne answers with conviction.

We both start eating our Breakfast. The Breakfast tasted good, especially the Ham and Bread, if there was some cheese and butter then it would have been much better.

"Roxanne, you will be coming with me to the traders place. I will be only taking female companions so if someone isn't to your liking tell me and we won't take her" I tell Roxanne while eating

"Okay Master" Roxanne replies with a nod "What are you looking for exactly?" She asks after a pause

"Preferably a Master Smith for now, or a Female Dwarf"

"I have heard that having Master Smiths in your party increases your party's strength"

In this world the effects of an individual's Job are applied to the whole party but mostly 'small' and 'slight' effects of the Basic Job don't show much effect. Only from 'Medium' onwards the effect can be felt by the whole party and the party's stats as a whole increase substantially.

But 'Medium' effects are only seen in the Intermediate Jobs or the Racial Jobs. That's why Hero Job, which increases each and every stat by 'Medium', is such a cheat for the party.

"Well I would like to slowly increase this 'family' of ours, I will leave handling all of them to you Roxanne" I don't have any confidence in managing a Harem, so I will have to depend on Roxanne

"I will help Master in any way I can" Roxanne answers happily

Finishing Breakfast, we used Warp and teleported to the Vale's Adventurer Guild. We walked through the Vale city streets, the city was much quieter than Quratar. We arrived in front of the Slave trader's building.

"I want to meet Alan. Tell him it's Michio"

I told the young man from last time who looked like the Merchant's apprentice.

"This way please"

He must have remembered me as he guided us inside to a room. This was the same room I was brought to when I sold the village thief who became a slave. Maybe he thought I was here to sell Roxanne?

I glanced towards Roxanne and I couldn't see any changes in her expression. I don't think Roxanne has any bad memories of this place.

"Please wait here a moment"

The young man went outside the room. I sat down on the sofa.

"Roxanne you sit down too"

"Is that all right?"

"Yes it's fine"

I don't want them to think I came here to return her. Just then the door opened and Alan entered.

"Well this is a pleasure, welcome back Michio-sama" Alan greets me with a smile

"I came back to check just like you asked, Alan" Me and Roxanne stand up and greet the Slave Merchant.

"Yes I understand. Please have a seat" Alan replied and gestured for us to sit.

We all sat back down. A plain looking female employee comes in and puts 2 cups of herbal tea for me and Alan.

"Roxanne has been very good to me. You have sold me a great warrior and you have my gratitude" I smile while looking at Roxanne who smiles back.

"Thank you for your kind words" The Slave Merchant replies modestly.

"So did you find a Master Smith for me?" I go straight to the point

"Well … are you aware that the fusion of Skill crystals is often a failure?" The Slave Merchant asks me after thinking for a while

Master Smiths can fuse Skill crystals into the equipment giving that equipment a skill. This is one of the most popular skill of a Master Smith.

"I know that"

"That won't change, even if the Master Smith is a Slave. If it keeps failing, eventually the Owner will start suspecting the Slave" Alan explains to me, after a pause he continues on "Even so there are quite a lot of people such as Nobles who have their own Master Smith … it's rare for such stories to end well for both sides" Alan finished grimly

The Owners start suspecting that the reason for failures is the Slave stealing the Skill Crystals instead of using it and the Slaves suffer because of this misunderstanding.

"That is unfortunate"

"Dwarves understand this, so before they become a slave they will often change their job to something different other than a Master Smith"

"So there are no Slave Master Smiths?" I ask doubtfully

"I wouldn't say none, but they are very rare which makes their prices go up even more. But sadly I wasn't able to find any Master smiths in these days" Alan replies with a sigh of defeat.

Well if someone buys them at premium but even then they keep failing then the owners will get more angry at them and then the cycle will continue.

"Well what about a female dwarf then instead of a Master Smith" I ask about my main target

"Dwarves are a powerful race, so they are used primarily as Vanguards"

As far as I know, Dwarves, Dragon-kin and Wolf-kin are the three races who are good at being Vanguards.

"However unfortunately we only have one dwarf here at the moment. And I don't think her personality is suitable for being a fighter" Alan replies with a wry smile.

Bingo! So Sherry is here already. This is fantastic news, I control my facial expression so that no one would notice my change.

"As I said before, I will give you a letter of recommendation to another city's Slave Merchant, they may have some good Dwarves at their place" Alan says bringing up the thing he told me the last time.

"Is it really okay to send Customers to a business rival?"

"I don't mind. This line of work doesn't lack customers. Each store receives slaves from a different area, all of the Vale region and the southern plains are my trading areas. So there is no business rivalry, and at times we'll even help each other like this" The Slave Merchant explains the inner workings of his Job.

"That explains it" I nod in understanding

"I will write you an introductory letter to the Imperial Capital's trading company that I am close with. They have a good reputation, so I am sure you will be satisfied doing business with them" Alan tells me while getting up

"That would be good"

"Though it is Spring right now, the farming season so they may be low on stocks as well"

Nobody would put a skilled worker as a Slave in the farming season.

"So this is an off season"

"But still even if they don't have a dwarf, they might have a good person who can serve as a vanguard" The Slave Merchant still tries to give me hope

"Yes it's good then" I just nod

"If you want you can see the people who I have as a vanguard. They're mostly men but .."

"Hmm no, it's fine. I would like to see that female Dwarf though" I firmly reject it. I don't want to have any Men in my party even if it slows down my labyrinth exploration.

"Before you see her, please know that she arrived only recently. It was on the same day when you visited here last time"

"I see"

"Even though I say that, her memory is good and she has already learned the Brahim language but the rest of her education is lacking" Alan answered a bit flustered

So she has learned just the language but not the manners of a slave. Still learning a language in 2 days, is that something even geniuses can do?

"If you don't mind. Please show her to me" I insist as she was the reason I am here in the first place.

"Certainly … One moment I will get her ready" Saying that Alan exited the room

"Roxanne, would you like a drink" I pass on my untouched herbal tea cup to her

"Thank you very much" Roxanne smiles and drink the herbal tea

"Do you have any requests for our new companion" I ask idly

"I think it will be fine if they are to Master's liking" Roxanne replies with a smile and put the cup down.

"Hmm … I have a good feeling about this Female Dwarf" I tell her with a grin

I picked up the tea cup that Roxanne put down and drank the herbal tea. Roxanne looked at me a bit flustered. It's fine I don't mind drinking after you.

Just then the door opens and Alan enters. We both get up to greet him

"She will be here soon" Alan says and stands in front of us

Just after he finished speaking there was a knock on the door.

"Enter" The Slave Merchant says looking at the door

The door opens and the old lady whom I saw in my previous visit enters.

"The preparations are complete" She said after bowing to the Slave Merchant. She notices Roxanne and gives her a slight nod. Roxanne also nods. She must be the kind aunty that Roxanne told me so much about.

"Bring her"


The woman motions behind her and a girl enters the room.

[Sherry <Female*Age 16>

Explorer Level 10]

Yay! We are meeting Sherry atlast!

Btw I forgot to mention that this is a harem lol :P

I do have to inform you all that in the og story Michio meets Sherry after a month and at that point she had just entered the Traders place recently. So I basically speeded up this encounter.

I don't like contradicting the og stories much but I had to adjust it for this case as 30 days would have been too long.

Massive Chap almost 2.2K words!

Avi2112creators' thoughts