
Harbinger Of Destruction And Misfortune

Upon opening the Pandora's Box in the year 2056 the earth went through some drastic changes that would change human lives for years to come. Many beings died and many lost everything they had to the calamity that was unleashed by Pandora's box. Mana which was sealed inside the box for tens of thousands of myriad years was released. Unable to handle Mana many humans died and animals and insects turned into giant monsters. The changes did not end there, gates to different dimensional pockets called dungeons got created due to the sudden change in the influx of the world due to mana. Due to the sudden release of high and pure amounts of mana the world caught the attention of the Sovereign races the Celestials and the Demons. The Celestials and the Demons were at constant war as they were the complete opposite of each other. signing a pact between them demons took control of the world After some centuries the mana in the world was exhausted and thus the demons left leaving some lower ranked demons to rule over the world which was killed. Living in a world where survival of the fittest applies A young boy abandoned by his parents and mistreated by everyone wants to climb to the peak of the world so that he cannot be wronged or mistreated by anyone.

oAwqwrd · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Ch.3- Torture

Jason had a grim expression and said "that dweeb dares to ask my Sandra out when I was in capital city. He doesn't know his place with his F ranked trait and he thinks he can get accepted into the same academy I am applied to." The guy following Jason laughed for a bit and said "Boss, why are you getting your hands' dirty by beating that pussy up."

Jason looked back at the lackey and chuckled while responding "I would have to wait for a long period of time before I would be allowed to use my trait on people. I would only be allowed to use it on people when I get my Awakened trainers licence upon entering onyx academy, that disgrace of an awakened would not dare voice out that i broke the law as he would put his dads job on the line plus I want to make him suffer for asking Sandra out "

20 minutes ago-

Right after Jason told Rian to come to the rover bank near the pet store on the edge of town at 5 pm.

Rian stood in front of his locker clenching his fists as he looked at a note inside his locker. Upon opening the note the first thing that greeted him was the words ' why do u get the treatment awakened get' and written below it was ' You Rian, have the most useless trait that has ever been known to mankind in its 1000s of years of history. You are an embarrassment to the awakened. You should go die in a ditch you utter disgrace to the awakened society.' reading the letter a storm of feelings welled up inside him as he thought 'it wasn't my fault that I was born with a trait that lets me increase my nail length even i know how useless it is. DO U THINK I WANTED THIS TRAIT!??'

He let out a soft sigh before continuing

'Before the trait test for awakened took place on my 10th birthday my life was normal, mom and dad would treat me like I was the most valuable thing they had and they loved me' taking a short pause he continued 'and just seconds after the result for my test was announced, the behaviour they showed me and the way they acted towards me did a straight 180 flip. I used to think that I MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING WRONG THAT MY PARENTS HIT ME or that I AM EMBARRASSING THEM DUE TO MY SHITTY TRAIT when they would beat me to the point of death, but then I came to realize that they didn't want me anymore and I was just a burden to them' with tears flowing down his dull eyes he swung his backpack over his shoulder and tossed the letter in the nearby trashcan.

Heading out of school he checked his holoband for the time, It was currently 4:30 pm and Jason had told Rian to arrive at the riverbank by 5. Rian hurried and ran as fast as he could towards the nearby teleportation station to teleport to the teleportation station near the pet shop but he abruptly stopped and turned the other way around, He rushed towards the bus stand as he did not have any money that he use to use the services of the teleportation station. The pet store was 20 miles away from his school on road, even if Rian ran along the roadway at his max speed he would not be able to reach his destination in time, he would reach the shop around 5:45 pm and would be beaten black and blue by Jason for being late and wasting his time. So he decided to take a hover bus from the nearest bus stand to the bus stand in the pet shop's vicinity.

After waiting for a bus for about 5 minutes he got the chance to enter the hover bus. upon entering the vehicle which had a maximum capacity of 30 people the bus started and headed towards its destination. After a 15-minute long ride, Rian was near the Pet shop. He took a few steps in the direction of the pet store while sweating profusely anyone could tell that he was nervous to be there. No one would think that was weird as near the edge of the town there was a pet store which was a place where all the gangsters, delinquents and criminals hung out and the pet store that Rian was called to was that same place.

He nervously stood near the entrance for about 10 minutes waiting for Jason to arrive.

10 minutes later-

Jason arrived in a hovercar driven by his butler who was at the middle stages of liquifying realm of ability cultivation.

Jason exited his car with a girl who was clinging onto his hand. Upon seeing the girl Rian's face lost all its color and paled. The girl holding Jasons hand was Sandra, who Rian had asked out some time ago and was rejected. Upon finding out that he asked Sandra out Rian was beaten black and blue by Jason's goons and was told that he would be beaten if he was seen anywhere near Sandra. Jason who was paying close attention to Rian's expression chuckled in satisfaction and whispered something in the girl's ears upon which her expression brightened and she started giggling while looking in Rian's direction.

Rian had a bad premotion and wanted to run from there, but knowing that if he did so it would cost him his father's job and he would feel guilty for the rest of his life as his dad needed to send his sister who he loved a lot to a prestigious high school due to her high talent. Thus, he decided to not do so.

Seeing Rians dazed expression Jason told Rian to follow him as he headed inside the Pet store straight to the shop's backdoor which had a fleet of stairs leading downstairs. Upon reaching the bottom-most floor after following Jason, Rian saw 2 people. One was a fat guy with a goatee and the other one had an athletic body with a scar across his face screaming that the guy was bad news.

The guy with the athletic body introduced himself to Jason as Andy and that he was the healer from one of the dungeon raiding parties from the next town. Rian was lost in his thoughts and was trying to piece what was happening right there.

Unaware of what Rian was thinking Jason had a devilish smile on his face as he was thinking of ways he would torture Rian.