
Haram love

Aygul moves from turkey to Saudi Arabia only to find love not through that of a man but a beautiful mysterious woman by the name Farrah. Together they form a romantic relationship that they all know to well is haram or forbidden. What would aygul do without Farrah's love.

Elena_Mars · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Horrible state

I was able to see Sarah Farrah incarcerated in the palace dungeons, It is hard to imagine that they still have them but they only use them for disobedient women in the Herams. In this case it was a very strong woman who wouldn't take no for anything for that matter for an answer as Farrah was a strong woman. Farrah water being an adult and many times in this dungeon rot or to be hurt. I want to go look at her from her shower window and she looked like hell she still look beautiful but she was in rags and she was scared about the face some gashed were still blood and fresh. When she realize that I was looking at her from outside and she started to cry and I can see your wins in pain as she cried from the salty tears. It hurt me to see her like this. There is no doctor to help her with her face she would be scarred for life. What did these Al-Qaeda bastards do to her.

"Get out of here," she said begging me to tell her to leave the palace but I couldn't leave the palace because I wanted to be with her and comfort her. "I have to teach a religious school which I don't want to do because that brings me flashbacks but if I don't I get the acid or the cuting or worse."

It hurt me to see her like this that she was in a lot of pain and suffering and no one was there to help her physically or emotionally. She was an involuntary love her to the king of Saudi Arabia and the involuntary your mom for a extremist religious schools well she didn't believe in what he had to do anyway or It would've cost her her life or her fingernails.

Seeing her in those fields was just horrible. She was dirty and filthy only cleaned out the one to give guidance to the king or to give satisfaction to the king either way she did not enjoy her self. I went into the Palace, Acting like a journalist and see how it was to be in the Saudi royal family, Then I got a glimpse of the king in his bedroom forcing himself on Farrah, I could here her screaming with pain and displeasure. Dad did it to me how dare he touched her that way I want and straight away from the other journalists and then kicked in the door and asked what the fuck was going on I never usually use that word right one so I was being hurt in such away I was in a foul humour that was beyond anything and I was in raged that he was treating a woman this way when pharaoh taught me that women were supposed to be treated with respect and dignity because they gave life. I wanted to save her from this king, king Abdullah, from harming her. And I was far as her being his personally mom she was more or less treated like a pile of crap instead of like a new mom she was actually beaten now she did not given a right spiritual advice to the king or not give advice to these "quote" freedom fighters.

A part of me was thinking of Abandoning her just to cover my own ass because I did not want to go to Guantánamo for being having ties with our creator just because she was now guilty of association. I was saddened at the thought that I might have to leave or die at the hands of these ruthless bastard's. I snuck out of the castle and started to cry when I walked back home. My mom finally asked me what the hell was going on why was I acting funny and stuff. That was when I finally told someone about Farah and she was in a lot of trouble and I was in a lot of trouble possibly as well because I was had types to her. I even told her about the relationship I had with her and I started to break down and collapse and start crying. I didn't know what the hell to do at this point except talk to my mom and cry. It was a very hard thing to do to tell the truth but it in no way was freeing I was helping myself but I couldn't help Farrah.

"What kind of trouble is this for a woman in," my mom asked.

"He is worth taking a Saudi Arabia who has ties with al-Qaeda I think we should move to America. So I can forget about her and move on with my life."

My mother was a very strict woman while she was a very kind woman and she knew that what love was and she knew that I had love for Farrah. She said if you do love her you would stay with her but if you want to go to America don't forget about her that is not what love is. I said I didn't care I just want out of the kingdom you should be my third move in my life and I will be to go to America where I will not have to worry about Farrah or her new forced life.

And so he slowly packed her things to go to America to stay until the end of time hopefully and I was going to try to forget about Farrah even though my mother would be angry at me for that. But it was very hard when a plane took off to go to New York it was really hard to deal with because I knew I was leaving someone I loved behind. It hurt really bad each time we climbed altitude. I bit my lip to the point where I drew blood and say saw my mother looking at me in alarm saying does that not even hurt and she and I said no it doesn't. I ended up crying so hardly girl some of the people in the brain actually had a call me down. When we touchdown at JFK airport I thought we would I was going to be emotionally free forever but I was there and she was haunting me in my dreams seeing her bloodied and gored up was just too much for me to handle at night. I had nightmares of seeing her bloody face and her gas is in wounds on her face every night and didn't know that she was having to be forced to aid in a bed with these barbarians who aren't even Muslim really hurt me that wasn't a Farrah I know.