
Haram love

Aygul moves from turkey to Saudi Arabia only to find love not through that of a man but a beautiful mysterious woman by the name Farrah. Together they form a romantic relationship that they all know to well is haram or forbidden. What would aygul do without Farrah's love.

Elena_Mars · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Trying to forget

I was trying to make a new life for me in New York but then I ended up getting nightmares about Farrah and how she was treated. I thought she should've been a free woman but she ended up being a pawn in a plot that I felt wasn't for the best interests for both Muslim and non Muslim. I left the religion watched my mother Instagram and started to rebel your piercings and tattoos and we are hair colours just to make a point that I was my own person and I was trying to break out on my own without Sarah or anyone else. I ended up going to the University I think it was Harvard I think at the time and then I want to be an art student at first but then something bad happened when I was going in art school, Someone had blown off a building in the name of Al-Qaeda and killed like almost 3000 people almost another 9/11. I was just looking to buy this I don't wanna do another deep depression when I saw who was on the crediting end of the lady tajj as she was called. She looks strikingly familiar to Farrah. She was all dolled up and go see up except for her scars Reminding me of my ass all over was Farrah that came crashing more than the actual bomb news itself. I wanted to actually to take revenge against lady tajj aka Farrah and the organization she was in now. I was able to recognize lady tajj's voice As Farrah. Then I read in the newspaper that she ended up having a Mail over insured Al-Qaeda a underlying she seducing young men to join And causing me great pain to see that she was going to kiss the guy in our communication video.

"Holy fuck mom?! Come see this."

"What is it Saturn," then she saw the communication video realized by al-Qaed. "Oh my God is that your girlfriend that's on there "

" damn straight it is her and she's a straight as an arrow now. I am so angry I want to kill her right now because of what she's doing. I wish I never met her and I wish I never went to a mosque."

At first she seem like a angel and then she was forced into being a demon. She tricked me what is she really lesbian or what is she really straight or was she just yanking peoples gold chains. Did she want this to happen Moore I will never know unless I did something about it and that man I had to quit art school and join go and intelligence gathering. My mother shared a wasn't worth it my life that is. But what life that woman raped me and took my virginity away from me and tricked me into thinking she was a lesbian. I do not want to see the likes of her on this planet or to be in the skies I told my mother I was going to join So I'm group that would deal with intelligence gathering maybe the Army intelligence or God knows why but I was going to do something about this and put a stop to lady tajj and her now tirade.

It was so hard at this sweet woman turning others evil witch should I say bitch. She had everyone lined up in a hurry like ducks in a row while she wore her hijab and lingerie not really look all that good it look tacky.

That night I had another nightmare of lady tajj and how I wanted to wipe her off the planet. For get about her busy bin laden but she Had to go. Now.These nightmares for assistant until the point where I needed to take pills not a legal bills was from my doctor to combat these nightmares I wonder what other nightmare is this whore has caused to other people. I wanted to know why she switched sides so quickly after being so brutalized in the first place by the same idiots.

I want after I joined school and I was suffering from un complex PTSD which was more very more complex and un complex PTSD I say that because I was suffering from the loss as well as suffering from the very attack that this bitch who used to be my lover has caused. I was very riled up to the point where I want out of school to join the army to do something about that it was more around you than I was trying to protect people and she has done a lot of harm to people and myself. I was found out to be a genius and then was transferred to me in intelligence gathering instead of military operations so I went and joined the CIA because I thought that was a honour compared to being one that slut. That's slut was nothing more then the female bin laden. For that she was.When I went to the farm to to train in intelligence gathering and also the black ops I was in a world of hurt more physically but not emotionally as my muscles ache like a bastard. But I had to confront her so I had to take the pain and take it like a woman I wanted to confront lady tours and tell her that she is nothing more than slime and deal with all the hand of justice and if it meant that I had to deal with crippling pain for a few months in training there and that was what I had to deal with. Because lady Taj had to go in my opinion and I was the one that was going to deal with her like the bride from kill Bill. Out to get revenge for what has happened to her and her own people. I was not happy to join but I did pass with flying colours in the end.

I told my supervisor when I started my job that I wanted to be assigned to the lady Taj case in the CIA and to deal with her in a very strict manner.