

"Kazuha," a girl with glasses came running after Kazuha. She stopped to catch her breath, and her books fell out of her hand; she was very clumsy as one of the buttons on her sweatshirt came loose, revealing her frontal areas. She gasps as she reaches for her books and covers herself. Kazuha helps her back on her feet and askes what she needs.

"now that you're King, and we've been friends for a while. Could you give me a spot as a royal aid? I would be in your debt.

Kazuha hands her book back to her and pats her on her head.

"Sure, you can be my right hand. Just don't get hurt." Kazuha walked away and entered his castle.

He went toward his library room and started a call summoning the rest of the Kings.

Only one of them picked up.

"For what purpose have you called Lugh." Said the King of Bulcroaria. He stopped and looked at Kazuha, who stood there with a smile.

"Who the hell are you." He said again.

"King Lugh has died in battle in case the message never got to you, and I'll be replacing him," Kazuha explained.

"Why am I the only one who picked up."

"Naslands is no longer under the rule of a King the King of Hiroshima has died, and the King of Jadia just didn't join."

"You're telling me Moncler died?" The King said, "who was able to do such a thing, or was it natural causes."

"He died to the King of Jadia."

"I see the balance in power is shifting once again."

Kazuha put his hand up and spoke with a clear tone.

"Zenkai won't make any moves to take over the rest of the lands if he tries, I'll do my best to stop him, but for now, we need to summon the four Kings when Hiroshima gets a new King."

"Sure." The King said as he hung up.

Kazuha walked out and gave three notes to a messenger and asked him to take them to the Kings of each country.


"We lost…" a citizen of Hiroshima said.

Everyone was panicking. The function without a King was something most Countries didn't go through.

"What if someone comes and attacks us while we are in this state." Someone asked.

"King Moncler never used much of the soldiers if somebody attacked; we will still have plenty to fight them." Someone said.

People turned around and saw somebody who stood with a black cloak. He seemed like a traveler, so they asked who he was.

"My name isn't essential, but I am pretty strong. If you need someone to lead, I'll happily lend a hand."

"If you want something from someone, you should probably be more open; for example, your name would be necessary right now."

"If I wanted to, I could crush Hiroshima and take it without talk, but I'm trying to communicate, so the best you could do is try to give me what I need."

The people looked at him, and someone ran up with a knife, trying to stab the intruder.

But he turned into sand and dropped to the floor, appearing behind the guy grabbing him by his collar.

"So you chose violence."

He touched the floor, making sand appear out of everything, devouring the country

"I'll leave that there. You guys can't eat, sleep, or anything because of my sand, but you can always go to another nation I'll be leaving now." The man said as he fixed his hood.

"Wait." A knight that's close to the King said.

"We can't survive like this, and you showed you are worthy." The knight said, and he looked at the crowd.

"Hiroshima is the creator of Will, but you guys have lost that. This man shows how much power he has and what he'll do to fix Hiroshima. No one can do better, so let's just let him lead."

"I see, so you have accepted me, so in return, you get my name. My name is-"

"Zenkai, we are back." Lyssa said.

They entered the castle, and he walked toward Hikari.

"How are you holding up?" He asked her.

"I'm good, thanks. I need to rest up a bit."

While they spoke, someone knocked on the door.

A maid opened the door, and some guy walked in with a mail.

He stared at the six people in front of him and felt scared.

Zenkai lifted his hand, and the room shook

"Who are you, and what have you come for," Zenkai asked.

"I'm just delivering a message from the King of Feronia."

"He's dead," Zenkai replied.

"They got a new one." Flakes told him.

"I see, so what does he want."

The messenger opens the scroll and speaks with a clear tone

"Nice to meet you; my name is Kazuha, and I'm currently the new King of Feronia. I started a call earlier, but only the King of Bulcroaria picked up, so I call forward a meeting between the Kings tomorrow to establish where we stand as nations and that war that broke out between Jadia and Hiroshima in the past. We shall move on as one."

"I've already sent this message to the King of Hiroshima. Someone already claimed the throne."

"New King that fast," Zenkai wondered who claimed it as he sent the guy off and continued the rebuilding of Jadia.

The man returned to Feronia after a while and stood in front of Kazuha.

"King of Hiroshima and Bulcroaria have accepted the invitation." He said "but the King of Jadia said he will think about it and kicked me out."

Kazuha thanked the man and sent him off.

"He'll come." Kazuha said as he set up the meeting room.