

Adrian and Adrianna Lee are forced to separate after a tragedy befalls their family on their annual vacation. Ten years later the siblings meet and fall in love with each other as Adrian and Aeritha. Aeritha is a poor unsheltered girl working hard to get money for school,she later gets a scholarship from Lee's foundation. When pushed into the pool,she regains her memory and the siblings have to let go of their love. Not for long before a doom looms over the Lee's when Anitha Han and Aeritha are involved in an accident. So many dark secrets lurked around,a murder and a feud that goes way back so many generations. Will love triumph in the end or will their love become a battle field for a generational feud to take place? Enjoy

Mystic_Queen21 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 5: Fate Intertwined Us Together.

Two weeks later after Adrianna had been confirmed dead. They held a small funeral for her, throwing rose flowers into the sea,they didn't announce to the public for the fear of triggering Adrian to go into self isolated mode. The whole house was silent,every night there was wailing from the western end of the building. Cecelia became a living corpse,just walking around the house absentmindedly. Maria Lou couldn't stand the silence anymore, it was driving her nuts. She made up her mind and changed her dress.

Maria Lou looked through the glass, watching as her brother struggled for his life. Her eyes broke with tears,so much she took an outstretched handkerchief from someone who was standing beside her. She blew her nose and thanked the person silently.

"He is a strong man,he will survive it"

"I hope he does"...because if he doesn't,my mom will lose herself was what she didn't add. After watching his progress,Maria Lou turned her gaze to the person beside her. He was a tall,handsome young doctor in his sparkling white coat,the stethoscope hung around his neck firmly,his hair was swept to one side giving him the campus beau look,about 6'5 tall even though she was wearing heels,she had to look up to him. His eyes were asparagus,oh how she hated asparagus but it looked good on him that she didn't mind. If only her brother wasn't lying in the ICU,the scenario would have been perfect for meeting such an handsome guy but it was all wrong. Maria Lou shook her head vigorously as if to disperse the invisible pink love bubbles floating around her. Her actions amused Jason and he chuckled,Maria Lou stopped as she saw his thin lips curved at the corners. Her eyes widened as he was more handsome with a smile dancing on his lips,she lowered her gaze to the floor to hide her flushed red cheeks.

For goodness sake ,she was the CEO of two multibillion companies -CJ Jewels and Rilouanana Entertainment. Why was this young man having so much influence on her mind? she shrugged and flowed him quietly into the elevator. She took a glimpse at him,God was he tall? Jason caught her actions through his periphery,he smiled and just let played dumb.

Jason ushered her into his office. The furniture was made of mahogany wood,you can basically tell the texture of the wood by sight,walnut wood handles with faux gold decorations. Blue wallpaper,art paintings of old Roman reigns. The couch and chairs were made of animal print leather with beautiful intricate,hand woven embroidery, flower patterned curtains fell to the floor revealing a potted marigold flowers. The office had the smell of jasmine tea; healing and justifying. Maria Lou's tense muscles relaxed at the smell.

"I'm the new doctor in charge of your brother. I'm Jason Greene" he said and stretched his hands out for a shake which Maria Lou calmly accepted. Just for the few moments their hands touched,there was a bit of tingles flowing through her system. She withdrew her hands shyly,her cheeks beet red and rosy.

"I'm Maria Lou Lee"

" Who doesn't know the youngest exceptional beauty with brains in Z country. It's really an honour to meet you in person,I must say I'm really impressed" he praised with a smile.

Maria Lou's heart skipped a beat but she just smiled and said," Thanks for the flattery. I'm just a simple me. That aside , how's my brother faring?"

An awkward silence enveloped the room for some minutes,Jason cleared his throat before talking to her.

" Well from what we can see, your brother has this tumor for quite some time and it happened to be in a very sensitive corner. The doctors tried their best to avoid it but they couldn't,it might leave a psychological scar on him but he will be fine." Jason concluded and Maria Lou nodded,her lips were quivering.....what if Adrian really goes psycho? She zoned out mentally, Jason seeing she was not responding,waved his hands. She jolted out of her reverie amd heaved a sigh.

" When is he going to wake up?"

"We can't say for sure but he should within a month"

"Do you mean he's going to be like this for a whole one month?" she asked,her voice slightly raised. She furrowed her brows,digging her nails into her palm.

" It might not really be a month but there's no exact time or date to when he will wake up"

Maria Lou stood up and walked to the door,thinking the doctor as she went. She ran all the way to her car, where she cried her heart out. To others she might be a strong young lady but she really missed her young brother. Life without him was becoming more boring, colourless and dark. After crying for some minutes,she cleaned her face and drove off. Jason came out of the shadows and watched as she drove off.

*********************************Greene's Hospital, ICU

Adrian's eyelashes moved,he had fallen in to the abyss when he heard his name, someone was calling his name. He looked up to see Adrianna at the end of the abyss with outstretched hands,she had tears in her eyes. All of a sudden,he got strength from nowhere and started climbing up. He didn't care about falling,all what was on his mind was wiping the tears in Adrianna's eyes. His fingers moved and tear fell from his eyes

***************somewhere in the city,a farm.

Aeritha wiped the sweat off her face with the back of her hands. She had just finished working on the farm,she sat in the shade and brought out her worn out purse. She opened it and brought out a chewing gum when she caught glimpse of a black card. She picked it and saw the golden reflection of the name of the card holder.

"Adrian Lee" she whispered softly,for some reasons unknown the name sounded very familiar. She tried to remember where she had heard the name from but her. mind was as blank as slate. She shook her head,and thought of the handsome stranger with nose mask. Ever since that day,she hung around the mall several times even to catch a glimpse of him and return his black card. She had no use for it.

Madam Crook yelled at Aeritha for sitting around when there was so much to do at the backyard. Aeritha begged her, profusely sweating as she did.It was no crime as Madam Crook turned to leave,her eyes caught the card in Aeritha's hands and smiled mischievously.

"Hey,Ritha. Where did you get that from?" She asked, smacking her lips together. That black card spelt a lot of money.

"Oh this,a friend asked me to hold onto it for a while" she lied,she knew Madam Crook's intentions even though she didn't know what the card meant. She knew better thank to hand it over to Madam Crook. Anger smoldered in her eyes but she smiled and walked away,she would get her hands on it sooner or later.

Aeritha watched as she walked away,and kept the card in her apparel. She knew that Madam Crook would have someone search her bag as soon as she goes back to work.

He who eats with the devil,must use a long spoon.

*******************Han's Mansion.

Anitha approached the dining table in her Hermes two piece,showing off as much skin as possible. Ruby hated anything that was more attractive than herself or her daughter but majorly herself. She sat down and crossed her legs,picked up an apple and greeted the house with a smile. Luna's face crumpled as she saw the dress on Anitha,Anitha noticed her eyes on her clothes.

"Sister,you have been staring at my outfit. Do you recognize it? Of course,you would.This is Hermes,Lady of the Spring outfit"...she paused and played with her hair, tangling them around her fingers...."there are only two of it in the world. The old man got it for me. It's quite outdated bit since you have been looking at it so much,then you just love it. I can give it to you" she explained and sank her teeth into the apple she was holding. Luna dug her fingers into her palm until it started bleeding,she so much wanted to go over and gave her a resounding slap.

Ruby looked irritated,'how dare this lowly peasant'

"Why do you have so much skin showing? " she said.

"Ahhhhhhh Mom come on,you know how cold F country is...I have to embrace much sunshine here"she pouted sadly.

Luna opened her mouth to talk buy she was interrupted by her father. He spoke with an overbearing tone,"Just let the child be,Ruby"

"Dad,Anitha loves you",she said with a smug smile and looked to Luna. Her gaze was burning with hatred but there was nothing she could do to intimidate her. After breakfast,Anitha made her way to the garage when she heard a hiss behind her. She turned around to see who it was, behold it was Luna.

"Hey Sis, I'm going out. Wanna come with me?"she asked but Luna yanked her by arm and looked straight into her eyes. Anitha laughed so hard,tears threatened to fall,she pressed her lips to her ears

"You might as well kiss your shares goodbye if anything happens to me"

Luna's eyes widened in shock and she continued," oh you're surprised right. The old man made it possible,you might just runoff to your daddy and mum,to.tell them"She took Luna's hands off her and went to the garage

As she got there,she almost tripped and sneezed;

at the same time,Aeritha sneezed;

and Adrian opened his eyes. A world was born and fate intertwined their ways, paths and lives together.