

Adrian and Adrianna Lee are forced to separate after a tragedy befalls their family on their annual vacation. Ten years later the siblings meet and fall in love with each other as Adrian and Aeritha. Aeritha is a poor unsheltered girl working hard to get money for school,she later gets a scholarship from Lee's foundation. When pushed into the pool,she regains her memory and the siblings have to let go of their love. Not for long before a doom looms over the Lee's when Anitha Han and Aeritha are involved in an accident. So many dark secrets lurked around,a murder and a feud that goes way back so many generations. Will love triumph in the end or will their love become a battle field for a generational feud to take place? Enjoy

Mystic_Queen21 · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: The Abyss

Adrian fell to the ground with a thud,as they crowded him. He could only hear voices,but his soul drifted away and he closed his mind on the present. A tear dropped from his eyes, it was a sad one ;rolling slowly, mourning the death of his twin. He felt as if he had lost part of himself,his heart was torn into two and there was nothing he could do.

His body became very light,as a feather. He didn't know when he was rushed to the hospital. On arrival,his vitals were so low that the doctors placed him on close observation. After examining him,they found out he was in a crucial state and needed to be operated on urgently.

Cecelia grabbed on to the doctor's arm and asked in a shaky voice," Doctor, will my son be alright?

The doctor shook his head,though he had been their family doctor but the Youngest Master of the house didn't like to be treated. He hated the smell of drugs and avoid taking it as well

"Madam Lee, please take it easy. Your son has a tumor in his brain which might ruptured from the impact of the fall or due to psychological reasons. We don't know for sure if your son is going to survive it. it's a 80/20 chance he has but we will try our best" the doctor tried to explain and left right after she said what she said.

Cecelia became very disheartened,her youngest daughter had just being confirmed dead and her only son wants to follow. Maria Lou's face darkened as a black pot,her lips were red and her eyes as sharp as the hawk. She draped her hands over her mother's shoulder, comforting her but she kept on crying.

At that moment,Cecelia was no longer the wife of Shawn Lee,CEO of L.N Inc but a mother who had just lost one child and was on the verge of losing another child. She cried like a kid, wailing down the walls of the corridor. Maria Lou shook her head ,there was no words she could offer to soothe the burning pain in her mother's heart. Her throat also burned,but she sniffled her tears.

I can't cry,she thought. She kept a straight face , looking at the red light of the theatre room.

After four hours,the red light finally went off and Adrian was wheeled out of the theatre. His face was pale, having almost all the colour drained out,his lips was patched dry and there was no sign of life in him. He was wheeled into a VIP ICU and was placed on the bed. Maria Lou asked in a cold,frigid voice "when will he wake up?". The doctor in charge,shivered and answered her quietly," we don't know for sure as to when he will wake up"

"so you're saying...." she queried while narrowing her eyes. The doctor was shaking nervously,'oh God why is she staring at me that much? God ,I can't take it'

"He's in a coma and might not wake up soon" he explained nervously,Maria Lou staggered and almost fell off but was held by the doctor. She pulled herself out from the doctor's arms and ran off. The doctor looked at her fleeting figure and sighed.

******************Han's Mansion.

Anitha laid down on the bed,she moved restlessly and stood up in annoyance. She examined the bed and laid back on it to get some sleep. From some reasons, sleep was far away from her. She grunted and threw away the covers with her legs,she decided to take a walk to familiarize herself with the building.

She kept walking for some minutes when she saw two figures shaking and panting near the dark corridor. She tiptoed and hid in a corner to see who it was. It was Bernard, Ruby's younger brother making out with one of the maids. 'Gosh,after five years,his habits has still changed. What a pathetic idiot' she mused and turned around to leave when she heard him say," don't worry,this empire will be mine one day and you will stop working as a maid". Anitha scoffed.."dreams high that much,can you even compete with your scheming sister"

The maid moaned softly as he thrusted into her heavily,under the intense making out she purred and asked,"Bernard ,how are you going to do it?". Bernard chuckled," I have my sister's ball in hands,so I own the court and she has to dance to whatever tune I play". A smug smile tugged at the corner of his lips,Anitha shook her head and walked away silently. 'what a mad man,your family is quite the cursed one. A scheming sister and a mad brother. Geez, your parents must be suffering their karma by giving birth to Ruby and Bernard' she thought and sat down to gaze at the stars.

For some reasons,her head hurts and her mind was having an unrest. She didn't know what to do and clamps her hands together while walking through the garden. The night breeze was blowing gently and she had nothing in mind. She started examining her thoughts to see if she was still on the right track. Just as she tuned the corner,she bumped into someone. Her eyes narrowed,then widened. So they say, you're bound to meet enemies on a narrow road.

Luna was sitting in the garden, drooling over her boyfriend's picture. She had been receiving his calls,and when she stopped, she bumped into Anitha. The picture dropped in fright and Anitha picked it up,she glanced at it before raising it up so that Luna can catch it.

"That possessive much,stop jumping around. Kangaroo. Sweat the weave out a bit." she lowered her hands and stretched the picture in her hands to Luna. She grasped her shoulders and held on to her tightly before whispering in her ears,"is he your boyfriend? if yes,hold on to him so I don't end taking him. Good night sister" she laughed and went away.

Gosh,this mansion is filled with different people, different people ,different secrets and different missions. It have her shrills to play their games with them. The more scheming the player,the more excited Anitha became.

' this is going to be lots of fun' she thought and let out a wicked laugh.

****************Greene's Hospital,The Next Morning..

Cecelia didn't look like she had any sleep last night,she was forced to go home but when she came to the hospital and saw her son laying lifeless with lots of wires connected to his body through the glass. Her heart ached and she passed out from exhaust.

Adrian didn't know what was going on around him,he only saw himself walking over an endless abyss with Adrianna cheering for him. He chuckled and smiled,kept walking until he turned around and couldn't hear her voice. He called for her but all he heard was the echoing of his voice,his legs began to shake. One mistake,and he will be falling into the abyss forever. So he thought she had gone to ease herself and continued walking. One step at a time until reality dawned on him,that Adrianna wasn't going to come back. He looked back at where she was staying, cheering for him with tears in his eyes. He looked back at the line and decided to take a step, his leg slipped and he fell off the line I to the abyss.