
Halo: Be Human

In a cold unforgiving universe a soul finds himself waking up in the body of a orphan. Baffled to his new predicament he comes to find out he is in one of fiction's most terrifying universes: The Halo universe. With the knowledge of the universe's fate in the future he is offered a choice. With it he will decide humanity and the universe as a whole's destiny. (I own nothing, not even the Cover I found on google)

MEMES_R_gud · Derivasi dari game
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51 Chs

Chapter (32) Falling Towards the Sky/High Speed Dirt (2)

[Before we start I got a small poll. People have been saying that the chapters are to short even though each are like 1800-2000 words before the note at the bottom. So the poll is this do you want to keep the same length and have the same amount of uploads being at around 3-5 times a week. Or 2000-6000 words with 2-3 times a week if I can handle that amount? Comment below your choice]

Keep it the same

Nah, lets go with bigger


(Mc Pov)

F̶e̶b̶r̶u̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶5̶t̶h̶ ̶2̶5̶4̶3̶

In orbit above A̶l̶g̶o̶l̶ aboard the UNSC 'T̶h̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶l̶i̶a̶n̶t̶' Epoch Class Heavy Carrier

0730: O̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶:̶ ̶S̶M̶A̶S̶H̶ ̶A̶N̶D̶ ̶G̶R̶A̶B̶ commences

"Oxygen mask… check. Flares… check. Flight suit…check. G-suit… check. 'Hush Puppy'... equipped and extra magazines accounted for. Lastly, Helmet status…. Green," I finish doing a last-minute rundown of my uniform and equipment. Everything was in order and it seemed I was squared away. I picked up my M6C magnum with a suppressor on the end that I like to call "The Hush Puppy" and placed it into a holster on the chest of my G-suit. There it sat comfortably and snugly to my uniform.

(M6C Suppressor attached NOT the M6S/Socom)

I took one last look in the mirror of my room to see if there were any straps or buckles not tightened correctly while holding my helmet in my right hand. I moved around in it a bit to make sure nothing was uncomfortable and once satisfied I gave one last nod of confirmation to myself in the mirror. I placed the helmet on as I walked out the door, 'Alright Let's Rock and Roll,' I told myself.



After a short stroll, I found myself at the entrance of the hangar. I took a moment to compose myself I dispensed any hesitation I might have, I pushed out all worries I might have of what could go wrong or random chance events occurring, and finally I focused myself on doing everything in my ability to get the men and women on the ground and in the air home safely. Even if it cost my own life… as their leader for this operation that is my responsibility.

I then raised my head and walked into the hangar with a straight back and relaxed posture, but I was ready for combat.

Inside the hangar were 2 squadrons of Eagle fighters lined up neatly into four rows taking up about a quarter of the hangar. Beside the Eagles, the area was filled with long swords which were about twice the size of each Eagle. It was quite warm in the hangar… a side effect of my plan to knock out the AA gun encampments. The rest of the hangar was filled with D77-TC Pelicans, the standard drop ships, and crowded around most of these Pelicans were a platoon of soldiers each. In the crowds, I managed to pick out Cal and Anna in their distinct Mark IV and SPI armor respectively.

The Marines and Anna and Cal looked over at me and watched as I made my way to my Eagle. Anna spoke to me as I was about to walk past them, "You're not nervous right?" she asked with what I can assume to only be a shit-eating grin under her helmet. I flipped up my visor showing my eyes as I replied.

"No, but I will admit I didn't expect there to be a crowd and for them to stare at me like a pack of stray dogs when they see a freshly butchered steak. Especially you two if you keep staring at me like that I might get stage fright," I didn't stay to gauge their reactions but I am willing to bet I flustered both of them by calling them out. Cal more so because Anna would do that stuff just to annoy Jack in training and didn't care if she was called out for it.

Eventually, I was able to make it to my Eagle and I must say they did a hell of a paint job on it, in a good way. Firstly they painted the entire Jet in pitch black coloring that I am guessing is left over from Long Sword maintenance whose purpose is to break up different types of tracking ordinance. On the side, there was a giant grim reaper decal in white and mixed into the black of the hull. Under the wings of the craft was the Head Hunter logo that was sure to piss off any covi that could see it. Finally on the nose of the jet was the 'War Pigs' signature marking since the entire squadron had the same decal and that was a painted-on wild boar face equipped with tusks and sharp teeth as well as painted-on eyes.

(Reaper Decal)

(Head Hunter Logo)

(Boar Face picture)

Nodding at it I approached the flight deck officer to get a final check, "How are we looking?" I asked loudly to be heard by the deafening sound from the crowd of foot soldiers.

"We are good to go Lieutenant. Skies are clear and honestly, it would be a nice day to go to the beach if it weren't under threat of the purple bastards. Anyway, she's all yours I can't believe you volunteered for this crazy ass plan nor that the other pilots in the squadron did as well, but good luck and hit 'em hard," The flight deck officer finished with a salute that I returned. I looked around at the other pilots standing in line shoulder by shoulder at attention, I nodded at them and they began making their way to their Eagle.

I walked to my Eagle and began climbing the ladder on the side making my way into the cockpit. I did a systems check and made sure the engines were HOT. After that, I strapped myself in and brought up the ladder. I turned on the VISR function of my helmet, booting up the HUD and STRAT COM.

I instinctively looked at the ground crew chief for taxing instructions, but he just shrugged, pointed at me, and gave me a thumbs up. Meaning, I am the one in charge and I am the one that gives the squadron the all-clear. After giving me the heads up he and the rest of the ground crew made it to an area a safe distance away with a railing to hold on to.

The rear admiral then chimed in and gave me the last confirmation before the mission start, "Alright Ace we are Green for this operation. If you have any last-minute second thoughts save it for later. We put too much into this for you to get cold feet now,"

I chuckled hearing his words, "Admiral it sounds like you are trying to get rid of me," I said in a joking tone.

He snorted through the com, "Hardly. Just know if this plan of yours works then everyone taking part in this operation on the ground, air, and space owes you a drink,"

"Well I guess I will need to get everyone's name to call in those drinks after this war," He agreed and turned off the com.

I then gave a final reminder to the rest of the squadron, "We have the green light. But remember the procedure: Reach a speed of 200 mph on the descent, keep the throttle on idle, and go for a restart. If you hit the hard deck of 5000 feet eject I would rather have a lost plane than a lost pilot acknowledge?" After my warning, I received a string of excited acknowledged's through the coms.

"By the way Lieutenant I heard that they would be broadcasting part of the com chatter to the boys down below," said Warthog 4 through the com.

"Well then let's give them a good show and provide some fireworks," I said in response before switching com channels, "Admiral we are ready to commence," He replied with a simple 'Roger' and I switched back to my com channel.

I sat in my cockpit tightly gripping the stick in my hand waiting for the sure sign that the operation was beginning. I looked at the other pilots through my canopy and they all seemed even more excited than me. They all were bantering over the coms with each other and never even mentioned the fact that they could be poured from their boots by the end of this operation, 'Those bastards might actually be as crazy as me,' I smiled shaking my head until-


Suddenly the carrier began tilting to the side and a decline began to form for me and the squadron. I released the brake and waited until I slowly began to roll forward with my landing gear. The reason for all of the railing was we were literally slanting the ship so that the Eagles could just roll off into the atmosphere… or rather the very edge of the atmosphere.

Yeah, I planned to roll the eagles off into the atmosphere. Then fall till we reach about 250,000-200,000 feet at that point we will have good enough pressure, density, and hopefully temperature to restart the engine. After that we proceed with the mission… as long as our engines do actually restart and we don't end up as paste on the ground.


I am now catapulted into the outer atmosphere and quickly heading to the surface. The jet creaks a bit and I can hear the sharp whistling of the gasses passing the canopy and cockpit as I tear through the little air. After some time I begin to see a red glow signifying re-entry into a planet's atmosphere due to air friction. My heart is in my throat because of the weighing feeling that's as if I am on a roller coaster going at the speed of a bullet.

My hand is shaking on the stick and I can't help but smile, 'I can't believe I volunteered for this,' I thought, shaking my head. Looking down at my altometer I am able to gauge that we will reach the re-ignition point in less than a minute. Rocketing to the dirt I do a check on the other pilots in my squadron, "This is Warthog 1 all other Eagles sound off, over?"

"Warthog 2 is good, over!"

"Warthog 5 is fine, over,"

"Warthog 10 is good, but we are wishing we brought some vodka. Now that we are actually doing this shit, over,"

"Warthog 4 is good to go, over"

"Warthog 8 all systems online, over"

"Warthog 11 systems green, over"

"Warthog 3 ready to rock, over"

"Warthog 6 engines still hot, over"

"Warthog 12 we are praying but fine for now, over"

"Warthog 7 equipment still nominal, over"

"Warthog 9 feeling a bit crispy but everything else is ok, over"

Hearing confirmation from the members of my squadron and approaching the 250,000 feet altitude point I turn on my com, "Solid Copy Warthogs, I am approaching the re-ignition point. Everyone prepare to begin the engine restart sequence,"

I reach the point and immediately turn the throttle to idle and begin attempting to reignite the engine. I press the button and hold it and begin to hear sputtering coming from behind the cockpit but get no lift, "Come on girl we got a lot riding on us on this mission," I whisper to the jet in the cockpit and begin attempt number two.

No dice on attempt number two. At this point, I am approaching 150,000 feet and am still hurling through the air. I have already got confirmation that the other members of my squadron have successfully reignited leaving only me to seal the deal. Third attempt and I am praying that it works this time, "Come on Come on"



Finally, I hear the whine of the engines signifying that I am lit. I am ecstatic, to say the least, but I keep my cool and calmly speak over all comms.

"Re-ignitions successful, Warthogs form up in VIC formation and begin our approach to the mission area," saying that all Eagles formed up into a flying 'V' and were ready to spearhead the first engagement of Battle Group Leviathan since reaching the Algol system.


Next Chapter down. I will admit I wanted to get to the air raid this chapter but well no dice my descriptions and other stuff kinda held me up, but next chapter we will have BLOOD and explosions MWUAHAHAHA.

Anyway please respond to the poll at the beginning of the chapter and I might go on another rant about the lost opportunity of the Halo Paramount show next chapter. Who knows. If you want to see me do that I guess drop a comment?

That's about it please leave any questions.

Song of the Day is "High Speed Dirt" by Megadeth

Anyway I hope you all have a blessed day and I will See You Star Side