
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

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30 Chs

Versus The Great King

Sora and Shoyo sat with each other. Shoyo was leaning on Sora's shoulder as he slept while Sora looked out the window.

After a while, the Karasuno team arrived at Aoba Johsai, they disembarked from the mini-bus one by one, each player stepping onto familiar ground.

Sora stretched his arms upward, a relaxed smile on his face. "It seems I'm back here," he remarked casually. "Well, at least it won't be a boring day."

"Sora-san, you forgot your bag," Ennoshita called out from behind him, extending the bag toward Sora.

Sora turned around, his eyes widening in realization. "Oh, thanks, Ennoshita-senpai!" he said, his smile bright as he received his bag.


Opening his bag, Sora pulled out an ear of sweet corn, the warm, fresh aroma wafting from it.

Ennoshita sweatdropped, clearly perplexed. "Uhh, Sora-san, what's with the corn?"

Sora, undeterred, continued munching on his corn, speaking between mouthfuls. "Thish ish the reason why I'm late," he explained, his words slightly muffled. "My... coach... gave... me... this... since... I needed... some fibers..."

"Uhh...okay," Ennoshita replied, still somewhat bewildered by the situation.


Suddenly, a chorus of caws filled the air. Both Sora and Ennoshita looked up and saw three crows heading straight toward them.

Sora, sensing the impending danger, realized that the crows were targeting him.

"Caw!" The crows roared menacingly.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Sora ducked, narrowly avoiding the swooping crows.

"Why the hell are they attacking me?!" Sora exclaimed in English, his surprise evident as he tried to fend off the unexpected avian assault.

Ennoshita could only watch in bemusement, unsure whether to be concerned or amused by the bizarre turn of events.

The crows, undeterred, made another dive toward Sora.

"What the fuck!" Sora once again exclaimed in English as he sidestepped, narrowly evading their sharp talons.

However, one of the determined crows managed to snag its talons onto the corn, attempting to pull it away by taking flight.

'They're going after MY corn!' Sora thought, his possessiveness over the corn surprising even himself. He tugged back, engaged in a bizarre tug-of-war with the crow.

To his astonishment, the other two crows joined the contest, their collective strength proving to be more formidable than Sora had anticipated.

'I'm struggling, what the fuck!' Sora thought incredulously, finding it utterly ridiculous that three crows could pose such a challenge. Despite the absurdity of the situation, he was determined to defend his corn from the avian adversaries.

While Sora was engaged in a comical tug-of-war with the crows over the prized corn, the rest of the team watched the spectacle with bemusement, their expressions a mix of amusement and disbelief.

"Uhh...does he need help?" Sugawara asked, his concern evident in his voice as he watched Sora's struggle with the crows.

"Yeah, he sure does," Tsukishima replied, a mischievous grin playing on his lips as he seized the opportunity. Swiftly, he took a photo of the ridiculous scene unfolding before them.

Tsukishima then used the photo to create a GoFundMe page with the title: "Help this poor starving homeless boy fighting a bunch of crows over a damn sweet corn." He couldn't resist the chance to add a touch of sarcasm to the situation, his fingers flying over his phone to set up the page.

"Caw!" The crows finally gave up, their caws fading into the distance as they flew away, surrendering their battle for the sweet corn.

Sora, looking slightly disheveled but triumphant, pumped his fist in the air. "Haha! Hell yeah! Sora: one, Crows: zero! FUCK YEAH! WOOHOO!" he cheered, flashing a victorious grin and throwing up a rock finger sign.

"Tsukki, I'm scared," Yamaguchi admitted, his voice filled with genuine apprehension as he hid behind Tsukishima, seeking safety from the bizarre spectacle.

"I'm seriously concerned about his well-being," Tsukishima deadpanned, his eyebrows furrowing in a mix of amusement and worry.

Shoyo, accustomed to his brother's antics, chimed in with a bemused expression. "Even Alley Cats don't stoop that low," he remarked.

The team couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the moment, appreciating the quirks that made their team truly one of a kind.


After the chaotic encounter with the crows, the Karasuno team walked together toward the Aoba Johsai volleyball gym.

Tanaka, with his shaved head, confidently led the way, displaying his signature bold demeanor. Meanwhile, Daichi, Kiyoko, Takeda, and Ukai engaged in a serious conversation about an important matter, their expressions focused and determined.

"I heard one member is a thug, he got his whole head shaved," someone's voice drifted from a nearby corner, catching the attention of the Karasuno players.

Sora's eyes widened in alarm, his mind racing, 'Oh shit, is this the scene?!' he thought, bracing himself for a potential confrontation.

Curious, Tanaka, the subject of the rumor due to his shaved head, glanced toward the corner, his expression fierce enough to send chills down the spines of the Aoba Johsai members gathered there.

Tsukishima, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Shoyo, and Sora followed Tanaka, ready to back up their teammate if necessary.

"Oh... uhh, look," the one with brown hair stammered, attempting to appear nonchalant but failing as he put his hands behind him and averted his gaze.

"If you make fun of us," Tanaka stepped forward, his tone warning, "we'll eat you up."

Sora, expecting a dramatic swarm of crows to add to the intensity, found it oddly quiet, realizing the absence of the birds he had encountered earlier.

'It's probably because I fought them earlier,' Sora thought with a sigh, mentally noting the peculiar turn of events.

Meanwhile, Tsukishima, observing the situation with a smirk, interjected, "Don't scare them like that, Tanaka-san. The elite don't have the stomach for it. Poor things."

"We're not scared!" protested the one with black, spiky hair, trying to assert himself despite his obvious nervousness.

'Who's the four eyes?' thought the one with light caramel hair and swishy bangs, eyeing Tsukishima with curiosity.

"That's right," Tanaka affirmed, stepping closer to the intimidated duo. "He shouldn't tease you off the court."

"Hey, you!" Daichi's voice cut through the tension, his tone commanding attention. "I can't take my eyes off you!"

Tanaka visibly shivered under Daichi's stern gaze, his bravado momentarily fading. Sensing the seriousness of the situation, Tsukishima, always one to avoid unnecessary conflict, calmly walked away from the confrontation.

Seeing Tanaka's reaction, Daichi took charge. He firmly shoved Tanaka's head downward, forcing him into a bow of apology.

"We apologize!" Daichi declared, his voice firm as he, too, bent in a respectful bow.

"Erm, okay," the one with black, spiky hair stammered, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, unsure of how to respond to Karasuno's unexpected assertiveness.

As the Karasuno team started walking away, the black spikey-haired guy from Aoba Johsai couldn't resist taunting Kageyama.

"Long time no see, King," he sneered, addressing Kageyama with a mocking nickname. He continued, "I can't wait to see your new dictatorship."

Kageyama halted his steps, and Tanaka, ever ready to jump into a confrontation, began rolling up his sleeves, preparing to approach the provoker.

But before he could take any further action, Daichi quickly pulled him back, preventing a potential altercation.

The spiky-haired guy then turned his attention to Sora, his smirk growing wider as he continued his taunts. "I see that you're on the same team as the Ice King. This is going to be an interesting collaboration, considering he's from the Tennis club."

Sora, stopping in his tracks, turned to face the provoking opponent, his expression calm but filled with a sense of defiance.

Kageyama, Shoyo, Daichi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Sugawara also halted, their curiosity piqued, wondering how Sora would react to the taunts.

Taking a deep breath, Sora initiated a slow clap, each deliberate clap accompanied by a sharp retort.

"Shut the fuck up," he stated with the first clap, his voice unwavering.


"Leave me alone," he continued, his tone laced with annoyance.


"You're a fucking schmuck," he concluded, his claps punctuating each word with dismissive finality.

Witnessing Sora's unyielding confidence, Daichi, Sugawara, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi exchanged bemused glances, sweatdropping at Sora's unconventional response as they watched his disappearing figure.

Shoyo sighed softly as he followed Sora, his expression a mix of exasperation and understanding. 'Aniki is being weird again,' he thought, accustomed to his brother's unpredictable behavior.

Meanwhile, the spiky-haired guy and his caramel-colored companion stood in shocked silence, completely taken aback by Sora's unexpected response. They had not anticipated the Ice King, known for his stoic demeanor, to react in such a manner.

Kageyama, who usually found it difficult to express gratitude openly, subtly acknowledged Sora's actions.

"Oh," he said with a neutral face, his eyes reflecting a subtle sense of relief. He then turned and began walking away, his teammates Sugawara and Tanaka slapping his back in approval, recognizing Kageyama's growth in handling situations with composure.

The spiky-haired guy observed Kageyama's composed demeanor, a new wave of confusion washing over him. 'Why is he pretending to be calm?' he wondered, utterly perplexed by the unexpected turn of events.


The Karasuno team finally arrived at the Aoba Johsai gymnasium, their eyes widening in awe at the sheer size of the facility. They couldn't help but be impressed as they observed the Aoba Johsai players practicing.

"Their gymnasium is impressive," Shoyo remarked, his gaze fixed on the Aoba Johsai players.

"Yeah, but not as impressive as Wimbledon," Sora commented, his attention also on the Aoba Johsai players.

"Aniki, you're comparing a tennis stadium to a volleyball gymnasium, Idiot," Shoyo retorted with a neutral tone, his eyes still focused on the players.

"Greet them!" Daichi commanded.

"It's good to be here!" The Karasuno players greeted their Aoba Johsai counterparts, bowing politely as a sign of respect.

The Aoba Johsai players stopped what they were doing, "Thank you!" they bowed.

"Okay," Keishin clapped his hand, getting the attention of Karasuno players, "Let's review your positions."

The Karasuno players listened attentively as Keishin outlined their positions for the upcoming match.

"On the front row, Tsukishima would be the Middle Blocker, Daichi as the Outside Hitter, and Shoyo as the right-side hitter," Keishin announced, outlining the positions.

'It seems Shoyo would have an easier time in the front,' Sora thought.

In the original timeline, Shoyo had a hard time as a middle blocker due to his short height, but in this timeline, it would be the opposite thanks to Sora's influence.

"On the back row, Tanaka would be the outside hitter, Sora would be the libero, and Kageyama would be the setter," Keishin finished, solidifying the positions for the match.

Kageyama turned to Shoyo, "Shoyo-san, let's do the quick attack that we kept practicing,"

Shoyo smiled and gave Kageyama a thumbs up, "I've got it."

In the original timeline, Shoyo would be shaking from nervousness to the point that he has to puke in a bathroom. But thanks to Sora's influence, this Shoyo is a lot more confident.


The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the practice match at Aoba Johsai High School was about to kick off. Aoba Johsai was set to serve first, and the players on both sides were brimming with energy and determination.

"Go for it, Matsukawa!" one of the Aoba Johsai players called out, rallying his teammate.

Matsukawa, whose short, messy black hair framed his focused expression, took a moment to steady himself. With a swift motion, he sent the ball sailing over the net in a controlled overhead serve.

"I'll take it from here," Sora chimed in, his eyes sharp and focused on the incoming ball. He moved gracefully to receive the serve, displaying impeccable technique and confidence.

Meanwhile, Kageyama anticipated the play unfolding before him. With a keen eye, he positioned himself expertly, ready to set the ball for their next move.

"Over here!" Tanaka's voice cut through the air, his hand raised high as he called for the set. His determination was palpable, a fire burning in his eyes.

On the opposing side, Yūtarō Kindaichi, his black hair spiked and eyes narrowed in concentration, readied himself to block Tanaka's powerful spike.

Little did he know, Shoyo, the agile and quick-witted player, had spotted an opening. He sprinted to a spot on the court where the blockers were momentarily absent, his eyes focused solely on the ball and the opponent's defensive formation.

Kageyama, ever the strategic thinker, recognized Shoyo's opportunity. With lightning speed, he set the ball with precision and accuracy. Shoyo leaped into the air, his muscles coiling with power and determination.


The spectators held their breath as he executed a flawless spike, sending the ball hurtling toward the ground on the opposing side of the net.

Aoba Johsai's players stood frozen in awe, their eyes wide with surprise and admiration. Shoyo's unexpected move had caught them completely off guard, leaving an indelible impression of his skill and agility on everyone present.

"Nice one!" Shoyo did a fist bump with Kageyama.

"There's that freak toss and spike," Tsukishima muttered.


With the scoreboard reading 10-05 in Karasuno's favor, the team continued to dominate the game. Their quick attack strategy, orchestrated flawlessly by Kageyama and executed with lightning speed by Shoyo, seemed nearly unstoppable. The Aoba Johsai players found themselves struggling to keep up with the relentless onslaught.

Amidst the fast-paced exchanges, Sora's agility and determination shone brightly. Time and again, he dove and stretched, his body skimming the floor as he expertly saved the ball whenever an Aoba Johsai player attempted a powerful spike.

Sora's swift reflexes and unwavering focus became a crucial line of defense, frustrating the Aoba Johsai attackers and garnering admiration from both teammates and spectators.

During the next rotation, Sora was subbed out for Narita. As he walked off the court, he felt a twinge in his knee. He paused, massaging it briefly, and then joined the other substitutes on the bench.

"Nice receives, Sora-san," Yamaguchi praised, giving Sora a high-five.

"Thanks, Yams," Sora replied, clapping back with a grin.

Sora then exchanged high-fives with the other substitutes before calmly taking his seat on the bench, his expression focused and determined.

Shoyo stood just outside the line, eyes focused, and muscles coiled like a spring as he prepared for his jump serve. The gymnasium fell into a hush, the anticipation hanging thick in the air.

With a sudden burst of energy, Shoyo sprinted forward, his feet leaving the ground in a powerful leap. Time seemed to slow down as he struck the ball with precision, sending it over the net in a sharp, controlled arc. The ball sailed across the court, a testament to Shoyo's determination and skill.

"Nice one, Shoyo!" Sora couldn't help but commend, proud of his Twin's progress.

On the other side, the libero from Aoba Johsai received it, but the ball was a bit high.

Seizing the opportunity, Shigeru, with his light caramel hair, swiftly set the ball to Hajime Iwaizumi, the formidable wing spiker, and vice-captain of Aoba Johsai's boys' volleyball team.

However, the Aoba Johsai attackers were met with a formidable defense. Tsukishima, Kageyama, and Ennoshita collaborated seamlessly, forming a three-man wall block that loomed tall and impenetrable. Iwaizumi's powerful spike crashed into the sturdy blockade, unable to find its way through.

Tsukishima, looking slightly irritated, turned to Kageyama. "It was me who got the ball," he asserted, his voice firm.

Kageyama, not one to back down, retorted, "What? It was in my hand too!"

"Will you two stop it!" Daichi's authoritative voice cut through the tension, his stern expression silencing the bickering duo.

Tsukishima and Kageyama exchanged a glance before falling silent, acutely aware of Daichi's disapproval.

Sora observed the scene, a hint of amusement in his eyes, as the team dynamics played out before him.

Sora's focus shifted momentarily from the game as he felt the familiar twinge in his left knee.

He instinctively massaged the area, his brows furrowing slightly in discomfort. "There it is again," he thought to himself, recognizing the recurring ache.

Despite the discomfort, he gritted his teeth and pushed through, determined not to let the pain hinder his performance or dampen his spirit on the court.


With the score standing at 24-18 in Karasuno's favor, Sora returned to the court, poised and ready to receive. Iwaizumi unleashed a powerful jump serve, but Sora effortlessly controlled it with a precise reception. Kageyama swiftly positioned himself, preparing to set the ball.

Meanwhile, Kindaichi closely monitored Shoyo, who dashed to an area devoid of blockers. Anticipating a spike, Kindaichi swiftly moved to block him. Surprisingly, Kageyama's set veered towards Tanaka instead.

"Haa!" Tanaka roared, launching a thunderous spike. Kunimi and Yuda attempted to block, but Tanaka's determination prevailed as he skillfully bypassed their defense. The opposing libero made a desperate attempt to save it but faltered.

"Tweet!" The referee's whistle echoed, marking Karasuno's victory in the first set, concluding with a score of 25-18.


After the intense first set, all players headed towards the side for a brief water break. As Sora walked, the persistent ache in his left knee returned, causing him to kneel down and massage it.

He pondered the necessity of seeing a doctor for the recurring pain, his concern evident on his face. Despite the discomfort, he continued to his water bottle and took a few sips.

"Nice receives, Sora-san!" Tanaka praised, giving Sora an encouraging slap on the back.

Sora, caught off guard, choked on his water and coughed, surprised by the sudden gesture.

Meanwhile, Ennoshita approached Daichi, expressing his relief. "I'm glad they don't have someone who can serve like Shoyo-san and Kageyama."

Daichi nodded, wiping his face with a towel. "Yeah, but we're fortunate to have someone like Sora."

"Okay!" Coach Ukai clapped his hands, gathering the attention of the Karasuno players. "You all did great; keep up the excellent work!"

Kageyama, typically composed, interjected with a hint of concern. "Uhm, Coach Ukai, it's not over yet."

Ukai and the others, except Sora, raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think that's their regular setter," Kageyama explained, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Kyaa! It's Oikawa-san!"

The sudden squeal from the female audience captured their attention, and they turned around. Kageyama's eyes widened in recognition as he saw Oikawa, clad in the familiar aqua and white Aoba Johsai High uniform, adorned with the number one.

Oikawa, with his dark brown hair elegantly swept outward and eyes of the same rich hue, stood confidently amidst the Aoba Johsai team.

"Oh, Oikawa, you're back," the main coach of Aoba Johsai remarked, concern etched in his tone. "How's your leg?"

Oikawa responded with an "okay" sign language, wearing a reassuring smile. "It's perfect. I can go back to normal training. It was just a strain."

"Take better care of yourself," the main coach admonished. "We specifically asked for Kageyama and Hinata, yet we only have a substitute setter. Don't embarrass me."

Oikawa ran a hand through the back of his hair, his expression apologetic. "Sorry, sir," he said softly, his smile carrying a touch of humility.

"Oikawa-san, take it easy!" one of the female audience members exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

Oikawa flashed a charming smile and waved at them, his gesture met with a chorus of squeals from the enamored girls.

Tanaka turned to Kageyama with an irritated look. "Hey, Kageyama, who is that guy? I don't like him," he said, pointing towards Oikawa.

"He's Aoba Johsai's captain," Daichi replied, his tone carrying a touch of respect for Oikawa's position.

Tanaka's expression shifted from irritation to genuine surprise. "What?"

"Oikawa-san, he's an aggressive setter and probably their best player," Kageyama explained with a note of disdain, his competitive spirit flaring up. "He's also got a terrible personality."

Shoyo raised one of his brows, curiosity piqued. "Worse than Tsukishima's?"

Tsukishima, who had been calmly drinking his water, suddenly stopped and displayed a slightly offended reaction. Sora couldn't help but be amused by his response, a small grin playing on his lips.

Kageyama shook his head firmly. "No, it's worse than Sora-san's."

Sora, usually unflappable, found himself slightly irritated by the comparison, while Tsukishima couldn't hide his smirk, evidently satisfied with the turn of events.

"You seem to know him well. Is he from Kitagawa Daichi?" Tanaka asked, his curiosity evident.

Kageyama nodded. "Yeah, he was above me at junior high."

Shoyo observed Oikawa, intrigued. 'If someone like Kageyama acknowledges him, then he has to be impressive,' he thought, recognizing the weight of Kageyama's words.

Oikawa caught Kageyama's eye and offered a friendly wave and a smile. "Hey, Tobio-chan, long time no see. You've grown."

Kageyama ignored Oikawa, turning his attention to Ukai. "I learned serving and blocking from him. He's quite formidable."

"I see," Keishin acknowledged, then he turned to Sora. "Sora-san, keep an eye on him. If he taught Kageyama how to serve, he'll probably do better than Kageyama."

Sora responded with a thumbs up, acknowledging the coach's directive. However, in his mind, he couldn't help but think, 'Ukai-san, puh-lease, volleyball serves are a lot slower than tennis serves, it would be nothing.' Despite the warning, he remained confident in his abilities.

Unknown to Sora, Oikawa observed him intently. 'That guy, even though I've only seen him play once, he instantly caught my attention,' he thought, his gaze fixed on the Karasuno libero.

Oikawa first watched Sora during the inter-junior high games against Kitagawa Daichi. He had been deeply impressed by Sora's exceptional setting skills and his remarkable ability to receive the ball.

Despite Oikawa's interest, he knew that Karasuno already had two skilled setters, which are Kageyama and Sugawara. That's why he had requested the head coach to position Sora as the libero for this practice match.

His intention was clear - Oikawa wanted to test both himself and his team to see how well their offense could keep up with someone as talented as Sora in the libero position. This decision was not merely a tactical one but also a personal challenge for Oikawa, eager to measure his skills against a player who had captured his attention with his remarkable abilities on the court.

"Go and warm up properly," the head coach instructed Oikawa.

"Yes, sir," Oikawa acknowledged, his response crisp as he began to walk away.

While making his way to the warm-up area, Oikawa glanced back, and his eyes met Kageyama's, a brief moment of intense rivalry passing between them.


With the score standing at 16-13 in favor of Karasuno, a couple of observant female audience members voiced their concern.

"Oikawa's not in yet?" one of them inquired.

"He's gotta warm up first, or else he'll injure himself," the other girl explained, offering a reasonable explanation.

Unbeknownst to the girls, Tanaka overheard their conversation and felt a twinge of irritation.

"Tanaka-san!" Kageyama set the ball to him, seizing the opportunity.

"ORA ORA!" Tanaka roared with determination as he expertly bypassed the block and scored a point.


Amidst a series of intense rallies, the score tightened, reaching 24-22 with Karasuno holding the lead.

"C'mon team, we're just one point away from winning!" Coach Keishin encouraged, his voice resolute with determination.

Iwaizumi shot a glance at Sora, a hint of irritation in his eyes. 'Tch! That guy is real trouble,' he thought, acknowledging Sora's exceptional skills as he effortlessly received their attacks, making it challenging for Aoba Johsai to break through Karasuno's defense.

Sora, ever perceptive, noticed Iwaizumi looking at him. In response, he offered a bright smile and a friendly wave, surprising Iwaizumi with his friendly gesture. Despite his initial surprise, Iwaizumi waved back, a silent acknowledgment of Sora's sportsmanship.

Oikawa finished warming up and approached the coach. "All of them are feeling the heat," he reported confidently.

"Are you ready?" the coach inquired, seeking assurance.

Oikawa responded with his characteristic "Okay" sign language, his confidence unwavering. "Of course I am!"

"Tweet!" The referee's whistle echoed, accompanied by hand signals indicating a switch of team members.

Kunimi exchanged a high-five with Oikawa as he made his way to the sidelines, a gesture filled with mutual understanding and camaraderie.

Sora's keen eyes caught the moment when Oikawa was subbed into the game, his arrival shifting the dynamics on the court. As he observed the current formation, he noticed that Tsukishima had been rotated to the back row alongside him.

'Shit,' Sora thought, recognizing the tactical implications.

He knew from his familiarity with the manga and anime that Oikawa was likely to serve and target Tsukishima, exploiting his weaker receiving skills.

With that knowledge in mind, Sora approached Tsukishima, preparing to face the upcoming challenge head-on.

"Tsukishima," Sora approached Tsukishima, who raised one of his brows in curiosity.

Sora beckoned him to come closer, signaling a whispering conversation.

Tsukki leaned in closer, attentive to what Sora had to say.

Sora discreetly covered his mouth and whispered, "Tsukishima, I know this is sudden, but that Oikawa guy is going to target you since you had weak receives."

"Oh," Tsukishima absorbed the information, his expression reflecting a mixture of surprise and gratitude for the timely warning. "But how do you know that?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Just trust me," Sora smiled reassuringly, his confidence unwavering.

Tsukishima's other eye twitched at Sora's response, a subtle sign of both irritation and acknowledgment of Sora's conviction.

"So, Uhm, yeah," Sora continued, his tone steady, "if the ball is coming to you, just walk back and let me receive it, okay? We've got this." His words were a steadfast reassurance, aiming to instill trust in their teamwork and strategy.

Sora walked back to his position, his previously cheerful expression instantly transforming into a focused, determined look.

"Tweet!" The referee's whistle echoed through the gymnasium, signaling the resumption of the match.

"Striking power is important, but it's meaningless if the ball can't get to the spiker," Oikawa remarked.

Oikawa's words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the importance of precise ball placement in the game. Tsukishima, on high alert after Sora's warning, braced himself for Oikawa's incoming serve.

In a swift, technical motion, Oikawa prepared himself for the serve. With a determined focus, he launched into a powerful jump, his arm arcing gracefully before propelling the ball forward with tremendous force.

The ball hurtled across the court, resembling a bazooka projectile in its speed and intensity. Tsukishima, following Sora's advice, promptly walked back, creating the perfect setup for Sora to receive the incoming serve.

In a split-second decision, Sora expertly read the trajectory of the ball, adjusting his position swiftly. With precise timing and skill, he executed a flawless receive, cushioning the impact of the serve and ensuring a clean pass to the setter.

The entire gymnasium fell into stunned silence as they witnessed Tsukishima's strategic move and Sora's exceptional receiving ability.

'What?!' Oikawa's thoughts echoed with surprise. He was not expecting Tsukishima to just walk back and let Sora receive it.

"Kageyama, you better set the ball or I will call the fashion police on you!" Sora exclaimed, injecting a touch of humor into the intense match.

Kageyama, ignored Sora's eccentric remark, and focused on the game, preparing and positioning himself to set the ball.

Meanwhile, Kindaichi kept a vigilant eye on both Shoyo and Tanaka. In the corner of his vision, he noticed Shoyo sprinting toward a spot devoid of blockers. Reacting swiftly, Kindaichi moved to intercept him, anticipating Kageyama's quick set in that direction.

As expected, Kageyama quickly executed the set to Shoyo for another quick attack.

Shoyo leaped to spike, but to his astonishment, Kindaichi was right in front of him, ready to block. In a split-second decision, Shoyo executed a faint, catching Kindaichi off guard.

'Shit!' Kindaichi cursed inwardly, recognizing the prowess of his opponent's deceptive move.

Matsukawa, displaying remarkable reflexes, managed to dive and save the ball just in the nick of time, keeping the rally alive.

Oikawa skillfully set the ball to Iwaizumi, who let out a fierce battle cry before launching into a powerful spike.

Anticipating the attack, Daichi, Ennoshita, and Shoyo swiftly formed a three-man block. However, to their astonishment, Iwaizumi executed a perfectly angled cross-court spike, catching the blockers off guard.

As the ball seemed destined to touch the sideline, Sora reacted with lightning speed, diving to intercept it just in the nick of time.

'Oh, you've got to be kidding me,' Iwaizumi thought, his frustration evident as he witnessed Sora's incredible save, preventing his spike from scoring a point for Aoba Johsai.

'Tch!' Oikawa thought with irritation, clearly displeased with the turn of events.

"Nice one!" Kageyama praised Sora's save, swiftly positioning himself to set the ball for the next play.

All the blockers, both from Aoba Johsai, tensed up, their focus sharp as they awaited Kageyama's decision on who would be the recipient of his next set.

Shigeru keenly observed Shoyo's movements, anticipating another quick attack from Karasuno. Reacting swiftly, he positioned himself where Shoyo seemed to be heading, ready to counter their offensive play.

However, to his surprise, Kageyama chose a different approach this time. Instead of setting to Shoyo, he executed a skillful backset. Seizing the opportunity, Tanaka leaped from behind, his powerful spike resonating through the gymnasium.

"Ahh!" Tanaka roared with determination as he executed a sharp cross-court spike towards the sideline. The two blockers from Aoba Johsai tried in vain to deflect the ball, but Tanaka's precise and forceful strike eluded their reach.

The Aoba Johsai libero made an effort to save the ball, but his attempt proved futile as the ball hit the ground, just inside the boundary line.


With that final point, the score stood at 25-22, declaring Karasuno the victorious team.


The Karasuno players gathered in front of Coach Keishin, awaiting his feedback with a mix of anticipation and exhaustion.

"Okay, you all did great, but we still need to improve," Keishin said, his words carrying a tone of firm determination.

He turned to Tsukishima, addressing him directly. "Tsukishima, you need to work on your receives. We can't afford any weak links in our defense."

"Hai," Tsukishima responded wearily, acknowledging the critique.

Keishin then shifted his focus to Narita and Ennoshita. "The same goes for both of you. Tighten up your defense, especially in crucial moments."

Narita and Ennoshita nodded, their expressions reflecting their determination to enhance their skills.

Next, Keishin turned his gaze to Sora, his irritation evident. "And you, I noticed you were slower on the court today. Take this match more seriously next time. We can't afford to let our guard down."

Sora raised an eyebrow, responding honestly, "I did take this match seriously. It's just that I'm a bit worn out from the tennis practice match earlier this morning."

While Sora's explanation seemed valid, the underlying reason for his decreased performance was the nagging ache in his left knee—a detail he chose not to divulge.

"... all right then," Keishin replied, deciding not to delve further into the matter. He then turned to Takeda, prompting him to share his insights.

"What?" Takeda asked, his confusion evident.

Sugawara leaned in, whispering encouragingly, "A word of wisdom, sir," his smile warm and reassuring.

"Oh, right," Takeda said, gathering his thoughts. He began with a sense of humility, "Well...I may not know much about volleyball, but there's something special happening here."

The gymnasium fell silent as everyone listened intently to Takeda's words, each syllable carrying a profound weight.

"Some great first years have joined us this year," Takeda continued, his voice steady. "I know things didn't go smoothly at first."

Upon hearing the mention of initial challenges, Kageyama's eyes flicked towards Sora involuntarily. Sora caught his stare and silently questioned Kageyama's scrutiny through his expression.

Kageyama, realizing his distraction, refocused his attention on Takeda.

"But today I know one thing. We don't amount to much on our own," Takeda pressed on, his words resonating with truth. "But together... we can affect each other."

Takeda's voice filled their heads, the weight of his message sinking in.

"People meet, and that moment can result in a change in the world itself. It could happen in a faraway country, somewhere at the edge of the world, or even in the north of a far eastern island nation... in a simple town's high school volleyball club. That miracle occurred here in Karasuno."

The players stood in silence, absorbing the profundity of Takeda's words.

"I'm not qualified to say this, but believe me...I think all of you are going to get stronger."

The words hung in the air, heavy with meaning and determination. A sense of unity filled the space as the players embraced Takeda's wisdom.

"S-Sorry! Was that too poetic?" Takeda stammered, breaking the silence with a hint of nervousness.

"No, not at all!" Daichi assured him, his voice steady and sincere.

"Thank you!" Daichi bowed, his gesture mirrored by the rest of the team.

At that moment, the gymnasium was filled with a shared sense of purpose and camaraderie, each player ready to face the challenges ahead with newfound determination and unity.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sky. The fading light painted the clouds in hues of pink, orange, and purple, creating a breathtaking panorama that stretched out over the horizon.

After exchanging heartfelt "Thank you" with the Aoba Johsai players, the Karasuno team members made their way toward where their Minibus was parked.

"Man, that was tough," Tanaka commented, his voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction.

"Yeah," Sora agreed, his voice carrying a note of relief.

"If we want to beat Oikawa's Aoba Johsai, then we need to fix our weaknesses," Daichi said, his voice firm and determined.

"I see why you're the team's captain,"

Oikawa's smooth voice cut through the twilight, drawing their attention. He leaned casually against the Aoba Johsai school gate, wearing a close smile that hinted at hidden intentions.

"You're very perceptive," Oikawa said, his eyes locking onto Daichi's, acknowledging the captain's insight with a subtle nod.

Daichi felt the weight of Oikawa's gaze but stood his ground, his expression unwavering, displaying the confidence that came with being the captain of Karasuno's volleyball team.

"Say what?" Tanaka stepped forward, his stance assertive, showing his readiness to defend his team. "Wanna fight?"

Oikawa waved his hand dismissively, his eyes half-closed in a confident smile. "Don't get me wrong," he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, enjoying the banter with Karasuno.


In the midst of this tension, Sora's phone buzzed in his pocket, signaling an incoming call from Nicholas. He discreetly tapped Daichi's shoulder, his eyes signaling his need to step away momentarily.

"Senpai, I have a call. I'll be back," Sora whispered as he quietly walked away from the group, his footsteps fading as he moved away.

Daichi nodded understandingly, allowing Sora to handle his business.

"Carrot boy," Oikawa addressed Shoyo, catching his attention with the peculiar nickname.

Shoyo raised an eyebrow, curious about Oikawa's words, his youthful face showing a mix of surprise and intrigue.

"You jump so high, and your spikes are strong," Oikawa remarked, his eyes analyzing Shoyo's playing style, appreciating the young player's potential even in the heat of competition.

"Oh. Erm...thank you?" Shoyo stammered in response, surprised by the unexpected praise, his eyes widening in disbelief before he managed a grateful smile, acknowledging Oikawa's recognition of his skills.

Oikawa's smile darkened, his eyes narrowing with intensity. "But let's play seriously from the start," he said, his voice holding a challenge that couldn't be ignored.

His words caught the attention of the entire Karasuno team, their focus now fully on the charismatic setter from Aoba Johsai.

"I haven't shown my set-up yet," Oikawa continued, his tone confident. "And, of course, I'll work on my serve."

His statement made Tsukishima, Narita, and Ennoshita react, their expressions shifting from curiosity to a mix of concern and determination.

The team members slowly realized the significance of Sora's presence. If he hadn't been there to receive, dealing with Oikawa's service would have been much more challenging.

"I was impressed by your offense, but you need to work on your receives. You can't always depend on one person, after all," Oikawa remarked, his words echoing with a blend of critique and wisdom.

Oikawa glanced around, searching for Sora, but he couldn't find him amidst the crowd. His disappointment was evident as he let out a sigh, acknowledging the absence of the player who had skillfully received his serves.

"I'm not the only setter with a hard serve," Oikawa declared, his eyes narrowing as he stopped in front of Kageyama. He pointed directly at his protégé. "I want to wipe the floor with this protégé of mine."

A lingering question burned in Shoyo's mind, curiosity driving him to seek answers. "Hey, I have a question, Oinkawa."

"It's Oikawa," Oikawa corrected him, his smile strained, a vein pulsing on his forehead at the mispronunciation.

Shoyo disregarded his response, pressing on with his inquiry. "Are you the one who requested your coach to have Aniki as the libero for the entire practice match? If yes, then why?"

Oikawa chuckled at Shoyo's straightforwardness. "I love how you're straight to the point. But, yeah, I did. The reason? I just want to know how our offense could go up against him."

Shoyo raised one of his brows, his skepticism apparent. "I don't buy your reason. There's something more, isn't there?"

Oikawa's chuckle deepened, acknowledging Shoyo's perceptiveness. "It seems you know," he said, his eyes glinting with amusement.

Oikawa then strolled in front of Shoyo, his expression thoughtful. "Let me ask you this," he started, his tone contemplative. "Carrot Head, who taught you to play volleyball?"

Shoyo raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Aniki did, why?"

"As far as I know, your brother primarily plays tennis, correct?" Oikawa probed, his voice smooth and insistent.

Shoyo nodded slowly, a sense of unease settling in his chest as he didn't like where Oikawa was heading with his questions.

The other members of Karasuno also leaned in, their interest piqued, wondering how this intriguing conversation would unfold.

"Now tell me, when did your brother have the time to practice volleyball in middle school?" Oikawa's inquiry hung in the air, probing and persistent.

Shoyo's eyes widened, his mind racing to find an explanation. "I-uhh don't know," he stammered, realizing he had never questioned Sora about the details of his volleyball training.

Sora had taught him everything he knew, even advanced techniques like jump serves and spiking in middle school. But Sora never showed himself practicing volleyball before Yukigoaka Volleyball Club was founded, which Shoyo found very weird.

For the first time in his life, Shoyo felt a pang of uncertainty, sensing that Sora might be hiding something from him.

"Just as I thought," Oikawa said, his voice carrying a knowing tone, leaving Shoyo to grapple with the newfound mystery surrounding his brother's volleyball expertise.

Oikawa began walking away, his back turned to Shoyo and the Karasuno team. He waved his hand casually and, with a parting comment, said, "There's not much time till the Inter-High Preliminaries. I'm looking forward to it." His words hung in the air as he continued to stroll away.

Kageyama turned to Shoyo with an apologetic expression. "Don't listen to him," he said reassuringly, "He loves unsettling others with his words."

"Oh, no, it's okay," Shoyo smiled a little, showing his resilience in the face of Oikawa's mind games.

"Heh," Daichi chuckled, a proud glint in his eyes as he spoke. "He's right, there's no time." His tone turned determined. "But our guy should be coming back soon."

"Oh!" Tanaka's excitement was contagious, spreading to the others.

Shoyo and Kageyama exchanged curious glances.

"Who?" Shoyo asked, his interest piqued.

"Karasuno's Guardian Deity," Daichi said, his words carrying a sense of reverence.

"Guardian Deity?" Shoyo repeated, the name sparking curiosity in his eyes.

"He's talking about the main libero for Karasuno," Tanaka explained, his voice full of admiration.

"Oh," Shoyo's eyes glimmered with excitement and anticipation.

However, a sudden realization struck Shoyo. "Wait, does that mean Aniki will no longer be our libero?" he asked, concern creeping into his voice.

Daichi nodded somberly. "Unfortunately, yeah," he replied. "But let's talk with Coach Ukai about it first."

"Hey, why are you guys taking so long?" They heard Keishin exclaim from the distance.

"Ah, we're coming!" Daichi called back to Coach Ukai.

Then, Daichi turned to Shoyo, giving him a task. "Shoyo-san, call your brother; we're leaving."

Shoyo nodded and quickly dialed Sora's number, letting him know it was time to head back.


While Oikawa engaged in conversation with the other Karasuno members, Sora discreetly positioned himself behind a tree, discreetly answering Nicholas's call.

"Nicholas, what's the reason for your call?" Sora inquired.

"I wanted to inform you about the upcoming ITF Junior Circuit Grade 1 Tournament next month. Are you interested in participating?" Nicholas inquired.

The ITF Junior Circuit Grade 1 Tournament is an international tennis tournament organized by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) for junior players aged 18 and under. It is one of the highest levels of junior tennis competitions, allowing young players to gain experience and earn ranking points.

"I'll consider it, but is there more?" Sora questioned.

"Yes, there's another significant detail," Nicholas replied eagerly. "If you emerge victorious in this tournament, you'll have the opportunity to enter the ITF World Tennis Tour, a crucial step towards transitioning from the Junior to Professional level."

"I'm aware," Sora affirmed confidently.

"It appears you have a solid understanding of how these tournaments function, as expected from a prodigy," Nicholas remarked, acknowledging Sora's expertise in the field.

"Very well, that's all for now. Goodbye!" With a click, Nicholas hung up.

Sora sighed in contemplation, his thoughts lingering on the conversation with Nicholas.

Just as he attempted to gather his thoughts, his phone vibrated once more.

Glancing at the screen, he noticed an incoming call from Shoyo.

Curious and intrigued, he swiftly answered the call, "Shoyo?"

"Aniki, where are you? It's time to leave," Shoyo said urgently.

"Ah, okay, I'll be there!" Sora responded promptly, as he started walking towards where the others were.