
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Komik
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31 Chs

Got Caught

It was 8 a.m., and the sun had just begun to cast a warm, golden glow over the quiet streets of their neighborhood. The crisp morning air carried the faint scent of blooming flowers and freshly baked bread, creating a pleasant atmosphere as Sora and Shoyo embarked on their morning adventure.

Both Hinata twins were dressed in vibrant sports attire that perfectly matched their boundless energy and determination. Sora sported a snug-fitting, cobalt blue tracksuit adorned with neon orange stripes that gleamed in the morning light. His sneakers were a striking shade of white with crimson accents, emphasizing his agility and swiftness.

Shoyo's outfit complemented his brother's, as he wore a similar tracksuit, albeit in a vivid shade of neon green with bold yellow stripes. His sneakers, a flashy combination of yellow and green, mirrored his infectious enthusiasm and unyielding spirit.

They are currently going towards the Sakanoshita Store to meet Keishin Ukai.

As they strolled down the sun-kissed streets, Sora turned to his younger twin brother, his warm hazel eyes filled with concern. "Shoyo, I know you had a nightmare last night, but you know I'm a very careful person, right?"

Shoyo clung to Sora's arm even tighter, his hazel eyes reflecting a mix of trepidation and trust. "I know that!" Shoyo replied earnestly, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "But the nightmare doesn't involve you having an accident."

Sora arched one of his expressive brows, curiosity dancing in his gaze. "Then what is it?" he inquired, ready to listen to his brother's deepest fears and offer the reassurance that only he could provide.

"Well..." Shoyo faced the ground, "You were in a volleyball match and you failed to receive a spike from the opponent. After that, your teammates turned on you and started to blame the loss on you."

Sora's heart raced as he processed Shoyo's words. He couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu, as the nightmare Shoyo described mirrored a painful memory from his previous life. His gaze flickered with a mixture of surprise and concern, but he quickly masked his emotions.

"Shoyo," Sora said, his voice steady and reassuring, "I can understand why that dream might have been unsettling for you. But remember, it's just a dream, and it doesn't define who I am now."

He gently squeezed Shoyo's shoulder, hoping to convey his sincerity without revealing his own past. "I promise, I'll always give my best in every match, and we'll learn and grow together. Don't worry too much about it."

Shoyo looked up at Sora, a mixture of relief and gratitude in his eyes. "Okay, I trust you, Aniki."


Sora and Shoyo finally arrived in front of the Sakanoshita Store, their sneakers making a soft scuffling sound as they entered. The quaint little store was filled with the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread and the subtle rustling of packaged goods on the shelves.

As they stepped inside, their eyes fell upon Keishin Ukai, their coach, who was sitting behind the counter. He was engrossed in reading a newspaper, but his sharp eyes didn't miss a beat as he sensed their presence.

Coach Ukai was sporting a vibrant red tracksuit that added a splash of color to the otherwise ordinary store. The tracksuit was a bold shade of crimson, with white stripes running down the sides, giving him a sporty and dynamic appearance.

To their surprise, they also spotted another guy in the store, dressed in casual clothing. His presence added a touch of intrigue to the situation.

Ukai glanced up from his newspaper, his expression welcoming. "There you both are," he said, setting the newspaper aside on the counter. "I've been waiting for you both."

He then turned to the guy in casual attire. "I'll be right back," Coach Ukai instructed him, his tone filled with authority. "Make sure to keep an eye on this store."

The guy nodded with a respectful tone. "Yes, Ukai-san," he replied, taking on the responsibility entrusted to him.

Ukai turned to the twins again. "Follow me, I will lead you to the gym first."

Shoyo and Sora nodded as they followed him.


As they arrived in front of the local community volleyball gym, Sora and Shoyo exchanged glances, their anticipation for the training session momentarily overshadowed by the question that Coach Ukai had just posed.

Coach Ukai turned around to face them, his expression a mix of curiosity and understanding. "Before we enter the gym," he began, "why did you both lie to me?"

Sora took a deep breath, realizing that their secret was out in the open. He stepped forward, taking responsibility for their decision. "Sorry about that, Ukai-san," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "It's just that I thought you wouldn't accept to train us if we already knew how to play volleyball."

"Why do think I will not accept you both?" Ukai asked.

Sora hesitated for a moment, then replied honestly, "Well, we weren't sure if you'd want to invest your time in teaching us if we already had some knowledge of volleyball. We thought you might prefer beginners who you could mold from scratch and not have to deal with any bad habits we might have picked up."

Coach Ukai nodded, understanding their perspective. "I appreciate your honesty," he said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "It's true that teaching beginners can be rewarding, but it's also exciting to work with athletes who have a foundation. You both have potential, and I'm more than willing to help you improve your skills and take them to the next level. It's not about where you start; it's about how far you're willing to go."

Shoyo chimed in, feeling a bit relieved by Ukai's response. "We're really eager to learn from you, Ukai-san. We're open to unlearning any bad habits and being molded into better players."

Coach Ukai clapped a hand on both of their shoulders. "That's the spirit I like to see! Everyone has something to learn and room for improvement."

Sora couldn't help but ask. "Ukai-san, how come you knew that we lied?"

"I watched the video where your team faced off against Kitagawa Daiichi," Ukai said, "I gotta say, you two are carrying your team back then."

Sora and Shoyo exchanged surprised glances. They hadn't expected Coach Ukai to have seen their previous matches.

"Video?" Shoyo asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Yeah," Ukai said, "You guys don't know that your matches are being broadcast?"

Sora and Shoyo exchanged another set of surprised glances, now feeling a mix of excitement and embarrassment about their matches being broadcast. It was a strange feeling, knowing that people had been watching their games and forming opinions about their skills.

"Wow, we had no idea," Sora admitted, feeling a bit sheepish. "We've always just focused on playing our best without thinking much about it being broadcasted."

Ukai chuckled, understanding their perspective. "It's a good attitude to have, but it's also essential to be aware of how you're performing and what others see. It can help you identify areas for improvement. Plus, it's no secret that your dynamic duo on the court has garnered quite a bit of attention."

Shoyo scratched his head, still processing this new information. "So, you've seen our matches... What do you think?"

Ukai's expression turned serious as he assessed the two young players in front of him. "You both have incredible speed and agility, and your synergy on the court is impressive. However, that quick attack you both performed was so good that blockers from Kitagawa Daiichi had a hard time."

Sora and Shoyo exchanged glances, their spirits lifted by Coach Ukai's words of praise. Knowing that their quick attack had left a strong impression on their opponents was a confidence boost.

"Thank you, Ukai-san," Sora said with a grin. "We've been working hard on perfecting that move."

Shoyo nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, we've been practicing it a lot."

Ukai gave them a nod of approval. "That's great to hear. But remember, even the best techniques can be improved. We'll refine your quick attack and work on developing new strategies to keep your opponents guessing. The key to success is continuous improvement."

He then turned his attention to Sora and inquired, "By the way, Sora, why have you decided to switch from tennis to volleyball?"

Sora arched an eyebrow, slightly taken aback. "Switch?"

Ukai clarified, "Yes, why are you quitting from tennis to volleyball?"

Sora realized there was a misunderstanding. "I'm not quitting tennis, Ukai-san," he clarified. "I'm simply practicing both volleyball and tennis simultaneously." Sora then turned to Shoyo, "Plus, I really want to play volleyball with Shoyo."

Shoyo responded with a smile of his own, not saying a word but conveying his excitement through his expression.

At first, Sora only wanted to play volleyball in middle school since he wanted to help Shoyo. But as time went on, the burning passion that he had not felt since his previous life went back to him.

Also, he wanted to interact with the other characters that he used to watch from a screen. After all, the opportunity to interact with what he once considered "fictional characters" was a rare and extraordinary occurrence.

"I see," Ukai said thoughtfully. "One last question, Sora. How did you come to know about the Neighborhood Association Team?"

Neighborhood Associaton was a volleyball team formed by Ukai. It is composed of former Karasuno players, and it's supposed to be a secret team.

Sora hesitated for a moment, then nervously scratched the back of his head. "Well," he started, fabricating a response, "I heard about it through some friends at school."

"Hmm... alright then," Ukai replied, his skepticism still lingering, but he chose not to press further on Sora's response.

"I won't keep you guys waiting any longer. It's time to introduce you to the Neighborhood Association," Ukai declared, swinging the gym doors open.



Sora had garnered a lot of fans after winning many tennis tournaments. Some look up to him as they were inspired by him. While others, mainly girls, had a huge crush on him.

Sora and Shoyo were indeed attractive. They both boasted lean, muscular physiques, but there was a slight difference in their heights, with Sora towering over Shoyo by a modest two inches.

Sora was so popular in Yukigoaka Middle School to the point that there was a secret club dedicated to...well...simping for him.

The fake club's name was called "Sorimp Club", and their activities consisted of...well...stalking Sora, taking pictures of him, giving him chocolates during valentines, and many more.

Unfortunately for them, Shoyo found out about the club filed a report to the principal about it, and requested for it to shut down. Upon learning of the activities of the "Sorimp Club," the principal readily agreed with Shoyo's request. The clandestine club was promptly disbanded, putting an end to their covert admiration of Sora.

The members of the "Sorimp Club" were left utterly crestfallen and disheartened when they received the news of their club's dissolution. Their expressions ranged from shock to disappointment, as they had to come to terms with the end of their secret admiration for Sora.