
Hades in the Multiverse

Isekai story about a guy that gives Hades a chance and reincarnates as him. Granted three powerful wishes that allow him to go against fate and destiny, he will travel not only the DC-Universe but also Marvel and maybe some anime ones. Don't take the story too seriously though as it's just for fun. Give me ideas for female leads (no harem though, only two if we must). The story starts in the DC-Universe and then shifts to others of his choosing. He will be able to jump from one to the other as he wishes, so you can wish for certain animes/worlds.

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82 Chs

Talk with Grindelwald

Surprise chapter. Hope you like it.

(3rd Person POV)

Grindelwald was tense. He knew that whoever this person was was powerful. He did not know who this was but he hoped that he was not here with hostile intentions. Should he be able to get this man on his side, he could turn the tides on the war and still win. That was what he was planning right as he was facing off with the man.

He would never show weakness in front of his followers. It was important to keep appearances. No matter what he would always make sure that his image is top notch. He was a strong believer that you win hearts through power and that power could come from words as they could from his magic. And he had a lot of charisma and magic power.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Hades."

"Hades ... a powerful name you have there. Do you have a lot of experience with death? Is that why you came here, for death?"

"I came here for you."

"Oh? Are you interested in joining me in ..."

"No no no you misunderstood me. It's just like you said I came here for death and that is why I came here for you. I will show you why I am named Hades and give you an all-round experience package for free.

Rejoice Grindelwald ... for today witness what it means to face me. All the pain that you gave me and which I am still feeling ... I will let you get a taste of it ..."

The air in the colosseum-like room changed abruptly. Everyone that did not have a wand out, took it out now. Grindelwald himself also had his wand out but still made sure to keep his composure. It was not certain yet whether Hades was a loon or truly dangerous. The pressure he was feeling spoke in favor of this being a real threat though.

Hades spread his arms wide and spoke: "Well? What are you waiting for? Not in the mood? Let's have a kerfuffle."

Grindelwald did not wait anylonger. He pointed his wand at Hades and started firing chains of spells. You had to give it to the man. He was truly a genius in the art of magic and dueling. However, he was not handling this like a duel but more like a fight to the death.

And that was smart of him. This was a fight to the death. Death was standing in front of him and waiting for him to act.

Bombarda's, Petrificus Totalus', Expulso's, Binding Spells, Blasting Curses, and even an Avada Kedavra were shot at Hades.

Hades started the fight by simply dodging everything Grindelwald dished out. He ducked and evaded spells. Grindelwald adjusted and used spells to make the ground slippery. When that didn't work he simply turned the entire ground into ice and transfigured birds to take away Hades' vision.

It was no use. Hades used transfiguration as well and turned his shoes into ice skates. To counter the birds he used a spell of his creation. 'solidum aerem'. This little beauty solidified the air where he aimed his wand. The air was as strong as his focus was and the more magic he poured into the spell the stronger it got.

The cool thing about that spell was that they were invisible to the naked eye. They were simply very dense air that was saturated with magic. So if the opponent didn't know of the spell's existence it would create some funny and powerful moves.

The battle became more and more hectic. Grindelwald was using 100% of his focus to fight. It was extremely hard for him as he had to deal with new spells that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Hades had created many spells and with his marvelous mind, which was a god's mind that had been enhanced with magic after all, he was able to use them to severely throw Grindelwald off his game.

Many of his usual spell chains were interrupted by Hades as he simply moved a small area of ground under Grindelwald's foot throwing off his balance.

Grindelwald had started to use the Killing Curse. But it was not helping really. Transfiguration was something that Hades thoroughly enjoyed messing around with and therefore was a very very good practitioner of it.

Suddenly Hades felt a spell come at him from behind. Without even thinking he used Protego and blocked it. He looked behind and saw ... Rose's father standing there with his wand pointed at him.

"heh ... et tu Brutus ..."

He did not even think twice and slightly waved his wand.


Just as the future creator of the spell had intended a cut appeared on the man. But it was still different from its future brother. It was by far stronger resulting in the late father of his love splitting in three parts. It looked like in some kind of anime. All the parts fell to the ground and were painted the ground red.



After the shock had receded everyone in the room joined the fight. Spells were fired from all around the room. It was chaos.

Hades' expression changed. His hand was flickering all over the place. He transfigured walls, created protegos left and right, dodged, ducked, tried to evade, and more.

But slowly but surely the spells overwhelmed him. After ten minutes of being on the defensive a boiling curse finally hit him on his right shoulder. It gave him immense pain but he managed to keep it together and continue.

Five minutes later another spell hit him and then another and another ...

More and more spells finally found their mark and Hades' got riddled with more and more wounds and boils and he looked like a dead man.

Using a cutting curse, Grindelwald managed to cut off Hades' wand arm and finally, the fight stopped.

Hades looked at his arm on the ground with a heavy expression.

"Haaahhh, would you look at that? Hehe. Well we all have dreams don't we?", Hades said and looked at Grindelwald with ... pity?





Hades' body began to dissolve into ravens. Just like a certain killer of families, from whom Hades had copied this technique. Using his magic and power over shadows and death, Hades had managed to create this technique. But different than Itachi he actually became ravens, that were made of magic and shadows.




Once again the world paused for Grindelwald. And then like a burning canvas, it all went away. Grindelwald found himself in the void. There was nothing around him, no light, no sound, nothing. He thought that he must have been transported to the stars and suddenly didn't manage to breathe. He grabbed his neck and tried to take in air into his lungs.

Not only that, he was slowly starting to get colder and colder. His entire body was turning into ice. After a few more seconds ... everything once again got black, only for him to find himself in another room.

He saw himself back in his youth when he was spending time with Dumbledore. That was one of his fondest memories. They were reliving the love they had for each other in their youth. He had forgotten all about his previous death in space and was truly living and experiencing his first intimate moment with Dublemdore.

They had their first kiss when he felt a sting. He opened his eyes only to see Dumbledore with green lips smiling evilly at him.

"Wha...t d-did you do?"

"Sorry love. But the Elder Wand is mine. That was poison I got from a wizard in Egypt. Quite potent and painful I was told. Don't worry though. It will be over soon ... I guess."

Grindelwald felt like he was hit by a Cruciatus Curse times 10. He felt pain like no other. In comparison to that Joffrey's death felt like a quick and nice experience.

Once again he finds himself in another situation that is connected to a fond memory. And once again he dies by betrayal or the person close to him dies in the most cruel ways imaginable. He relives his life over and over again and no matter what he tries to change everyone dies very cruelly and painfully. And he always ends up tortured or worse should he decide to hide from the world.

Not even suicide helps as he just comes back to relive another life from a different person he does not know. All the emotions of the person are present for him and everybody dies. His feelings for all those people make it millions of times more painful.

"Please ... PLEASE!!! I BEG of you ... make it stop. *sob sob* I can't anymore ... please ..."

No matter how much he begs, no matter how much he accepts the deaths of himself or the torture of reliving different lives and forging bonds only for them to get brutally broken again, IT DOES NOT STOP.




Thousands upon millions of years have passed and what is left of Grindelwald is a truly broken and hollow shell. There is nothing left ... only pain.

°Conditions met ... Releasing from illusion°

Finally after so long the illusion is finally broken and Grindelwald... 'consciousness?' is brought back from to the real world. There in front of him stands Hades with his wand pointing at him.

"Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf*cker"


Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherf*ckers

Hope you liked this chapter. I think Grindelwald was thoroughly broken. Tell me what you think

Oh and the last thing was Grindelwalds head popping like a balloon.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts