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Of course
I just looked over my Hades fic and thought about continuing. I am just taking a break due to university with this one. And yes, his children will be far more powerful than they were in canon due to his genes. Not sure about the Zanpakuto, though.
I have some personal business I need to take care of. This will take roughly a month time. Maybe a bit more. Sry about that. But I will definitely return to this.
Nah, they thought he was the real Solgoleon Vermillion. But she was also a Vermillion, a distant relative or something. They like to keep the bloodline pure.
What do you mean?
No. Of course I’m not going to do that
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
You know. I'm talking about details and romantic moments and the like. No intimacy.
Not a bad idea. I didn't plan on giving him many more skills like before, so the points will add up and he can then use them for that. Good idea.
Thanks, I appreciate it.