
Chapter 84

Tai, Fauna, Larissa and Mal with six soldiers show up at the under realm, the others went to the other realms to get the flowers they need.

Larissa looks at the map then points south east, they all start walking on black sand that glitters in the moonlight. There is two moons one red and one light blue shines down on them. Red stars shine bright against the black sky, Tai is already in love with the place.

Larissa holds Tais hand when they come across a forest the bark is white and grey with black and grey leaves.

" this place is magnificent " Tai said in awe as she feels her demon vibrating with excitement, as her tail flicks happily from side to side.

Larissa pulls Tai into a kiss as they walk through the forest, after eight hours of walking they came across a small village that had wierd looking six legged animals that looked like a cross breed of a insect and horse that had over twelve eyes, pinchers at its mouth with fur covering their bodies and three tails on its behind.

Larissa shuddered at the ugly things while Tai was excited seeing the wings on their side that looked transparent at first, they reminded her of a fly wings.

" Fauna your early " a woman said that walked out, she had black hair, white lips and four eyes and four arms. When she walked closer to the group they all had to look up at the woman who stood over seven ft in height, she also was very ripped with muscles and her white eyes was intimidating to say the least.

" yeah we didn't stop I want to hurry up with the flower my daughter needs it " Fauna said to the woman, she walks over to Tai extending her hand.

" my name is Pili, your mother Lillian brought you when you were three along with Fauna and I actually still have the baby you chose from your mothers mount here for you " Pili said, when four giant dragonflies land near them and all sported different colors.

There was a black and red one, purple and black, green and yellow, then a pink and blue one. The red and black one went straight to Tai nuzzling against her, Faunas green one did the same to her and Pili gestured towards the pink one for Larissa who smiled widely as she ran to the dragonfly.

" this time you all will take them back with you out of this realm" Pili said as she laughed at the women loving on the dragonflies, she loads up several bags on each mount as they prepare to travel.

" ok we're going to be traveling by air for about ten hours then we'll stop to make camp " Fauna said mounting her dragonfly as the others do the same, Pili picks up Mal putting her on the purple and black dragonfly.

The soldiers ended up the wronhets they seen when they entered, Larissa was overjoyed she didn't have to ride one.

" ok here's where you all will meet be careful, out mounts are faster than the wronhets so you'll arrive an hour after us and my men will be with you all " Pili said to thesomdies as fifteen of her warriors mount up after securing their supplies.

Fauna looksover to Larissa and Tai who are petting their dragonflies and noticed black veins now up the side of Tais neck.

" ok tak your armor and weapons, oh also other things you'll need out to put in your satchel I dont want us using out things or power unless we have to" Fauna said taking out potions, pills and weapons as she already equipped her armor of a nature dragon on.

She flies over hrowing a ring at Larissa, she taks out a sword staff that has lightning properties and a lightning dragon that is a midnight blue and white armor then equipped it with a bow secured on her saddle.

Tai equips her dark drake armor, since Una said not to use her blood armor and the two katanas that her mother Lillian gifted her. A gold bow with other items she secured on her saddle, they wanted to limit how many times they use their spacial ring in this realm.

They all start flying to their destination, they look around when they come across large beasts that have long necks that reach the clouds anybody's as long as thirty miles and 10 to 15 miles wide.

They look around at all the wonderful views, seeing creatures they've never even heard of and come across a large body of water that is red as blood.

" when we cross the water it'll be a few more hours until camp stay high above the water if you dont want to end up as food." Pili said wrapping her arms around Mals waist, the others chuckle at her.