
Chapter 83

Fauna prepared maps of the lower realm, middle realm and they really didnt need one for the ice kingdom.

"ok Una will take Emilia, Sia and then the Lit I think that is the orcs name, I cant remember his name or the fairy guy. Una will take those three, I will take Lucy, Len and Nina and Tai will take Larissa also Taki with Fauna." Carra said while looking over the map, Mal walks over taking the map to the lower realm.

" I'll take Xi with me to accompany Tai and Phelps along with Bri to go with Una, I have eight guards to accompany you to the ice kingdom " Mal said looking over at Carra then she directs her attention to the bedroom as Tai and Sylvia walk out.

" we'll have to see who would be better in each realm, also who would be better to help Taki and then we'll discuss who goes where" Una said as she looks at the map to see who she'll take,shewatches Tai along with Mal at how sick Tai looks.

Sylvia comes out happy but with a worried look that was hard to cover up, she gets pulled to the side by Len.

" no more getting intimate with her, she would never forgive her self if you get infected " Len said in a whisper, keeping her eyes on Tai.

A few minutes Tai came closer to the group paler than normal, even her eyes looked dull except more red in her black eyes. Emilia walks over hugging Tai and kissing her forehead, she gives a soft smile then pulls her over to the table where two plates of food was setting for Tai.

" eat love get your strength up Carra has stuff she needs to tell you about our trips " Emilia said while pouring some juice for Tai and then walks back over to where Mal is standing.

" I think I should stay here just in case Yana shows up trying to do something to plant bugs in the house to where she can listen, Ari or Sylvia can go in my place and then one can stay here with me" Taki said looking over at Tai who is now staring back at her, she walks over to Tai and sees she hasn't ate anything.

" honey you need to try and eat a little ok " Taki said placing her lips on Tais forehead and feels that she has a fever.

" you all will leave in an hour " Taki said, the man with the orange fairy wings walks in and Sylvia scowls at him.

" what are you doing here, I don't know why you keep showing up " Sylvia said while walking over to sit by Nina, he kept his eyes on the two$f succubus sitting side by side looking at them lustfully until Ari steps in front of them.

Lit glares at Ral then clicks his tongue, he watches Ral giving off lustful looks to his new friends and family.

" Ral what brings you to our home " Lit said, while gripping his mace, Ral smirks at Lit and curves his lips.

" well she saved all of us but doesn't invite me but has a orc of all things here with these delicious women " Ral said, Tai slams her hand on the table and Sylvia with Taki and Emilia are holding her there.

" Lit can stay here with Taki to help, also to keep a eye on Ral since he has started coming around alot more. I don't trust him at all" Carra said to Mal on a low voice, she also will have twenty of her special soldiers that can hide in the shadows to stay here with them.

" ok Ral you need to leave and do not ever talk down to Lit again " Una said leaking out killing intent on him, he quickly leaves Lit doesn't like him either and finds him suspicious.

Taki walks over to the list, she takes the maps out, then looks around the room.

" Una, Emilia, Sia and Mal with the men she wants to take, Carra will take Len, Lucy and Nina. I'll need Ari, Sylvia, Lit to help me here and Fauna will take Tai, Larissa and the others, we dont have that much time so pack up. I'm sorry if I'm snapping at everyone just pair up and go, we'll prepare things here" Taki said staring at Tai, Tai kisses her cheek then walks to her room.Taki looks over to the food that Tai didn't touch, she worries even more since Tai has no appetite.

Una sets up transportation arrays to take all three groups to their destinations while Taki, Ari, Lit and Sylvia stay with Taki to help with the work And Tai gave Taki the vial of black blood she got from the strange creature.