
Chapter 51

Kel was sitting close to the waterfall and had her feet dangling in the water, a faint blue light in her chest started to glow. When Kel noticed she quickly covered her chest, she looks around to see if anyone noticed it and quickly leaves the water running to the edge of camp.

(" shit, they think I'm a druid and if they find out I'm a dryad, they could try to harvest my heart or kill me because they think I'll self destruct. I feel her, wait Tai is crying out, I-it's impossible she's with Wei and Elvenia and all three are strong") Kel thought while a tear fell down her cheek, the light got brighter and Kel was about to run in the direction she feels Tai at.

" Kel do not run off in those woods, I feel the same as you and right now their to far for us to go." Carra said while walking closer to Kel.

Kel tries to cover her light with her hands, a thin line of bark goes across her cheek bone and Carra gives her a pleasant smile.

" calm yourself down her mother will be here in the morning and I know that you are a dryad, there's nothing to worry about" Carra said while taking Kels hand leading her back to the cave.

All the girls felt a hurt in their chest, they couldn't quite put there finger on it and they all know something is wrong with Tai. Sia gets up from the couch and walks out of the cave, Carra grabs her wrist.

" where are you going" Carra said while pulling Sia back into the cave, she jerks her hand away.

" I'm going to go find her I'll be back tomorrow night with them" Sia said

Carra stands in front of the exit and blocks it, Sia sighs then looks back at Emilia.

" tell her Emilia" Sia said annoyed, Emilia sighs and walks over to Sia and stands beside Carra.

" no one is going after her, they have a communication jade and if something is wrong, they will let us know" Emilia said in a matter of fact tone, making Sia stomp over to her bed and Cindy couldn't help but laugh. Sia kicked the mattress above her, the girl squeaked and Sia laughed at her. Len stared at her hands without speaking a word, she felt Carras staring at her.

" Len what's wrong" Carra said noticing Lens nails, she walks over and sits down beside Len.

" she'll be ok, Lillian and Una will be here in a few hours" Carra said she noticed Lens canines have grown, she looks at Lens eyes and a red is now circling her iris.

" Len I know you can turn into a wolf, but when was the last time you changed into the lycan form" Carra said rubbing soothing circles on Lens back, Cindy raises up from her bed and jumps down.

"L-Len is it a forced change" Cindy said nervously causing Carra to get an uneasy feeling about this, Len clenched her eyes shut and releases a guttural scream that kept turning deeper toward the end. Cindy rushes over to her back dumping out the contents, then her hands drop down to her sides.

" We dont have any more of the potion left that keeps us from turning" Cindy said

Emilia walks over picking up the items on the floor and puts them back into the bag, she looks at Cindy.

" what all is in the potion" Emilia asked while smiling at Cindy, she shrugs her shoulders and looks back at Len.

" I know wolfbayne is one ingredient and silver nitrate, no that'll kill her" Cindy said while trying to think Emilia stared at her just blinking and now worried for Len.

" CARRA LOCK ME UP" Len said in a deep, loud, animalistic voice

" help me take her outside, Sia will do a caged barrier" Carra said while they help Len outside, Sia placed her crystals that have runes on the ground. When Len is in the middle Carra finishes the circle, Lens arms and legs start growing longer and her skin started ripping open in different spots. Her hands and feet grow ripping through the skin showing the fur, elongated fingers with long claws and snapping of bones that made you cringe. Her legs had a bend the opposite direction of what's normal for everyone's anatomy. A snout was now on her face with long canines, black fur covered her body and a loud howl came from the Lycan that was Trapped in the Array.

" that looks painful" Sia said while everyone looked at Len with worry, Cindy noticed that she wasnt paying attention to anyone but kept staring at the forest.

" she is pretty docile seeing all of these people around usually she'd be going nuts trying to attack and follow different prey with her eyes." Cindy said

Len kept taking her shoulder ramming into the side of the barrier, when Cindy walked to stand in front of her and she would look past her into the forest.

" something has her beast on edge, I wonder what it is that's gotten her attention" Kel said while her chest began glowing, Carra walks over and pulls Kel back into the cave.

" come on girls, I'll have Mao stay with Len" Carra said while Mao nodded his head while pulling a chair next to the barrier.

" it's ok girl I'm worried about them too" Mao said while Len whimpers while staring into the forest.