
Guardians of Managas

Welcome to the world of Malintia, where almost every person has the ability to transform into ancient and mythical creatures. Well, everyone except me. My name is Jop, and I live in a small village in the peaceful kingdom of Managas. This is my story of how I became the savior of our world.( first time writing so it might be shit but i hope it will be at lest somewhat entertaining )

RandomJOP · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 16 : Show me what you got

The next day we all got called by Ari to the church for training. I was nervous since I was the weakest person so far.

After all, I still don't know what she meant when she said I underestimated Fairies. How can someone so small be suitable for fighting? I will see what she means. Maybe I should believe in myself like Yen does.

As soon as we arrived at the church, we were greeted by Ari Aquador and sister Teri.

(Ari) Glad you are all here. Now you probably wonder why the church? Let Teri explain that to you

(Teri) Oh yes, as you all know I am the main Sister in Atla. And those Sisters that are around the world only a few are blessed. We were granted a blessing from the true God. This blessing allows me to create a safe dimension inside the church and transform us there. This is where you can train without worrying about destruction or your own health since everything that dies there comes back to life like nothing happened. Everyone was wowed that crazy we all thought but we also wondered 1 thing

(Canji) Well, why should we worry about our lives while training?

(Aquador) Guys, you thought that you wouldn't be seriously trained and tested? We will be at war 1 year from now and you need to be s class adventurer too. This is gonna be hell for you.

(Max) Fine, let me bring it !

(Yen) Yea, I will be worthy of the royal guard title!

(Jop) I'm gonna endure it all if it means to defeat the Vendor!

In spite of the fact that the boys looked motivated, I was a little scared. I was wondering if I could even do it. I can't let them down because I almost lost my brother in the flower forest and all I could do was shout helplessly.

(Canji) Ari please make me a strong fighter who can protect everyone

I bow down

Ari looked at me with pride in her eyes

(Ari) Of course I will and not only you but all of you let do this Teri

After that Teri mumbled something in a language not human her eyes turned bright blue and soon the light took us all in inside her eyes after that we all woke up in a beautiful field of golden grass and sunflowers

(Ari) Now I want to test your fighting ability. Boys Canji you will go with Aquador and train some basic hand to hand combat. After that you will join Jop on working on your Hybridform ability since Yen told me you didn't do that either yet.

(Ari) So who wants to get a shot at the hound of the dead first?

(Max) Well since i didn't do shit in the village and when we were captured, i can let my boys out do me in this. It would be my pleasure to fight the undefeated Commander of our nation's army first.

(Ari) I like your spirit and confidence Max

After that they both transformed and Max flew to the sky

It started. The one that made the first move was Max. He used his move first

(Max) Fire Machine Gun

He shot small fireballs from his flaming wings. Ari did back off and started running away from him. She was fast but Max could keep up with her. She decided to do a jumping zig zag from right to left so that Max would have trouble shooting and was forced to always change direction since his Fire Machine Gun could only aim straight down. (Max Thoughts) Fuck, I can't hit her. Her jumping left and right is annoying

(Ari) What's wrong Max? Why don't you finally hit me?

(Max) That's fine with me if you wish!

He stopped chasing her and flew even higher. It looked like he was preparing a giant fireball from his mouth. It was quite big. Almost like a mini sun.

(Max) Try this. This is my most powerful move I can do yet Phoenix Bomb

The giant fireball flew from his mount and was launched at Ari.

Ari stopped to confront it

(Ari) Not bad at all but not enough for me

(Ari) Dark energy focus legs.

Anubis' feet were now surrounded by a black aura with that as the giant fireball came closer to her. She jumped straight above it towards Max. The jump created a hole in the ground and a massive wind shock wave.

She was now just above max where she got the striking reach Max was shocked but instead of trying to fly away he was confident that she couldn't hurt him and even if she did, his phenix powers would heal him anyways so he corrected himself toward her and used a Fire Machine gun .

At the same time Ari used the same black aura toward her fist and legs as well.

(Ari) Dark energy focus fists

(Ari) Hound Fist

And she punched the air but at the same time from her punch came a dark giant fist that swung at Max despite his Machine gun the fire could not penetrate the fist and Max got hit this punch brought him to the ground with tremendous force and splash it was like gravity punched him himself as the dust from the impact settled Max was unconscious and he wasn't in his Phoenix form it seems that giant black energy punch has hit his weak point too. His head and made him pass out.

After that the blue light came from beneath him and took him and spit him out. He wasn't unconscious anymore and his injury also went away.

To be Continue