
Guardians of Managas

Welcome to the world of Malintia, where almost every person has the ability to transform into ancient and mythical creatures. Well, everyone except me. My name is Jop, and I live in a small village in the peaceful kingdom of Managas. This is my story of how I became the savior of our world.( first time writing so it might be shit but i hope it will be at lest somewhat entertaining )

RandomJOP · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 15 : Goals are set in stone

After some rest and catching up we all went with Prince Persi and Aquador to the underground Aquarium.

There we met at a table with a map of the kingdom and the prince talked.

(Persi) In 1 year, we plan to revolt against our brother. And you, our ally, will fight with us.

Our target is of course Olympia, the city in the sky which is the most difficult part since only flying soldiers could invade the city fortress. If we truly want to invade we need to make sure the city comes to the ground.

Which is why me and Inrot want Ari to take care of our 2 problems.

(Ari) I see the 1 problem is to make sure the city isn't flying anymore. But how is it flying to begin with?

(Aquador) Hah it's because of a man who used to be viewed as the strongest knight. However, he is continuously using 50% of his power to keep the city in the sky.

(Max) Which means you take down this person and the city will fall. And since from our group only me can fly and carry someone on his back it will be my responsibility to take Ari there.

(Ari) Yes, that will be your task.

(Persi) There will be flying opposition from our enemies and you and our own flying forces will clash in the sky battle first. The leader of the sky forces is Mai. She is one of the 5 Sky Knights.

(Aquador) Hmph if this country were not on BS rules I would be a general too but there can only be 6 in our army and 5 of them are with Zang.

(Jop) So who do we need to kill?

(Persi) Well, I heard you already met him or at least your friends. He is the Judge and leader of the Sky Knights Genshi. He can transform into the primordial god of wind Aether is a being made of wind wearing protective armor as his chest.

(Yen) The bastard is invincible, so how can you hurt the wind?

(Canji) Why does he protect his chest if he is untouchable? i bet this is his weakness

(Persi) Yep he is made of wind but has a core. And that core is located in his chest. Destroy the core and it's over for him.

(Ari) got it, I will take care of him but the ideal would be to have a special team with me tho. Since there will be 3 other sky knights with Genshi in the city, I would like to have a team to escort me to Genshi and take care of anyone who interferes.

(Persi) Yes ofc me and Inrot will stay with our ground forces but Alpha and Aquador will come with you

(Auador) Got it boss

(Ari) Max after you drop me, I want you to defeat Mai since she might pursue us. We will train so that you my royal guard will grow stronger and survive and win your fights.

(Max) Ofc should not be a problem.

(Ari) So what about the target nr 2 ?

(Persi) Yes it is a device that we need to destroy. It is called Mountain. This device can hear everything above and is capable of teleporting the 2 people who have permission to use it, which are Genshi and Zang. So that none of them escape we need the device destroyed. The problem is that no one beside those 2 knows how it looks and where in the city it is located. There is a possibility that it might be disguised as anything, which is why we need to find it before we strike. We have 1 year to think about how we will do that.

(Ari) Well since we now know your plan let me talk about my plan and the things we have to do to get to the dark continent. 1. we need to grow stronger which means we will train. 2. Only Adventure guilds are allowed to travel to the dark continent since the daybreak watch won't allow others to go behind the Wall. 3 So we will register our group as an Adventure guild and need at least half of us to reach S adventure rank. This is also a requirement of the daybreak watch as well as passing the test. Anyone who fails the test can't pass the Wall. 4 We have 6 keys to the artifacts weapons and there are only 5 of us so we need 1 more person before we can travel to the Wall.

(Canji) You mean 2 more of my transformation aint suited for combat.

(Ari) That is not actually true. I think you're underestimating what Fairies can do but we will come back to this convo when we start with our training in the church since they do have a Sister of the true god here.

(Persi) About your problem of having 1 person short, I would like to offer you my finest knight to help you not only with training but also with your overall goal. So from now on Aquador will help them

(Ari) That's not happening. I don't mind him helping us get to the dark continent. However, he will not have a key since he isn't from my country nor is he my knight. I'm sure you understand Prince and Aquador. You are welcome to join our Adventure Guild but we still need someone else.

(Aquador) That's fine with me. So let us start with training the royal guard newbies

And so the goals of use were clear and we starting with our training

To be Continue