
Guardian of Fairy-Tail

What sort of power do you want? Slayer power? No Come let see how the MC write his story after being reincarnated in FairyTail BaRRIER FRUIT OF BARTOLOMEO laluD_kebib

letiul_umanga · Komik
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29 Chs

X784,Alvarez Empire

Thinking this he went to Makarov

Makarov"Oh! Ryuji you also want to participate in the Festival?"

Ryuji"nope! i will be out for some roaming , as i heard an interesting news "

Makarov"what news, ?"

Ryuji"A stong opponent , Alvarez Empire"

Makarov shouted "''''''''no"

Ryuji "why gramps"

Makarov"dangerous "

Ryuji"knowing that I am going there, not to fight but to see around"

Makarov"It's beyond that, "

Ryuji"Gramps don't worry, I won't fight if not necessary and will retreat if I am at disadvantage"

Makarov"won't you think again?"

Ryuji"nope, I will go alone, this time Vice will be also practising alone"

Makarov"if you are so sure then, try not to get their attention and also if possible gather some minor news from there because that empire tried to attack Ishgar "

Ryuji"I know Gramps, even if they know fairytail , they won't know a little child anyway "

Makarov"be well and return soon "

Ryuji"okey, I will try to return soon but if it may be a bit late, then I want a communication way, so teach me how o contact Mest"

Makarov then taught Ryuji how to get To Mest

Makarov provided Jupiter shield for Ryuji

Makarov" it is another security for some second chance "

Saying this Jupiter was in his hand

But he turned around to Makarov, "Gramps don't worry, i have the biggest one "

Makarov"what really? "

Ryuji "I think its name was Etherion"

Makarov had his heart Stop

Makarov while stuttering "Etherion ?"

Ryuji "yes, not the full power but 40% of it I collected during the Tower of heaven "

Makarov"good good, you can go. but if possible don't use it "

Ryuji "okey but Gramps I don't know when I will be back so let be lit a fire on them "saying this he went to meet the Natsu team where he saw Juvia and Gajeel

Ryuji"Yo Natsu"

Natsu"oh! Ryuji thanks during the tower"

Ryuji "no problem, my mission was there "

Erza"mission, what sort of ?"

Ryuji"target Trinity Raven"

Erza"that is S-class "

Ryuji "Oh! Gramps hadn't told you yet, I am already s-class years ago "

Natsu "what ! that is a lie right ?"

Ryuji "nope "saying this he walked away

Natsu "jut you wait for Ryuji I will soon be s-class too "

Ryuji"when I return I hope you will be one "

This conversation was loud hence all guild member heard it Including Laxus

Laxus came over to Ryuji"Oh! you were also S-class but with this little magic power"

Ryuji turned to Laxus and to Makarov, there he saw no change in face of Makarov hence "you said little ?"

Laxus "ain't that so ?" and showed his smile

Ryuji "well I am going for a mission and will be a long one hence let me give you a service and to all who want to be S-class" saying this he unleashed all his magi power which was visibly seen as a colour of Greenish white

Ryuji "is this little Laxus?"

Laxus could not speak as this magic power was above to his

Then suddenly all the magic power was gone like a dream

Ryuji"okey Friends have a great time, I have an important Quest, may take months or year but I will be back, till then "saying this he walked out

But only Makarov knew that this mission was almost comparable to SS class or even 10-year quest

Ryuji after returning from Guildmet up with Vice

Ryuji" vice I will be going again alone"

Vice"we are a team, bring me too"

Ryuji"idiot, i need you here to protect them "

Vice "if you say so "

Ryuji thought for a while and spoke "well you can do as you wish after training for some months, Gildart will return, you will know him, he is the most irritating man for me so don't be close to him "

saying all these he went out for a journey,

Vice also went to meet his tigress and went to train

with all done, Ryuji took a ship to Alvarez empire while thinking "how strong the current Spriggan 12"

But he also knew that the current he has 50% chance to die if a real fight begins but how can he be called Unchained when he is Chained by the power of Spriggan.

And this 50% was counting the Etherion, he had with him if not the chance will be less than 30%

but he who fears will lose before the fight

the way to Empire was not hard but he had to go through the various little island and a new route which was not shown in the original story

so the time he took was more than 2 week

After arriving in the Alvarez kingdom he completely intakes the magic power without even letting a single bit and covered with a barrier

Also, he covered his Fairytail tattoo with his original ''Love" character

But Alvarez kingdom was the home of strong character hence a little magical fluctuation was obviously found by Augest and Irene but soon this fluctuation disappeared so they even more tried to search it, Irena even used sky eye but The barrier which could shield against all magic power and Haki to cover his presence helped hiM hence he narrowly escaped Irene.

The vast magical power of Irene truly scared Ryuji and Irene was even a dragon

so he again evaluated his chance of survival to 5% if Irene comes

but he didn't back down and live like a tourist in the kingdom, visiting the different place, guilds and even managed to enter the party of nobles

he was having a blast in the enemy's household.

but was also getting bored so he went far away from the kingdom and searched various famous Guild because from the past life he knew a famous term, That is Dojo hunt but in fairy tail it is Guild hunt

this was the first time Alcarez kingdom will be in huge security just because of a single human