
GTA: Vice city

Do you wanna be a gangster? A pornstar? A lawyer on the edge? How about a drug lord, a street racer, or a nightclub mogul? Step into the neon-lit chaos of Vice City, where every corner tells a story of power, betrayal, and ambition. Follow Tommy Vercetti's ruthless climb to control the criminal underworld. See through Lance Vance's eyes as he grapples with loyalty and a thirst for revenge. Walk in Candy Suxxx's stilettos as she fights to dominate the world of fame and exploitation. Ride the turbulent legal rollercoaster with Ken Rosenberg, a lawyer ensnared in the web of crime. Experience the empire-building ruthlessness of Ricardo Diaz, the merciless drug lord ruling the city's narcotics trade. Feel the adrenaline of Hilary King, the fearless street racer, as he conquers the asphalt. Immerse in the glittering nightlife with Kent Paul, the savvy music producer and nightclub kingpin. From opulent penthouses to gritty back alleys, from sun-soaked beaches to seedy nightclubs, each character's perspective adds a new dimension to the pulse-pounding life in Vice City. Welcome to GTA: Vice City—a saga of ambition, survival, and the relentless pursuit of the American Dream. Are you ready to dive into the chaos?

ETsnomx · Derivasi dari game
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71 Chs

Chapter 54: Explosive Measures

As you adjust your police cap, you steal a glance at Lance. "This could be our way to get close and handle the situation ourselves."

Lance nods, though you can see the tension in his eyes. You both climb into a patrol car, an older model with a green and white paint job and "City of Vice Police" emblazoned on the side. The interior smells of sweat and old leather, the radio crackling with constant updates from dispatch.

As you drive towards the North Point Mall, you can hear the urgency in the voices coming through the radio. "All units, we have a situation at the Tarbrush Café. Potential explosives. Bomb squad is en route. Secure the perimeter and await further instructions."

Upon arrival, the scene is chaotic, with police and military personnel swarming the area around the Tarbrush Café. You park the car and step out, keeping your head low but your posture confident. The flashing lights from numerous police vehicles create an almost surreal atmosphere, painting the scene in shades of blue and red.

As you approach, you hear a subordinate officer reporting to his superior. "Sir, the bomb squad is five minutes out. We've secured the perimeter, but there's still a lot of civilians inside the mall. We need to move fast."

The superior officer, a grizzled veteran with a stern expression, nods curtly. "Understood. We need to clear that café and make sure there are no secondary devices."

You and Lance exchange a quick glance before moving forward, trying to blend into the chaos. The officer in charge spots you and strides over, barking orders. "You two, get inside and start clearing out the civilians. We can't afford any casualties. Move it!"

You and Lance nod, moving towards the café entrance. The tension in the air is palpable, every officer on high alert. As you step inside, you see the café staff and customers huddled together, fear etched on their faces. The bomb squad hasn't arrived yet, and you realize this is your window of opportunity.

Lance whispers to you, "We need to make it look like we're helping, but we've got to find that bomb and handle it ourselves."

You nod, your eyes scanning the room. "Let's get to the back and see what we can find. Stick to the plan."

As you move through the café, directing civilians towards the exits, you finally spot the small, inconspicuous device hidden behind a counter. You crouch down, pretending to inspect it, while Lance keeps watch.

You pull out a small toolkit from your uniform pocket, carefully examining the bomb. It's a crude device but lethal nonetheless. Wires of various colors crisscross inside, attached to a digital timer that's counting down. You glance at your HUD in the contact lenses, noting your current weapon and remaining bullets. More importantly, you see a small icon indicating the presence of the bomb and a timer counting down rapidly.

"Keep an eye out, Lance," you whisper, your fingers deftly moving over the wires.

"Got it. Just hurry," Lance replies, his eyes scanning the room for any approaching officers.

You begin by snipping the blue wire, causing the timer to pause momentarily. Sweat beads on your forehead as you move to the red wire, carefully separating it from the others. The timer starts again, but you manage to pull it free just in time. The device beeps softly, indicating that it's temporarily disarmed.

"Okay, phase one complete," you mutter, your hands moving swiftly. You start rewiring the bomb, setting the timer to a new countdown of five seconds. This should give you just enough time to clear the area once it's rearmed. You work quickly, your heart pounding in your chest.

Just as you're about to finish, a civilian stumbles back into the café, sees the bomb, and lets out a blood-curdling scream. The noise attracts the attention of nearby officers. "What's going on here?" an officer shouts, drawing his weapon as he approaches.

Lance steps in, trying to divert attention. "Just a routine check. We've got it under control," he says, but the officer's suspicion is already piqued.

You glance at your HUD again, noticing your wanted level spiking to three stars. The civilian's scream and the officer's alert have caused the situation to escalate quickly. "Lance, we need to move now!" you hiss, reconnecting the final wire.

The officer, not convinced, radios for backup. "We need units at the Tarbrush Café immediately. Possible bomb threat in progress!"

"Everyone, clear the area now!" you shout, standing up and waving the civilians out. The urgency in your voice is unmistakable, and people start to panic, pushing their way out of the café.

The bomb's new timer starts ticking down. You and Lance make a dash for the exit, pushing through the chaos of fleeing civilians and frantic officers. The tension is palpable as the seconds tick away.

As you burst through the doors, the bomb explodes behind you, shattering windows and sending a shockwave through the mall. The force of the blast knocks you off your feet, but you quickly scramble up, dragging Lance with you.

Your HUD flashes, and you see your wanted level spike to five stars. The explosion has drawn the attention of the FBI, and black SUVs with flashing lights are already speeding towards the mall.

"We've got company!" Lance yells, pointing to the approaching vehicles.

"No time to lose," you shout back, sprinting towards your patrol car. You jump in, and Lance barely manages to close the door before you peel out, tires screeching.

The chase is on. Sirens wail as you weave through traffic, the mini map showing your position and the swarm of pursuing law enforcement. Bullets ping off the car, and you take sharp turns to throw off your pursuers.

"Hang on, Lance!" you shout, narrowly avoiding a roadblock.

The chase is on. Sirens wail as you weave through traffic, the mini map showing your position and the swarm of pursuing law enforcement. Bullets ping off the car, and you take sharp turns to throw off your pursuers. The streets of Vice City blur past in a chaotic mix of neon lights and speeding vehicles.

"Shit, Tommy! We've got the whole damn city on our tail!" Lance yells, glancing nervously in the side mirror at the fleet of police cars and FBI SUVs closing in.

"I can see that, Lance! Just keep your head down and let me drive!" you shout back, swerving to avoid an oncoming truck. The truck's horn blares, the driver shaking his fist angrily as you narrowly miss a collision.

Bullets continue to rain down on your car, shattering the rear window. "Damn it! They're relentless!" Lance curses, ducking as glass shards fly through the air.

"Hold on! I'm taking a shortcut!" you shout, spotting an alleyway up ahead. You yank the steering wheel to the right, sending the car skidding into the narrow passage. The walls of the buildings on either side scrape against the car's sides, sparks flying.

"Are you crazy? This alley's too tight!" Lance yells, gripping the dashboard for dear life.

"Just trust me!" you growl, focusing on the path ahead. You barrel through the alley, knocking over trash cans and narrowly avoiding parked cars. At the end of the alley, you burst out onto a main road, cutting off several cars in the process.

The sudden move confuses the pursuing officers momentarily, giving you a small lead. "There! We've got some breathing room!" Lance says, relief evident in his voice.

"Not for long. They're already regrouping," you mutter, glancing at the map on your vision. The swarm of flashing lights is closing in again. "We need to lose them for good."

You spot a construction site up ahead and get an idea. "Lance, hold on. We're going off-road!" you shout, steering the car towards the site.

"What? Are you out of your mind?" Lance yells, but there's no time for argument. You plow through the construction barrier, the car bouncing over the rough terrain. Dust and debris cloud the air as you navigate through half-built structures and piles of materials.

"Watch out for the crane!" Lance screams as a massive steel beam swings dangerously close to the car. You duck instinctively, swerving to avoid it.

"Keep your head down and let me drive, damn it!" you shout, gritting your teeth as you maneuver through the obstacles. The sound of sirens fades slightly, but you know it's only a temporary respite.

Bursting out of the construction site, you find yourself back on a main road, heading towards the outskirts of Vice City. The HUD shows a few police cars still in pursuit, but most have fallen behind.

"Looks like we've shaken most of them. Now let's get the hell out of here!" Lance says, breathing heavily.

You press the gas pedal to the floor, the engine roaring as you speed towards the Vercetti Estate. "We're not out of the woods yet, Lance. Keep your eyes peeled."

As you approach the estate, a final roadblock comes into view. "Shit! Roadblock ahead!" Lance yells.

"Hang on!" you shout, veering off the road and onto a dirt path that winds around the estate. The patrol car bounces violently on the uneven ground, but you manage to keep it under control.

"We're almost there!" Lance says, relief evident in his voice.

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