
Grimous: Magic awakened

In the world of Grim mana was the second oldest thing as their planet itself, it was an otherworldy energy able to bend reality to their will The gift of mana was only for a few and so the normal people hunt wizards and witches before they could ever grow Their mana was said to be the gift of the world and as destructive as it may be human ingenuity was only second in power These manaless created tools to extract a mage's mana by force known to be brutal and worst cases lead to death Garry Kettle was from a prominent family but everything turned south at age 10 when he awakens his mana

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


After Frederick's unexpected visit to Desarteou's walls, these two brothers were played by the warden herself. It wasn't long before his extraction was issued to be in three days on the night of a full moon with an audience of thousands. Having that altered record of their talk lessened his time and everything nigh impossible if only he hadn't come across a convict

'Darn it! They hasten your death sentence, everything is a wreck! Even if we have my crew you wouldn't have time to be enlightened. Screw you Umbler!! Never did I think this is how I'll die, it was already hard to conceal myself but everything went south!'

As Garry partakes in his prison meal he hears the voice of the convict he plotted with panicking in his boots


'Shush, shush shhhhh! Do you want to die? Talking to yourself as a normal person is one thing but as an Arcanist you'll die. Believe me when I say these people are as delirious as they are brutal. The moment they hear you talking to yourself they'll beat you and presumably break your bones. But it isn't odd, what you're experiencing now is somewhat like a mental communication,'

"If we can talk to each other like this does that mean you're an Arcanist? But I thought you said your crime was illegal migration, what part of this is gaining my trust? You're more or less driving me into a valley of doubt," He mumbled and proceeds to dine in the remainder of his dish

'Kid if im an Arcanist I would've been dead... look at me, im old. There's no way they'll wait until I cast my spell, they would've cuffed me a long time ago. They have a special restraint personally designed to weaken an Arcanist. But in you're case it's special, the sudden awakening shortly opens your latent potential, let's say they cuffed you... the abundance of mana that restraint will absorb will result in a bomb. Because of that the next best option was to cripple you so there wouldn't be any mishap,'

"What you mean to say im like a car? Because im new you can feel the difference in my volume. Not yet tuned or modified but the engine is freshly started and began a roaring sound,"

'Exactly! Even if you're brand new the fact that everything is new means that the mana has yet to rest. That means it's currently circulating at such an incredible rate that you can't ever imagine. Normally you'd feel unnatural when you awaken but there are cases where it's physically visible. If that was the case then it means you have a great future in becoming a Wizard,'

"Wait... we're not going anywhere if we talk like this! What do you mean by I need to be 'Enlightened' is there something like a procedure? I need to escape this prison, im worried about what they'll do to my family!!"

'Don't be, the worst thing they could ever do to your family is to ridicule you by compensating for your death. You're from a noble lineage so to appease the rage of other nobility they'll reward your house. Didn't you say something about your brother turning you in? That's good, that'll give them a positive view from the nobles. You do understand that you're more hated than the people who's often been the target of racism?'

"... really? That's a relief. At the very least I needn't worry about that Hag. The warden was strangely frightening, what did she do? Even I felt goosebumps after seeing that twisted grandma,"

'Umbler? She's one of the few people, you know the ones you called 'Catalyst' people insinuated with drugs. Their bodies can transfigure to a monstrous form and what's more unsettling us they wield metallic rods. A contraption that can harness mana and store them for later use. Each rod has a unique ability and Umbler is one of the few that has no information about her rod. Even so, I felt her shake when he came face to face with you, there must be a reason why they want to hasten your death?'

Garry racks his head after finishing his meal and pieces every little detail from his origin, status, and even education. Suddenly he rubbed his chin and laugh after uncovering the old day's worries. Apart from the other awakened, there was a difference in how they were treated and that was his noble lineage

"Mr. Convict is education free of charge in your place?"

'Stop calling me a convict! But yes, education is free... anyone can choose to be wise if they wish to be. Why do you ask? Wait... why are you laughing? Arcanist what the hell are you plotting, hey answer me, I need to know!!?'

Garry finally stands on his own after playing a criplle for two whole days and the first thing he did was broaden his gap with the bars. "I understand now... Arcanists can do the impossible because they mutter gibberish they call spells. But what if it's but a formula to assemble a reaction, the commoners can only learn a few subjects, Grimlish, Mathematics, and history,"

He caught the attention of the guards as they saw him walk. "It's the Arcanists! Stop him!!!"

'What are you doing!!? You just ruined my plan, have you gone insane? What's the point of giving me a history lesson when you're about to die!!?'

"History lesson? This is but the truth... this current age is prejudiced against the poor, and they made it so the poor will remain weak as they grew. Only nobles can learn every subject, and that includes the miracles of Science!!"

As the guards were opening his cell Garry went on a stance and raise his right arm and position his left palm support to his shoulder. He takes a deep breath and recalls the teachings he learned. He rubbed his fingers nicely and formed heat and then the abundance of air slowly crept to his palms

"Flesh isn't flammable but if I use my cloth as a medium and produce heat, the abundance of air and rising temperature... I can produce fire! I just need a fuse!!"

He snapped his fingers upon focusing his intent on his fingers and the mana emits its radiating glow. The energy from within merged with his experiment and from but a little reaction it was enhanced to an explosion. His ears rang like crazy and as he opened his eyes the busted cell and the smell of the burning corpse crawled to his nozzle


He vomited after witnessing the sight of the death of his doing and as he was about to escape a figure appeared. He was gently raised from the ground and his mouth swabbed with a cloth before he heard his voice. He stands on his own and sees the man with a grin on his face, and before anything else, he raised the question

"What did you just do? Y-you just gain an insight into the element of fire? I could feel it... the mana inside you has recorded the element. Even without a medium, as long as you have the slightest thought of fire it'll appear. But it gets hard so you might need, a trigger word, try saying Flick,"

His body was fine but his mind and soul were exhausted by the very manifestation of the flames. He raises his finger and snapped again along with saying his trigger word and a flicker of flame arises in his tip. He chuckles after and right he sighs in relief when his plan came to work in his time of need

"Enlightenment you say? This is just an introduction to chemistry–"

His body plunged and was caught by the arms of the man and before they could leave a few shadows appeared before their back. "How's it going boss? A bet is a bet, I knew you had something in your sleeve. Never thought you'd meet a peculiar child. I'll give you the money once were home,"

The disguise he had shifted and his face along with his clothing changed as his ears grew and his skin glimmered. He was a descendant of a bunch of Arcanists that became one with the forest and so their race came to be. Blonde hair, long ears, and a face mask in a beauty many had sought to gain, descendants of nature Arcanist the Elves

"Where's the rest? Oh, don't tell me they're heavily guarded? Not to worry, we have the most destructive thing in our palms. Even if we're not gifted in terms of magic, we have this little fellow!"